**** ABOUT THE TRUE TRUTH OF HUMAN LIFE ON UNIVERSE! By Mr. Javier V. Maldonado, from Lima-Peru. Jan 05, 2015. *** = = = = LEAKED VIDEO OF AN ISRAELI SOLDIER ARRESTING A PALESTINIAN CHILD FRUGAL BIZARRE https://youtube/watch?v=Y03VcNlZJlU FEMALE INFANTICIDE - INDIA JOURNEYMAN PICTURES https://youtube/watch?v=mnmtKLQRh6g = = = Dear Friends and beloved Terrestrial Mankind: Thank you so much for keep me posted with amazing facts of life and knowledge. Regarding this following statement... “We were all humans until, Race disconnected us, Religion separated us, Politics divided us and Wealth classified us.” LIZZY THE LEZZY = = = Let me explain to all of you the KEY MATTER of this subject and situation with TERRESTRIAL MANKIND, at least for the most of YOU: • HATE & REVENGE, RACISM, • RELIGIONS, POLITICS, • PREVARICATE, LIE, • MILITARY, CRUELTY, COWARDICE, TORTURE, ABUSE, MURDER, • RAMPANT OVER-POPULATION, DESTRUCTION OF LIFE ON EARTH, • WARS, POWER, COMFORT LIFE-STYLE AND WEALTH ALL THEM AND MORE ARE THE NON-VALUES OF LIFE. WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH MOST OF TERRESTRIAL HUMAN BEINGS IS THAT YOU IGNORED THE TRUE TRUTH OF LIFE... MAN ON UNIVERSE, i.e. The Human BEING on Universe and of course over this wonderful and beautiful blue planet, named the EARTH; more known in DERN Universe as its old name TERRA PLANET. They, and We are the only masters and responsible for our own LIFE, future and wellbeing. But unfortunately on Earth the situation of human masses enslavement and deception by crazy and insane religious believes and its false teachings have driven us, to most of Human Nations, to the darkest and deepest abysm of bestiality, barbarity, ignorance and cruel inhuman system of life. THE HUMAN BEINGS OF EARTH, mostly, live and survives in a dreadful LEVEL OF BARBARITY OF CONSCIOUSNESS. And not only in poor and under-developing countries like India, China, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Peru and many others, i.e. THE THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES-. But that negative and inhuman attitude and nonsensical lifestyle of the Human Beings of Earth, and their foolish and wild traditions are also among the people so called Rich Human Nations, i.e. THE FIRST WORLD COUNTRIES. THE HUMAN BEINGS OF EARTH, MOSTLY, ARE EXTREMELY IGNORANT AND THEY ARE DROWNED IN EXTREME POVERTY OF CONSCIOUSNESS. They are sunken on most intense and intense vices of all kind. THE MEN AND WOMEN OF THE EARTH HAVE BROKEN THE NATURAL UNIVERSAL HUMAN EVOLUTION PROCESS, ON THIS HOME PLANET EARTH. The human being on Earth has ignored and refused to live in harmony and aligned by LAWS AND COMMANDMENTS OF CREATION, from time immemorial, and all because of his greed for power and material wealth and profiting, at the expense of the suffering, total ignorance and poverty of consciousness of their own fellow human beings. Will this unfortunate reality do happen because it is the standard of human behavior of the common terrestrial inhabitant HIPOCRISY and the double standard or double-dealing of conduct and morality? All of which has driven to us near to TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF LIFE over this world due to the irresponsibility and irrationality of its own human inhabitants. THE BEST CURE, THE BEST MEDICINE FOR EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING ON ENTIRE UNIVERSES IS THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT OF CREATION THAT LIVES INSIDE OF EACH OF US. Therefore you, Human BEING of Earth, must be CONSCIOUS about the Truth, the Knowledge and Feeling about our own real, amazing and WONDERFUL HUMAN NATURE, as the mighty-beautiful Creature of CREATION. “When you open your HEART, Your MIND and CONSCIOUSNESS To the True TRUTH, True LOVE & WISDOM, At same time you have broken with Your false illusions and deceptions of Your former heart i.e. when you’ve broken With your old, traditional and Wrong way of THINK and FEEL, And APPRECIATE, THE LIFE. Because LOVE, Because THE TRUE LOVE, It is a STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS, It is a WAY OF TRUE HUMAN LIFE, On the TRUTH! When arrives the time for your life, And yourself, to recognize that WE ARE ALL ONE SPIRIT, The SPIRIT OF CREATION! That every single Creature, That every single Living BEING On entire Universes, THEY ARE PART OF YOU, AND YOU ARE PART OF THEM. That time, then, will be The most blessed day of All your lives!” GHEORGHE ZAMFIR EINSAMER HIRTE THE LONELY SHEPHERD TANVIRRAHMAN333 https://youtube/watch?v=syLQMwidJGQ JAVIER V. MALDONADO = = = ALLIANCE FOR RESPONSIBLE HUMANKIND ON EARTH & DERN UNIVERSE UNIVERSAL HUMAN EVOLUTION, by Mr. Javier V. Maldonado https://facebook/pages/Universal-Human-Evolution/171222086321960 https://facebook/javiervmaldonado Email: javiermaldonadotrevinos@hotmail LIMA-PERÚ. Top-important