-ABADDON- Sets Arsenal of the Demonic Vessel with LScreen - TopicsExpress


-ABADDON- Sets Arsenal of the Demonic Vessel with LScreen ₱400.00 Sermon of the Frozen Apostle ₱260.00 Anointed Armor of Ruination ₱40.00 Darkness Wanderers Armor ₱40.00 Others - Single Item Mace of the Chosen (Immortal) ₱190.00 Phantoms Reaper ₱90.00 Genuine Dreadsteed of Avernus ₱70.00 Frozen Hollow Ripper ₱60.00 Frozen Iceshard ₱60.00 Genuine Mistbreaker ₱40.00 Emissarys Blade ₱40.00 Genuine Soulhoof ₱40.00 Mistblade ₱40.00 Demon Edge ₱40.00 -ALCHEMIST- Sets Formed Alloy Set ₱360.00 Alchemy Essentials ₱80.00 The Convicts Trophies with LScreen ₱60.00 Toxic Siege Armor ₱50.00 Caustic Steel ₱40.00 Others - Single Item Prisoners Anchor ₱260.00 Genuine Prisoners Anchor ₱140.00 Broken Shackles ₱180.00 Genuine Broken Shackles ₱130.00 -ANTIMAGE- Sets Spoils from the Shifting Sorcerer ₱370.00 The Gifts of Yoskreth ₱100.00 Acolyte of Vengeance with LScreen ₱110.00 The Witch Hunter with LScreen ₱90.00 Legacy of the Awakened with LSreen ₱70.00 The Mage Slayer ₱60.00 The Clergy Ascetic ₱40.00 Nomad Protector ₱40.00 Others - Single Item Arcs of Manta ₱310.00 Taunt: The Magic Ends Here ₱40.00 -AXE- Sets Harbinger of War with LScreen ₱400.00 Forged in Demons Blood ₱130.00 Red Mist Reaper ₱80.00 Armor of the Saberhorn ₱60.00 The Axecutioner ₱40.00 Bloodmist Armor ₱30.00 The Red Conqueror Set ₱30.00 The Defiant Axe ₱30.00 The Forgemasters Tools ₱30.00 The Berserkers Blood ₱30.00 Heavy Steel Armor ₱30.00 Others - Single Item Wyvernguard Edge ₱1090.00 Genuine Wyvernguard Edge ₱1060.00 Little Blink Dagger ₱90.00 Corruptor ₱70.00 Taunt: Come and Get It! ₱50.00 Rampant Outrage (Immortal) ₱50.00 Corpsemaker ₱40.00 Berserkers Nethersteel Barbute ₱30.00 -BATRIDER- Sets Flamestitched Suitings ₱40.00 The Rough Rider of Yama Raskav ₱110.00 Firestarter with LScreen ₱140.00 Others - Single Item Feral the Werebat (Mythical) ₱10.00 Bessy the Batmeleon (Legendary) ₱110.00 Big Bad Bandana (Mythical) ₱40.00 Dreaded Forgewing (Mythical) ₱160.00 Genuine Dreaded Forgewing (Mythical) ₱430.00 Vingspan (Mythical) ₱30.00 -BEASTMASTER- Sets The Tribal Stone ₱50.00 The Custom of Karroch ₱40.00 Gear of the Red Talon ₱70.00 Friend of the West ₱60.00 Others - Single Item Beast of Vermilion Wilds (Mythical) ₱50.00 Anunkasan (Mythical) ₱40.00 -BLOODSEEKER- Sets Ardor of the Scarlet Raven ₱60.00 The Gallows Understudy ₱60.00 Ritual Garb of the Seeker ₱40.00 The Bonehunter ₱70.00 Wrath of the Blood Covenant ₱100.00 Tribal Terror with LScreen ₱100.00 -BOUNTY HUNTER- Sets Second Disciple ₱50.00 Hunter of the Blood Stained Sands ₱70.00 The Crimson Cut-throat ₱80.00 Hunter in Distant Sands ₱60.00 Master Assassin ₱80.00 Corruption Set ₱290.00 Djinn Slayer Set with LScreen ₱370.00 Twin Blades Assassin with LScreen ₱610.00 Hunter with No Name with LScreen ₱100.00 Others - Single Item Wraps of the Seasoned Veteran (Rare) ₱50.00 Flying Desolation (Rare) ₱170.00 Dark Tracer (Rare) ₱70.00 -BREWMASTER- Sets The Drunken Warlord ₱100.00 Red Dragon Set ₱460.00 Others - Single Item Flail of the Great Elder (Mythical) ₱80.00 Vice of the West (Mythical) ₱50.00 Aghanims Basher (Rare) ₱310.00 Flail of the Drunken Cask (Rare) ₱40.00 Elixir of Dragons Breath (Immortal) ₱170.00 -BRISTLEBACK- Sets Emerald Frenzy ₱50.00 Heavy Barbed Armor ₱50.00 Debts of the Nightwatchman ₱130.00 Others - Single Item Rigwarls Spiny Demeanor (Rare) ₱30.00 Thorned Mane (Rare) ₱30.00 -BROODMOTHER- Sets Webs