#AKPABIO/JOHNATHAN2015MISSION: THE ACCORD FOR THE 21ST CENTURY FORMALIZATION OF THE SCRAMBLE OF NIGERIA. By Itoro Ntia. INTRODUCTION: We are in an era of awakening, mainly though not only championed by youths who are equipped with the ability to question, challenge and conceive of alternatives for every public oriented programmes and policies with the aim of influencing better governance in an era their peers are passively concern because of the kind of education and mentorship they received from birth. If this awakening is not maintained and expedited to ascertain the immediate and imminent collapse of the unchecked and orchestrated dictatorial tendencies plaguing Akpabio/Jonathan administration, the future of this great country is doomed. It is in the spirit of awakening to motivate those who are awake and wake those are still asleep that this piece is drafted. The ominous power accord established by and for Akpabio/Jonathan has evidently been firmly adopted and championed by the People’s Democratic Party, whose current and functional slogan is ‘’Power to the Powerful’’. Sad to say, without any exaggeration, the biggest fraud in history, which was and still remains the pacification of Africa in the Berlin conference of 1884-85 is being re-enacted by different greedy political actors in present day Nigeria. The hallmark and indelible mark of the Berlin conference was the formalization of the scramble of Africa by the scavengers of Europe among themselves (the powerful cohorts) without the concern for or consent of most Africans (natives), except few greedy and illiterate tribal chiefs whose signatures were collected without their knowledge of the implications. It is obvious that, as that ‘peaceful’ Berlin table’s fraud eliminated or overrode most existing forms of African autonomy and self-governance, the Abuja accord fostered by the who is who in PDP is no less aimed, the plot can only elude the coddled brain. Similar to the manner tribal chiefs and religious leaders in the disputed Nigerian territories of late 1880S were coerced and deceived to trade and relinquish their power and kingdoms, tribal, political lords and religious jingoists are also coerced and deceived to sign signatures of endorsement for the present Akpabio/Jonathan administration, not minding the future of the succeeding generations. Some of the supposed peoples’ hope, both the judiciary and the legislators who would have acted to rescue or give succour to the native and occupants of the present disputed territories of Nigeria are either deceived, convinced or incorporated into the deal with the thought that the common trade of misruling the nation, mismanaging our resources and misapplication of policies are in the best interests of all of them, and that public acceptance and concern remain absolutely immaterial. The present pacification of Nigeria among Akpabio/ Jonathan cronies, need no chronicler to establish obvious similarities to what happened in the auction table of 1885. Like the first pacification, no respect, consultation or consideration nor consent of the majority and indeed the enlightened class are needed other than that of the initiators of the devilish scheme and those not likely to probe the accompanying connotations. The only difference is that, whereas the few people of Europe exploits Nigeria for the larger interest of the European nations, ours is done by few individuals for their own individual interest. It is a formal phase in the formalization of the scramble of Nigerian resources among those who believed they alone have the right to these abundant resources while others are to remain servants forever. And like some mediocre did then, most of our people are also involved in many ways unimaginable to please or rather not to displease these democratised tyrants because of ethnic, religious and partisan affiliations which has clouded their rationality to the extent that those who have grown beyond these sentiments among us are viewed as being ungrateful, insatiable and perhaps monsters. The new colonizers seem to be immunized against the rising, hidden and dangerous wave of awakening currently percolating in the country. Instead of being inclined to better the welfare of the poor masses, the reverse is the case. They have refused to see, hear or feel the tempo. Fifteen years after they collectively and individually spoken about the so many dividends of democracy and dearth of corruption; the facts about dominants of embezzlement and misappropriation of public funds, dictatorial urge, oppression, victimization, deprivation, segregation, despotism, and militarization remain largely unchanged. We cannot presently point to any irrefutable and uncontroversial benefit of democracy to the larger masses. Every stage of our transition from one democratic dispensation and leadership to another is largely chaotic, undemocratic and dictatorial by every means and undoubtedly similar to what happened during the Sani Abacha’s self succession bid of 1998. The predictable relationship between some of the people and the leaders is also shocking. The average Nigerian knows that anytime you want to be welcomed, favoured, tolerated, even romanticized as special by the leaders, the simple thing is to say or write words and perform actions that will not threaten