-A wonderful refreshing letter someone sent me- i look back on - TopicsExpress


-A wonderful refreshing letter someone sent me- i look back on everything that i used to believe and the fact that i really wanted to kill myself over THAT and i think its ridiculous but at the time i was so depressed and living in my emotions which can cause a person to be quite delusional and ridiculous in thinking. in my personal opinion, i think that the problem is people are ignorant and narrow minded. they also think they that know everything and that schools and scientists never lie. people support this flawed system by using money which is what the system is built on and following what the media says. i think there are many things that are messed up but the thing is that very few people actually care enough to do something about it and i admit that its really hard to do something about it because almost everything you do is bad for the planet in some way. its a messed up world that we live in and i think that humans will be extinct very soon. its just a matter of time. these are just my observations. no one had to tell me these things to get me to see it. its really hard to trust a lot of the new age leaders they might be trying to get rich and famous off pumping out a lot of bullshit that THEY believe to be right. im open to all the possibilities because i know that at one time i really thought with all my heart that jesus was real and now i know that was a lie so the starseed thing could very well be a lie too. i just dont know anything for sure and i agree with you that its unhealthy to cling so strongly to that identity because it might be totally false and once you find out its false, it can crush you so badly to the point where you wont know who you are or what to do with your life. i just identified with the signs of one and therefore said oh yes, thats me for sure but then again it could just be imaginary or some sort of weird thing that a person decided to make up that insecure, shy, intuitive and odd people like to follow. ive always been able to see things but i dont know if thats because im schizophrenic/imagining things or if its because im clairvoyant like they say. i mean, ive had many psychic moments but ive also been wrong about many things so its kinda up in the air about the whole thing and whether or not its real. i just dont know anything for sure is what im trying to say. i think that people dont like to be alone with their thoughts because it forces them to actually get to know themselves. people like to follow whatever the media says instead of formulating their own opinions all because of FEAR of ridicule and being called weird. i just want people to think for themselves. what i meant by our thoughts create our reality is that we see what we want to see....lets say i meet this guy and this guy just so happened to be everything i ever wanted on the surface and so my mind starts making up all these stupid things and saying omg, he was sent to me by God. this is the guy. i cannot lose him and i become so obsessed with him to the point where i want to kill myself if he doesnt want me and it turns out that hes just this average joe that i randomly came in contact with. i know that our thoughts create our reality was not the right phrase to use, its just all i could come up with at the moment. i honestly dont believe in the Law of attraction and i have tried it honestly. i think that it works only because you become so tenacious about getting what you want or you have those coincidental moments that causes you to think omg! it actually worked!. we are all subjective to our own experience and belief system. because i know this, i am open minded to what others have experienced and believe. that doesnt mean that i agree with them. it just means that i try to at least understand where they are coming from. if you are attacking their belief systems, they are going to attack you because they feel like you are attacking THEM. yeah i totally understand what you are saying. its terrible to find out that your beliefs are not true because you feel like a HUGE part of you is DYING and then you have to ask yourself, well. what is the truth? what do i do now? thats what happened to me when i started finding out the truth about jesus and religion. i felt angry, betrayed, and i hated life because i felt like whats the point? i have no God to protect me. i have nothing to look forward to after i die. i like it that you do not hold onto anything. it really isnt safe to. thats something that i realized but yes the starseed thing really helped me open my mind up but i know that that is also something that is not good to hold onto either because it might be an illusion. i think that you have your true friends now honestly. people followed you in the past because they liked it that you agreed with their beliefs and now that you no longer agree with their beliefs, they dont want anything to do with you and will go as far to say that you are evil. it goes back to the saying, dont judge what you cant understand. i like to get to know people instead of just listening to what people say about them. love and light my ass. lol thats like the jesus followers who judge and condemn others.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 02:55:41 +0000

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