of Perception with LScreen ₱70.00 Steelweb of Pytheos ₱40.00 Web of Thorns ₱40.00 The Brood Queen ₱40.00 Others - Single Item Taunt: Spider Shuffle (Rare) ₱30.00 -CENTAUR- Sets Warrior of the Steppe ₱40.00 The Conquering Tyrant ₱40.00 Weight of Omexe ₱70.00 Relentless Warbringer with LScreen ₱110.00 Warlord of Hell ₱2,190.00 Unbroken Stallion with LScreen and Cursor Pack ₱370.00 Others - Single Item Horned Mother (Mythical) ₱50.00 -CHAOS KNIGHT- Sets Arms of Burning Turmoil ₱110.00 Embers of Endless Havoc ₱50.00 Dark Ruin Set ₱90.00 Genuine Entropic Battlegear of the Warrider ₱1,130.00 The Hounds of Chaos ₱40.00 Rising Chaos ₱60.00 Others - Single Item Helmet of Infernal Despair (Mythical) ₱50.00 Genuine Chaos Knights Armlet of Mordiggian (Mythical) ₱210.00 -CHEN- Sets Wings of Obelis ₱50.00 Gemmed Armor of the Priest Kings ₱60.00 Arms of the Penitent Nomad ₱40.00 The Desert Gale ₱40.00 Others - Single Item Buttercup (Mythical) ₱60.00 Buttercups Barding (Mythical) ₱60.00 -CLINKZ- Sets Tools of the Lost Hills ₱60.00 Crypt Guardian ₱80.00 The Demonic Vandal ₱50.00 -CLOCKWERK- Sets Clock Master with LScreen ₱270.00 Mortar Forge with LScreen ₱160.00 Artisan of Havoc with LScreen ₱190.00 Genuine Promo Artisan of Havoc with LScreen ₱1,180.00 Others Clockwerk Announcer Pack (with Telebolt Projektor) ₱380.00 Scrappers Helm (Rare) ₱40.00 -CRYSTAL MAIDEN- Sets Frozen Feather ₱40.00 Glacier Duster Set ₱230.00 Heart of the North ₱40.00 Frostiron Sorceress ₱50.00 Winter Snowdrop ₱40.00 Regalia of the Crystalline Queen ₱70.00 Ensemble of the Crystalline Comet with LScreen ₱100.00 Others - Single Item Genuine Sceptre of Icewrack ₱2,130.00 Frost Owls Beacon ₱190.00 Genuine Frost Owls Beacon ₱120.00 White Sentry (Immortal) ₱140.00 Blueheart Tails ₱100.00 Winter Solstice Fashion ₱90.00 Taunt: Beautiful Snowangel ₱50.00 Yulsarias Glacier (Immortal) with Kinetic ₱50.00 Luscious Locks ₱30.00 -DARK SEER- Sets The Seers Command ₱40.00 The Aqwanderer ₱60.00 Gombangdae Dosa ₱1,890.00 Imperial Relics with LScreen ₱80.00 -DAZZLE- Sets Yuwipi with LScreen ₱120.00 Ancestral Trappings ₱90.00 Ritual Garb of the Father Spirits ₱80.00 Shadow Flame ₱880.00 Genuine Shadow Flame with LScreen ₱1,310.00 -DEATH PROPHET- Sets Regalia of the Mortal Coil ₱50.00 Augurs Curse ₱50.00 Gifts from the Gloom ₱100.00 The Corpse Maiden ₱50.00 The Bone Scryer ₱40.00 Foretellers Robes ₱40.00 Witch of the Outlands ₱90.00 The Mourning Mother with LScreen ₱60.00 Others - Single Item Crown of the Death Priestess ₱340.00 Genuine Crown of the Death Priestess ₱200.00 Fluttering Mortis (Immortal) with Kinetic ₱70.00 Soothsayers Spectral Strands (Rare) ₱40.00 Heretic Enclave (Rare) ₱30.00 -DISRUPTOR- Sets Rider of the Storm ₱150.00 Tempests Wrath with LScreen ₱70.00 Warrior of the Stormlands with LScreen ₱250.00 Static Lord with LScreen ₱70.00 Rage of the Three with LScreen ₱200.00 Others - Single Item Grull the Grim Walker (Mythical) ₱50.00 Mokkin, the Ancient Conductor (Mythical) ₱50.00 -DOOM- Sets Impending Transgressions ₱50.00 The Burden of Eleven Curses ₱70.00 Apocalyptic Fire ₱60.00 Incantation of Hell ₱90.00 Crown of Hells with Kinetic Gem + LScreen ₱110.00 Eternal Fire with LScreen ₱150.00 Others - Single Item Eye of Omoz (Mythical) ₱280.00 Eye of Omoz (Mythical) with Kinetic Gem ₱380.00 Genuine Burning Fiend (Rare) ₱2,670.00 -DRAGON KNIGHT- Sets Bones of the Slain Dragon ₱210.00 Armor of Sir Davion ₱50.00 Fire-Blessed Mail of the Drake ₱70.00 Uldoraks Hide ₱40.00 Enchanted Plate of the Crimson Wyvern ₱100.00 Fire Tribunal with Tounament Ticket ₱290.00 The Blazing Superiority with LScreen ₱150.00 Dragons Ascension with LScreen ₱210.00 Genuine Promo Dragons Ascension ₱1000.00 Fire Dragon of Doom with LScreen ₱570.00 Others - Single Item Crest of the Wyrm Lords (Mythical) ₱450.00 Genuine Crest of the Wyrm Lords (Mythical) ₱650.00 Frozen Salamanders Fang (Rare) ₱70.00 Ashtongue (Rare) ₱50.00 Ashtongue (Rare) with Kinetic Gem ₱180.00 Kindred of the Iron Dragon (Immortal) ₱130.00 Genuine Heavy Wingblade (Rare) ₱2,970.00 -DROW- Sets Gifts of the Shadowcat ₱40.00 Jewel of the Forest ₱40.00 The Boreal Watch ₱130.00 Spikes of Frost ₱40.00 Sylvan Guards Finery ₱50.00 Genuine Tools of the Master Thief ₱210.00 Sentinel ₱50.00 Genuine Black Wind Raven ₱2,560.00 Others - Single Item Bow of the Howling Wind (Mythical) ₱820.00 Genuine Bow of the Howling Wind(Mythical) ₱850.00 Steamcape (Mythical) ₱620.00 Genuine Steamcape (Mythical) ₱1,650.00 Taunt: Keep an Ear Out ₱40.00 Genuine Shade of the Ranger (Rare) ₱90.00 Lone Travelers Beret ₱100.00 Manias Mask (Immortal) ₱190.00 Bow of the Lone Traveler (Rare) ₱160.00 -EARTH SPIRIT- Sets Strength of the Demon Stone with LScreen ₱80.00 Vanquishing Demons General with LScreen ₱130.00 Bedrock Serenity ₱240.00 New Release! Others - Single Item Stone Dragon Soul (Rare) ₱40.00 -EARTHSHAKER- Sets Golden Reel Guardian ₱70.00 Forest Hermit ₱40.00 Stoneshard Majesty ₱40.00 Bindings of Deep Magma with LScreen ₱310.00 Guardian of the Red Mountain ₱200.00 Samurai Soul ₱210.00 Others - Single Item Stoneforged Horns (Mythical) ₱310.00 Dragon Horse Spirit Totem (Mythical) ₱50.00 Gravelmaw (Immortal) ₱180.00 -ELDER TITAN- Sets Worldforger with LScreen ₱90.00 The World Splitter with LScreen ₱50.00 -EMBER SPIRIT- Sets Flames of Prosperity with LScreen ₱60.00 Mentor of the High Plains with LScreen ₱200.00 Blaze Armor with LScreen ₱350.00 Others - Single Item Ember Spirits Hat (Legendary) ₱210.00 Fortunes Coin (Rare) ₱40.00 Governors Salakot (Legendary) ₱1,990.00 Purifier Ember Sword Set ₱200.00 -ENCHANTRESS- Sets Araceaes Tribute ₱50.00 Aspects of Summer ₱50.00 Blessings of the Wildkin ₱50.00 Amberlight Raiment with LScreen ₱60.00 Others - Single Item Flourishing Lodestar ₱90.00 -ENIGMA- Others - Single Item Geodesic Eidolon (Immortal) ₱140.00 -FACELESS VOID- Sets The Tentacular Timelord with Kinetic Gem ₱60.00 Viridi Inanitas ₱70.00 Acolyte of Clasz ₱120.00 Chronite Defense ₱100.00 The Dials of Claszureme ₱50.00 Ancient Cultist ₱40.00 Others - Single Item Battlefury (Legendary) ₱3,260.00 Genuine Battlefury (Legendary) ₱4,200.00 Elder Timebreaker (Immortal) ₱4,720.00 Voidhammer (Mythical) ₱570.00 -GYROCOPTER- Sets Armaments of the Dragon Emperor ₱50.00 Sky-High Warship with LScreen ₱150.00 Rainmaker MK.VII ₱520.00 New Release! -HUSKAR- Sets The Sacred Bones ₱90.00 The Obsidian Blade ₱90.00 -INVOKER- Sets Iceforged ₱80.00 Mnemonus Arcanus ₱40.00 The Fires of Exort ₱40.00 The Magus Magnus ₱110.00 The Cabalist of Dark Magic ₱60.00 Garbs of the Eastern Range with LScreen ₱70.00 Vestige of the Arsenal Magus with LScreen ₱110.00 Sempiternal Revelations ₱230.00 Genuine Adornings of the Quas Precor ₱410.00 Cadenza Magic Master with LScreen ₱140.00 Sinister Lightning with LScreen ₱590.00 Others - Single Item Heaven-Piercing Pauldrons (Mythical) ₱1,450.00 Genuine Heaven-Piercing Pauldrons (Mythical) ₱1,490.00 Grievous Ingots (Mythical) ₱380.00 -JUGGERNAUT- Sets The Exiled Ronin ₱60.00 Arms of the Gwimyeon Warrior ₱60.00 Thousand Faces ₱180.00 Wandering Demon of the Plains ₱60.00 Gifts of the Vanished Isle ₱380.00 Bladesrunner ₱470.00 Balance of the Bladekeeper with LScreen ₱510.00 New Release! Others - Single Item Taunt: Sharp Blade (Mythical) ₱50.00 Taunt: For Death and Honor (Rare) ₱40.00 Fireborn Odachi (Mythical) ₱170.00 Fireborn Odachi (Mythical) with Kinetic Gem ₱270.00 Genuine Kantusa the Script Sword (Mythical) ₱3,340.00 Healing Ward of the Kuur-Ishiminari (Rare) ₱80.00 Dragon Sword (Mythical) ₱540.00 Genuine Dragon Sword (Mythical) ₱570.00 Healing Fount of the Lost Isles (Rare) ₱50.00 Battle Banner of the Masked (Rare) ₱130.00 Blade of the Jade Serpent (Uncommon) ₱30.00 Genuine Blade of the Jade Serpent (Uncommon) ₱160.00 -KEEPER OF THE LIGHT- Sets Keeper of the Northlight ₱50.00 Dressings of the First Light ₱50.00 Attributes of the Foretold ₱90.00 Empowered Vestments of the Gods ₱110.00 Others - Single Item Arcane Staff of the Ancients (Legendary) with Kinetic ₱180.00 Heaven Sent (Rare) ₱50.00 Heaven Sent (Rare) with Kinetic Gem ₱180.00 -KUNKKA- Sets Artillery of the Crested Cannoneer ₱380.00 Armaments of Leviathan ₱70.00 Instruments of the Claddish Voyager ₱60.00 The Steadfast Voyager ₱60.00 The Admirable Admiral ₱40.00 The Commendable Commodore ₱50.00 Claddish Renegade ₱250.00 Bestowments of the Divine Anchor with LScreen ₱400.00 Others - Single Item Finblade (Mythical) ₱70.00 Leviathan Whale Blade (Immortal) ₱350.00 Kunkkas Shadow Blade (Mythical) ₱1,230.00 Genuine Kunkkas Shadow Blade (Mythical) ₱840.00 Bladebiter (Mythical) ₱180.00 Bladebiter (Mythical) with Kinetic Gem ₱310.00 Genuine Bladebiter (Mythical) ₱250.00 Genuine Bladebiter (Mythical) with Kinetic Gem ₱340.00 Plunder of the High Seas (Mythical) ₱140.00 Aged Spirit of Tide ₱90.00 Inverse Bayonet (Immortal) ₱140.00 -LEGION COMMANDER- Sets Stonehall Royal Guard with LScreen ₱150.00 Commander of the Dragon Guard with LScreen ₱70.00 Equine Emissary with LScreen ₱100.00 Flight of the Valkyrie with LScreen ₱60.00 Immortal Pride with LScreen ₱250.00 Others - Single Item Blades of Voth Domosh (Arcana) with Duelist Gem ₱1,650.00 Genuine Duelists Greatsword (Rare) ₱150.00 -LESHRAC- Sets The Thorns of Sundering ₱50.00 Twisted Wisdom ₱60.00 -LICH- Sets Eldritch Ice ₱100.00 Dead Winter ₱140.00 Frozen Star with LScreen ₱120.00 Frozen Star with LScreen & Tournament Ticket ₱470.00 Sorcerer of the Black Pool with LScreen ₱470.00 New Release! -LIFESTEALER- Sets Trappings of the Ravenous Fiend with LScreen ₱70.00 Redrage Crawler with LScreen ₱330.00 Transmuted Armaments with LScreen ₱130.00 Bonds of Madness Set ₱470.00 -LINA- Sets The Bright Moon of Joseon ₱50.00 Ember Crane with LScreen ₱330.00 Fashion of the Scorching Princess ₱50.00 Garments of the Charred Bloodline ₱50.00 The Battle Caster ₱60.00 Light of the Solar Divine ₱60.00 Everlasting Heat with LScreen ₱90.00 Dragonfire with LScreen ₱50.00 Others - Single Item Fiery Soul of the Slayer (Arcana) ₱990.00 Taunt: Get Burned (Mythical) ₱40.00 -LION- Sets Hells Ambassador ₱110.00 Tools of the Demon Witch ₱110.00 Curse of the Malignant Corruption ₱70.00 Others - Single Item Frozen Infernal Rams Horns ₱230.00 Demonic Collar (Rare) ₱70.00 Fin Kings Charm (Immortal) ₱50.00 Gauntlet of the Treacherous Demon ₱30.00 -LONE DRUID- Sets The Atniws Fury ₱80.00 Tools of the Haruspex ₱70.00 The Iron Claw with