*******ALL ON THAT DECEMBER******* - TopicsExpress


*******ALL ON THAT DECEMBER******* **EPISODE 6** As they got to mama Ijeomas shop, they dropped the rice and stepped to a corner on Adas request. Ada : Please, I beg you in the name of God, if you dont want me to die of guilt, allow me to make amends. Chike : There are no amends to make, I am fine, I told you no hard feelings and things like this just happen sometimes. Ada : I guess you are taking these home to your Mum. Chike : Yea, I just want to get home the little I can to her so christmas wont be boring for her and the rest of my family. Ada : I know from the kind of person I have seen you to be that she raised you well, you are a good person and she sure is a good woman. Chike : Thank you very much for the compliments. Ada : Are you done shopping ? Chike : Not really, I need to pick some other things and Id be done. Ada : I am almost done too, I just havent bought rice. You would have to direct me to where you bought yours so I can buy, I like the texture of the grains that I saw. Chike : you sure know the brand and where rice depot is at the market, anyway it sold for 11,000 a unit. Ada : (feeling a bit frustrated) are you going to accompany me or not ? Chike : Ok, Id just show you where I bought mine. Ada : thank you and I will help you with the remaining items that you are yet to buy, I know you might not really be able to beat down price of items and these market people may have made a meal of you. Honestly Chike knew he was very bad at making bargains and striking good deals when it comes to shopping for items at the market, so he gladly agreed to her proposal. They shopped together and got to talk freely with each other for another hour, Adas bag of rice being the last item they purchased. When they returned at mama Ijeomas shop where Chike had been assembling his purchased items for easy evacuation, Ada got a porter to carry their things to her car after tipping Mama Ijeoma who was elated and kept making thumbs up signs to Chike and Ada, thanking them for their generosity. Once in the car Chike thanked Ada for the tip to Mama Ijeoma and also for her help in shopping as he was very elated that he had saved some few thousands through Adas powerful bargaining skill. Also he didnt have to worry about hauling his goods home as Ada had volunteered to drop him off to the junction nearest to his house, this he also thanked her for. Ada pulled over on getting to the junction and thanked Chike for his time. Chike in return thanked Ada for her help and made to open the door and alight when Ada suggested to rather drop him at his house, a proposal he was so glad for but tried to dissuade her. Chike : Haba ! Havent you done enough already ? I dont want to stress you, I really am grateful that you saved me the hassle of hauling my things back. Ada : Please dont mention, just show me the way to your house. Chike : are you insisting on dropping me off ? Ada : I more than insist. Chike : errrm you might not really like the neighbourhood. (Feeling a bit inferior) Ada : is it not just to drop you off ? Chike : Ok then, when you get to the end of this street now, you turn left and I will point the rest out to you. Ada : Okay sir. Chike : Thank you Ma. They both laugh as Ada drives towards his home. On getting there she parks well and bends, putting her head on the steering wheel to avoid eye contact with Chike and speaks softly. Ada : Please, the new bag of rice is a token to your Mother from me, biko dont reject it, dont see it that I am insulting you, bruising your ego or trying to pay for your rice that I damaged. I know you might not be okay with this gesture of mine, but I still owe you lots of gratitude for saving me from those miscreants that night, you put yourself in harms way just to prevent harm coming to me, I am really grateful. Chike : you didnt have to do this. Ada : But you were not going to take home that rice that had greatly reduced in its original size. Your mother deserves better, the woman who raised a nice young man like yourself deserves a token for christmas from me because I have been a beneficiary of her good trainings and coaching through you. Chike : I know but this is too much. I honestly was going to buy rice from the market at Nkwo Nnewi when I travel next week. Ada : (surprised and lifting her head from the steering wheel to face Chike) biko are you from Nnewi ? Chike : Yes of course. Ada : Where exactly in Nnewi. Chike : I am from Ukpor. Ada : Jesu Kristi !!!! My home town is Osumenyi in Ezinifite. Chike : (surprised) you are joking right ? Ada : Im serious. ******TO BE CONTINUED******
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 06:37:02 +0000

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