links-source of wisdom: FIGU.org, TheyFly futureofmankind.co.uk/.../Goblet_of_the_Truth ... steelmark.websitetoolbox/post?id=2895459 * * * * * * * **** ABOUT THE TRUE TRUTH OF HUMAN LIFE ON UNIVERSE! By Mr. Javier V. Maldonado, from Lima-Peru. Jan 05, 2015 (2nd. Part). *** = = = = SILENT REVOLUTION OF TRUTH FULL DOCUMENTARY THE BILLY MEIER STORY (AS PRESENTED BY MICHAEL HORN) RAY STAR https://youtube/watch?v=4HCesKzC_JE = = = THE EARTH IS DESIGNED TO BE GUIDED BY WISDOM; then the ignorance and poverty of conscience will disappear, so love and peace and harmony will flourish.” - Dr. DIETMAR ROTHE. = = = “THE PURSUIT OF TRUTH IS THE ONLY THING WORTHY OF A HERO.” GIORDANO BRUNO = = = “Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty And truth and compassion against injustice and Lying and greed. If people all over the world would Do this, it would change the earth.” WILLIAM FAULKNER = = = “Use your Voice for Kindness, Use your Ears for Compassion, Use your Hands for Charity, Use your Mind for Truth, Use your Powerful Thoughts For realization of goodness, and Use your Heart for Love.” = = = = Excerpt taken from the OM BOOK, the Book of Truth of Life, written by Billy Meier, FIGU.org, it reads: OM CANON 53:26. “WHO DO NOT COMPREHEND THE TRUTH WITH YOUR UNDERSTANDING, reasoning, but only with your belief or faith, CAN NOT HARVESTING THE FRUIT OF IT. LOVE is the absolute certainty that we live and exist in all; i.e. in everything that exists: in the fauna and flora, in other fellow human beings; in all forms of material and spiritual life of whatever nature, and the existence of the whole Universe and beyond. Therefore, Love, in its actual definition means: Love is the absolute certainty and absolute sense and absolute conceive that all Life is a Piece of Life itself, because everything together is a collective form of We in the TRUE BEING OF ALL UR- TIMES OF ALL EXISTANCE and it is able to exist only in the knowledge and perception of Love as collective existence. No life can be without Love, because it would be defeated from the start and with no chance to live, because to live, LOVE prevails over all. BILLY, SSSC 1979 BILLY MEIER FIGU.org, TheyFly = = = JMMANUEL TJ 10:44 says: I have not really come to bring peace, but to bring the sword of knowledge of the power of the spirit, which lives inside of the human beings. There is not light like wisdom, There is not darkness like ignorance, There is not power like the power of the spirit There is not terror like poverty of consciousness. TJ 26:27. JMMANUEL THE 5TH. GREAT PROPHET OF THE TRUTH! FIGU.org,TheyFly = = = = THE OM BOOK (The Book of Truth of Life). CANON 32:58, Written by Billy, the 7th Great Prophet of Truth! Through the falling and accumulation of individual water drops, a jug fills slowly. The same law applies for the learning of the truth and wisdom and the knowledge. 247. The unrighteous person torments and kills his fellowmen through punishment, but the wise person is mild and forbearing, and therefore patient, however always admonishing to the fallible and guilty, therefore he is the stricter. 314. IF THERE ARE NO MIGHTY ONES, RATHER ONLY SPIRIT LEADERS AMONG THE PEOPLE, THEN THE HUMAN OF THE EARTH LIVES INWARDLY AND OUTWARDLY IN TRUE PARADISE. 315. If there are no spirit leaders who lead the people, then the people would be thrown to and fro like a ship in a great storm of the ocean, and the mighty would have complete power over them. BILLY MEIER, FIGU.org,TheyFly = = = BILLY MEIER PREDICTION - JOHN PAUL 1 MURDERER RhalZahi https://youtube/watch?v=maBqmhqr_gE “RELIGIONS AND SECTS correspond to organizations and groups which stultify the truth and the consciousness and through which the human being is led away from actual reality and its truth, and, through which, by means of false teachings, he is beaten into serfdom and his consciousness is kept enslaved.” Excerpt taken from Billy Meier writings, FIGU.org = = = THE CASE OF MR. BILLY MEIER from Switzerland, FIGU.org, TheyFly, is THE MOST IMPORTANT CASE OR HUMAN EVENT OF EARTH HISTORY. And unfortunately, it is simultaneously the most censored and suppressed case from the web by the Power Elites who disastrously rule this world = = = MR. BILLY MEIER, his mission, writings, wisdom and knowledge are fully supported by Mr. Javier V. Maldonado: ALLIANCE FOR RESPONSIBLE HUMANKIND ON EARTH & DERN UNIVERSE UNIVERSAL HUMAN EVOLUTION, by Mr. Javier V. Maldonado https://facebook/pages/Universal-Human-Evolution/171222086321960 https://facebook/javiervmaldonado Email: javiermaldonadotrevinos@hotmail LIMA-PERÚ. Top-important links-source of wisdom: FIGU.org, TheyFly futureofmankind.co.uk/.../Goblet_of_the_Truth ... steelmark.websitetoolbox/post?id=2895459 * * * * * * *
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 21:28:00 +0000

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