LScreen ₱210.00 The Wolf Hunter with LScreen ₱140.00 Others - Single Item Cauldron of Xahryx (Immortal) ₱150.00 Genuine Form of the Onyx Grove(Mythical) ₱130.00 -LUNA- Sets Blessings of the Eternal Eclipse ₱80.00 Flight of the Crescent Moon ₱80.00 Starrider of the Crescent Steel ₱70.00 Blessings of Lucentyr ₱210.00 Dusklight Marauder with LScreen ₱480.00 New Release! Others - Single Item Midnight Locks (Mythical) ₱140.00 Moonriders Lucent Headdress (Rare) ₱30.00 -LYCAN- Sets The Great Grey ₱130.00 Armor of the Sanguine Moon ₱150.00 The Hunter of Kings ₱480.00 Others - Single Item Curse of the New Season (Rare) ₱40.00 Form of the Great Calamity (Mythical) ₱80.00 Icewrack Pack ₱80.00 -MAGNUS- Sets Defender of Matriarch with LScreen ₱110.00 War-Vestments of the Magnoceri ₱90.00 The Engulfing Spike with LScreen ₱50.00 -MEDUSA- Sets The Forsaken Beauty ₱100.00 Others - Single Item Twin Serpent Bow (Mythical) ₱180.00 -MEEPO- Sets Spoils of the Bone Ruins ₱80.00 The Riftshadow Roamer ₱110.00 Crystal Scavenger with LScreen ₱120.00 Spelunkers Haul ₱240.00 New Release! -MIRANA- Sets Dawn of the Moon ₱200.00 Crescent with LScreen ₱170.00 The Moon Rider ₱160.00 Snowstorm Huntress with LScreen ₱140.00 Garments of the Nightsilver Sentinel ₱50.00 Starlight ₱40.00 Gifts of the Heavenly Guardian with LScreen ₱40.00 Others - Single Item Genuine Nightsilver Gryphon ₱7,990.00 Ormr the Lunar Dragon ₱60.00 Sapphire Sabre-Lynx ₱240.00 New Release! -MORPHLING- Sets Ancient Armor ₱50.00 Gift of the Sea ₱50.00 Luminary of the Dreadful Abyss ₱30.00 Bindings of Frost ₱50.00 Birots Bindings ₱50.00 Shards of the Falling Comet ₱30.00 Direstone Bindings ₱40.00 Others - Single Item Blade of Tears (Immortal) ₱290.00 Shoulders of the Comets Tail ₱50.00 Crown of the Comets Tail ₱100.00 -NAGA SIREN- Sets Outcast of the Deep ₱50.00 The Slithereen Knight ₱40.00 The Slithereen Exile ₱100.00 Designs of the Slithereen Nobility Set ₱70.00 Garb of the Consuming Tides ₱50.00 Treasure of the Deep with LScreen ₱130.00 The Iceborn Trinity with LScreen ₱80.00 -NATURE PROPHET- Sets Fungal Lord ₱50.00 Birds Stone ₱30.00 Woodland Outcast ₱30.00 Garments of the Peace-Bringer ₱90.00 The Regal Forest Lord ₱40.00 Scion of the Savage ₱30.00 Heartwood Vanguard ₱30.00 Master of Beast and Bole ₱30.00 Guardian of the Eternal Season with LScreen ₱30.00 Sovereign of the Woodlands ₱360.00 Primeval Prophet with LScreen ₱70.00 Father of the Forest with LScreen ₱50.00 Others - Single Item Scythe of Vyse (Mythical) ₱2,250 Genuine Scythe of Vyse (Mythical) ₱2,180.00 Scythe of Ice (Legendary) ₱3,980 Flowering Treant (Mythical) ₱350.00 Genuine Flowering Treant (Mythical) ₱340.00 Hallowed Horde (Mythical) ₱120.00 Evergreen Stalker (Mythical) ₱50.00 Call of the Dendrochron (Mythical) ₱40.00 Taunt: Shredding the Lute Invisible (Mythical) ₱40.00 Taunt: Victory Jig (Rare) ₱40.00 Shroomling (Mythical) ₱70.00 -NECROPHOS- Sets Vestments of the Ten Plagues ₱60.00 Relics of the Putrid Pontiff with Kinetic Gem ₱80.00 Immemorial Emperor with LScreen ₱60.00 Robes of the Heretic with LScreen ₱80.00 Others - Single Item Scythe of Pestilence (Mythical) ₱50.00 -NYX ASSASSIN- Sets Shadow Hunter ₱100.00 Chosen Larva Set ₱50.00 Sacred Orb ₱50.00 Alpha Predator ₱50.00 Carapace of the Hidden Hive ₱80.00 Cicatrix Regalia with LScreen ₱110.00 Others - Single Item Nyx Assassins Dagon (Mythical) ₱960.00 Genuine Nyx Assassins Dagon (Mythical) ₱650.00 -OGRE MAGI- Sets Ancestral Luck ₱60.00 -OMNIKNIGHT- Sets The Hierophants Protection ₱60.00 Armor of Renewed Faith ₱30.00 Thunderwraths Calling ₱80.00 Wings of the Paladin ₱70.00 Armor of the Stalwart Soul with LScreen ₱100.00 Heavenly Light Set ₱250.00 New Release! -OUTWORLD DEVOURER- Sets Dragon Forged ₱40.00 Harbinger of the Inauspicious Abyss ₱70.00 Sentinel of the Lucent Gate with LScreen ₱60.00 Obsidian Guard with LScreen ₱40.00 -PHANTOM ASSASSIN- Sets Dread of the Gleaming Seal ₱220.00 Penumbral Vesture ₱210.00 The Nimble Edge ₱210.00 Dragonterror with LScreen ₱120.00 Dame de Carreau with LScreen ₱110.00 Dark Wraith ₱60.00 Manifold Paradox Bundle (Arcana) ₱1,490.00 New Release! Others - Single Item Genuine Hells Guide ₱14,370.00 Gloomblade ₱90.00 -PHANTOM LANCER- Sets Jewels of Teardrop Ice ₱60.00 Honors of the Golden Mane ₱30.00 Revered Arms ₱30.00 Arms of the Bramble Lord ₱70.00 Ancestors Pride ₱80.00 Noble Warrior Set with Tournament Ticket ₱480.00 Vestments of the Infinite Waves with LScreen ₱80.00 Vengeance of the Sunwarrior with LScreen ₱280.00 Others - Single Item Diffusal Lance ₱60.00 -PUCK- Sets Mischievous Dragon with LScreen ₱80.00 Mystic Coils with LScreen ₱270.00 Reminiscence of Dreams with LScreen ₱280.00 Eternal Nymph with LScreen ₱50.00 Others - Single Item Aether-Wings (Mythical) ₱280.00 Genuine Aether-Wings (Mythical) ₱340.00 Ethereal Wings ₱200.00 Merry Wanderers Brush (Immortal) ₱50.00 Genuine Mischievous Fruits (Rare) ₱30.00 -PUDGE- Sets The Butchers Broilers ₱80.00 The Ol Chopper ₱60.00 Tools of the Mad Harvester Set ₱120.00 Delicacies of Butchery with LScreen ₱70.00 Gladiators Revenge ₱390.00 Gladiators Revenge Set with Tounament Ticket ₱490.00 Chains of the Black Death with LScreen (fully unlocked) ₱510.00 Chains of the Black Death with LScreen (locked) ₱320.00 Murder of Crows with LScreen + Kinetic ₱290.00 Genuine Murder of Crows with LScreen + Kinetic ₱370.00 Scavenger of the Basilisk ₱390.00 New Release! Others - Single Item Dragonclaw Hook (Immortal) ₱8,990.00 Whalehook (Immortal) ₱320.00 Bloodstained Britches (Rare) ₱320.00 Rotten Stache (Legendary) ₱2,850.00 Heavy Tenderizer (Rare) ₱80.00 Hook of the Sorrowful Prey (Mythical) ₱260.00 Taunt: Shake Your Money (Mythical) ₱80.00 Insatiable Bonesaw (Rare) ₱380.00 Blood Drainer (Mythical) ₱150.00 Force Hook (Uncommon) ₱330.00 Scorching Talon (Mythical) ₱1,280.00 Jade Talon ₱50.00 -PUGNA- Sets Nether Lords Regalia ₱60.00 Nether Grandmasters Robes ₱60.00 Others - Single Item Malefic Nether Focus (Rare) ₱30.00 Tentacles of Nether Reach (Rare) ₱30.00 -QUEEN OF PAIN- Sets Adornments of Blight ₱50.00 Chained Mistress ₱50.00 Bonds of Vincere ₱140.00 The Queen of Agony ₱70.00 Bindings of Enduring Torment ₱50.00 The Wicked Succubus ₱650.00 Sanguine Royalty with LScreen ₱140.00 Dark Angel with LScreen ₱50.00 Others - Single Item Wings of the Ruby Web (Legendary) ₱130.00 Wings of the Ruby Web (Legendary) with Kinetic Gem ₱150.00 Tormentors Diadem (Rare) ₱30.00 Genuine Wings of Searing Pain ₱3,340.00 -RAZOR- Sets Bindings of the Storm-Stealer ₱200.00 The Twisted Arc ₱90.00 Others - Single Item Severing Crest (Immortal) ₱140.00 -RIKIMARU- Sets Highborn Reckoning ₱40.00 Arms of the Bladebreaker Order ₱50.00 Tahlin Occult ₱30.00 The Subtle Demon ₱40.00 Implements of the Tahlin Watch ₱40.00 Frozen Blood with LScreen ₱60.00 Rightful Heir with LScreen ₱30.00 Others - Single Item Sange and Yasha ( 1 pair) ₱50.00 Tahlin Hookblade (1 pair) ₱40.00 Shadowshards (1 