their privileges, and every time the leader wants to be treated as special, tolerated and favoured, he or she will have to do something to threaten the privileges of the ordinary citizen. The leaders on their own to continuously gain patronage, dominate, tyrannize, choose or reject the sheepish followers, keep the people isolated from one another by over amplifying blind loyalty to political party, religion and tribe. The expected unity of the people in oneness against oppression and victimization had gone from crack to chasm, making victimization and militarization seem to defeatists as an inevitable fate of the Nigerian people. But the gradual change occasion by awakening is not invisible to the socially conscious! All hope is not gone as the present slow but turbulent wave of awakening brewing in the country cannot be long ignored or destroyed; the only fear should be the human and material cost it may incur as the awareness keeps permeating. So many people will not share with me this insight, mostly because at the moment they are enjoying crumbs from the table of these enslavers. For these crumb eating Nigerians, I advise they have it at the back of their minds that the war against corruption is not only against perpetrators of corruption but also beneficiary of such system. It is a pervasive attack, anything blocking its path either as an attacker or defender will be brought down. We do not need to fear the danger of such development, even before the people reach this point, chroniclers had long recorded that it is such a great thing to be alive in an era of revolution and awakening consciousness; ‘’it can be confusing, disorientating and painful, it does not matter’’ for at the end those who live beyond it will enjoy diverse benefits. Awakening naturally affects lives and this one is already affecting the lives of millions of the oppressed, even those who do not know it yet. It is also affecting the lives of the oppressors, even those who deny its claims upon them. We are just waiting for the big bang manifestation, where denials will be ludicrous like the several denials made in the past about the existence and prowess of the banned Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’Awati Wal-Jihad aka Bokoharam group. While the awakening continues, I absolutely consider it important that we focus more on the history of our great men who have in the past struggle to curb corruption and by implication curb this imminent and inevitable explosion rather than focus our curiosity on history of perpetrators of corruption as adopted by the incumbent and their cronies as alibi for their own uncontrollable tendency to perpetrate. If we must ever reflect on who top Akpabio/Jonathan in the game of impunity or corruption, be it presently or in the past, we need such knowledge differently than we have ever known, not to pass on or advocate the practice of corruption but to break away its hold over us. We need to shake off the present sense of ourselves as embattled and possessed and become acutely conscious of the fact that we are winning this battle faster than generation of old. A chief mistake made by dictators of old and still made today is that they assume the people never overcome blind perception, unquestionable patriotism and quest for ill-gratification in as much as they are given water to wet their dry and thirsty throats as against the wine they the leaders are drinking to aid their digestion. All the people may not do that, but majority are certainly going to overcome that someday and they have started already! People change and are changing irrespective of what dictators think, it is only that oppressors do not do not wish to see or admit the existence of such changes. As popularly known, people sometimes do not want to hear the truth because they do not want their illusions destroyed. Our oppressors wish not to see changes that will expose their crime or expose them to danger and irretrievable discomfort. As long as water flows and the wind blows, we will strike out corruption in this country, such as will stunt the sense of the perpetrators and unbelievers. It may take one election, two elections or many elections to do this, but it shall be done! If I am right I stand to be corrected, already the creative energy of our leaders is fast out, what remains is its self-generating energy for destruction; destruction of self and eventually the masses. I see as assuredly do many others the impending destruction they have systematically but unconsciously brought upon their system. I can vouch that, of all inventions made by man to impoverish and enslave one another, the Abuja accord will live the shortest! As awakening permeates every segment of our society, we await millions still sleeping to wake up and join in this struggle against the oppressors. As indicated by G. B. Shaw, ‘’what remain to be seen as perhaps the most interesting of all imminent social development is what will happen when we dead are awaken’’. I add, when they of this country still dead are awake, half of our problem will be over and half of the problem of the perceived leaders will start! Long Live the Federal Republic of Nigeria!
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 18:29:02 +0000

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