pair) ₱40.00 -RUBICK- Sets Garb of the Cruel Magician ₱370.00 Resonant Vibrance Set ₱190.00 Peculiar Prestidigitator ₱70.00 The Spellbinders Shape ₱140.00 Councilors Raiment ₱70.00 Inscrutable Zeal ₱80.00 Wandering Harlequins Regalia with LScreen ₱570.00 Others - Single Item Euls Scepter of the Magus ₱30.00 -SAND KING- Sets Caustic Consumption ₱50.00 Ceremonial Carapace of Qaldin ₱70.00 The Ancient Sovereign ₱130.00 Lord of the Scouring Dunes with LScreen ₱150.00 Others - Single Item Defiled Stinger (Rare) ₱30.00 -SHADOW DEMON- Sets Chains of the Summoned Lord ₱80.00 Others - Single Item Diabolical Appendages ₱40.00 -SHADOW FIEND- Others - Single Item Demon Eater (Arcana) ₱1,450.00 -SHADOW SHAMAN- Sets Eki Spiritual Implements ₱40.00 The Mysterious Vagabond ₱130.00 Garb of Shades ₱250.00 Mystic Instruments of Tang-Ki with LScreen ₱190.00 Others - Single Item Lamb to the Slaughter (Immortal) ₱100.00 Genuine Golden Lamb to the Slaughter (Immortal) ₱3,550.00 Cauldron of Summons ₱40.00 -SILENCER- Sets Guardian of Silence ₱30.00 The Grand Inquisitor ₱120.00 Silent Champion ₱30.00 Whisper of the Tribunal with LScreen ₱130.00 Heirlooms of Aeol Drias with LScreen ₱70.00 Others - Single Item Fan of Piercing Silence ₱30.00 Shield of Stillness ₱30.00 Moon Whirl ₱880.00 -SKYWRATH MAGE- Sets Rune Forged ₱40.00 Cloud Forged Battle Gear ₱50.00 The Nightwatcher ₱40.00 Arms of Retribution ₱30.00 Divine Ascension ₱30.00 Others - Single Item Empyrean (Immortal) with Kinetic ₱450.00 Genuine Golden Empyrean (Immortal) with Kinetic ₱12,730.00 Vengeancebound Wings ₱90.00 -SLARDAR- Sets Arms of the Deep Vault Guardian ₱70.00 The Sea Dragon ₱130.00 -SLARK- Sets Deep Wardens Haul ₱70.00 Deep Sea Scoundrel Set ₱440.00 Ocean Conqueror with LScreen ₱140.00 Dark Reef Escape with LScreen ₱210.00 Others - Single Item Wavecutter (Rare) ₱250.00 The Silent Ripper (Mythical) ₱180.00 The Silent Ripper (Mythical) with Kinetic Gem ₱210.00 Fishy Frillhawk (Rare) ₱80.00 Spanky the Daggerfish with Tournament Ticket ₱210.00 Genuine Hookblade of Skadi (Rare) ₱8,020.00 -SNIPER- Sets Spirit of The Howling Wolf ₱80.00 Gear of the Tally-Ho Hunter ₱90.00 The Sharpshooter ₱140.00 The Hare Hunt ₱60.00 Wild West ₱250.00 Others - Single Item Instagib OSP (Mythical) ₱50.00 Dragons Breath (Rare) ₱40.00 Hobbly Cape with Tournament Ticket ₱210.00 Muh Keen Gun (Immortal) with Kinetic ₱80.00 Hobbly-Bob ₱390.00 Spottin Goggles ₱60.00 Gramma Sharpies Smokin Rug ₱50.00 -SPECTRE- Sets Malicious Efflorescence ₱50.00 Eternal Light ₱50.00 The Ephemeral Haunt ₱190.00 Phasma Phasmatis ₱40.00 The Volatile Firmament with LScreen ₱190.00 Others - Single Item Soul Diffuser (Immortal) ₱480.00 -SPIRIT BREAKER- Sets Death Charge ₱390.00 Barathrums Fury ₱60.00 Battleseeker ₱60.00 Heavy Armor of the World Runner ₱70.00 Vestments of the Iron Will ₱390.00 -STORM SPIRIT- Sets Gifts of Fortune with LScreen + Kinetic Gem ₱310.00 Heavenly General with LScreen ₱80.00 Others - Single Item The Lightning Orchid (Immortal) ₱70.00 Thunder Rogues Braid (Rare) ₱40.00 -SVEN- Sets Warriors Retribution ₱380.00 Raiment of the Chiseled Guard ₱50.00 Swordmaster of the Vigil ₱40.00 The Freelancers Finery ₱40.00 Sect Armor of the Mono Militis ₱30.00 The Flameguards Armor ₱60.00 Commander Flameguard ₱780.00 Armour of the Iron Drakken with LScreen ₱50.00 onsale Forge of Iron Will Set with LScreen ₱210.00 Others - Single Item Radiant Claive (Mythical) ₱80.00 Bulwark of the Rogue Knight (Rare) ₱30.00 -TECHIES- Sets Swine of the Sunken Galley Set with LScreen ₱410.00 Others - Single Item Exalted Swine of the Sunken Galley (Arcana) ₱940.00 Exalted Swine of the Sunken Galley Bundle ₱1,650.00 -TEMPLAR ASSASSIN- Sets Redmoon Assassinators Secret ₱40.00 Whispering Dead ₱40.00 The Dreaded Bravo ₱30.00 The Deadly Nightshade ₱90.00 The Third Insight ₱70.00 Epitaphic Bonds with LScreen ₱170.00 Hidden Flower with LScreen ₱80.00 New Release! -TERRORBLADE- Others - Single Item Fractal Horns of Inner Abysm (Arcana) with Reflections Shade ₱1,650.00 -TIDEHUNTER- Sets The Pirates Booty ₱80.00 The Paleogenous Punisher ₱40.00 Deepweed Drowner with LScreen ₱70.00 Others - Single Item Squiddles (Mythical) ₱50.00 Recluse Reef Denizen (Mythical) ₱410.00 Genuine Recluse Reef Denizen(Mythical) ₱390.00 A Bit of Boat (Mythical) ₱170.00 Genuine Tidehunter Blink Dagger (Mythical) ₱1,990.00 -TIMBERSAW- Sets Timberthaw with LScreen ₱790.00 The Fullmetal Machinist with LScreen ₱430.00 New Release! -TINKER- Others - Single Item Mecha Boots of Travel Mk III (Immortal) with Kinetic ₱70.00 -TINY- Sets Elemental Ice Infusion ₱130.00 Scarlet Quarry ₱430.00 Others - Single Item Crystal Dryad (Immortal) ₱220.00 -TUSKARR- Sets Bobusangs Traveling Necessities ₱50.00 The Frostiron Raider ₱50.00 The Arctic Hunter ₱50.00 Others - Single Item Snowball Stinger (Mythical) ₱170.00 Icewracks Fist ₱180.00 -UNDYING- Others - Single Item Pale Mausoleum (Immortal) ₱90.00 -URSA- Sets Radiant Protector ₱50.00 Cryogenic Embrace with LScreen ₱70.00 Roshan Hunter ₱50.00 The Ursine Ravager ₱40.00 The Savage Age ₱40.00 Others - Single Item Swift Claw (Immortal) ₱180.00 Frozen Redwood Claws (Rare) ₱540.00 -VENGEFUL SPIRIT- Sets Vestments of the Fallen Princess with LScreen ₱480.00 . Resentment of the Banished Princess with LScreen ₱80.00 Dreadhawk Armor with LScreen ₱90.00 New Release! Others - Single Item Screeauks Talon (Immortal) ₱520.00 Crown of the Merciless (Rare) ₱50.00 -VENOMANCER- Venomous Deathbringer with LScreen ₱220.00 Others - Single Item Splattering Forcipule (Immortal) ₱110.00 -WARLOCK- Sets The Exiled Demonologist ₱60.00 The Demonic Archivist ₱130.00 Others - Single Item Hellborn Grasp (Immortal) ₱150.00 Obsidian Golem (Mythical) ₱50.00 AhmHedoq the Maw (Mythical) ₱50.00 -WEAVER- Sets Master Weaver ₱40.00 Armored Exoskeleton ₱120.00 Ember Tipped Carapace ₱90.00 Dimensional Infestation ₱50.00 -WINDRUNNER- Sets Northern Wind ₱50.00 Falconers Design ₱30.00 ZaruKina Protectors Garb ₱30.00 Flight of the Sparrowhawk ₱100.00 Wings of the Gilded Falcon ₱70.00 Featherfall ₱100.00 Aria of the Wild Wind with LScreen ₱80.00 Array of Tranquility with LScreen ₱100.00 Others - Single Item Lyraleis Breeze (Mythical) ₱60.00 Sylvan Cascade (Immortal) with Kinetic ₱80.00 -WITCH DOCTOR- Sets The Traveling Tale-Teller ₱50.00 The Stormcrows Spirit ₱100.00 Spider of Purple Nightmare ₱320.00 -WRAITH KING- Sets Remains of the Dreadknight ₱130.00 Armor of Eternal Reign ₱70.00 Regalia of the Wraith Lord with LScreen ₱140.00 Dead Reborn with LScreen ₱270.00 Relics of the Sundered King ₱160.00 New Release! Others - Single Item Blood Shard (Mythical) ₱120.00 Spine Splitter ₱50.00 Relic Sword ₱60.00 ✔ All order will be distributed within 3 - 6 hour. If you have any question, dont hesitate to ask us. Just send us private message.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 10:26:21 +0000

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