“ALWAYS BE THANKFUL” “IN EVERYTHING GIVE THANKS; FOR THIS IS GOD’S WILL FOR YOU IN CHRIST JESUS.” I Thessalonians 5:18 (NASB) This is one of those verses that is often hard to deal with. It’s easy to give thanks when things are going well. We are happily married or completely satisfied being single, good things are happening on the job, kids are doing well in school and everyone is healthy. But, what about the times when the marriage is falling apart, a person desperately wants to get married, or a child strays from the faith, or the doctor tells you the disease has increased and you have six months to live? Not every day do we really feel like giving thanks. But the scripture says, “IN EVERYTHING GIVE THANKS…”. Today is Thanksgiving and first of all, Chris and I want to wish each one of you a very special and HAPPY THANKSGIVING. And while I can rejoice with so many families and individuals as they give thanks for some really good things going in their lives, and I’m genuinely happy for them. But, there are others and my heart aches for them. There are struggles in the home, some people are lonely, some very ill or have loved ones that are seriously ill. Then, there are some forced to face this Thanksgiving Day for the first time without a spouse in many years. Some through separation or divorce, others through death. If I were writing this passage I would be inclined, “As often as you can, give thanks.” But that isn’t what God says. Why would He say, “In everything give thanks?” Because gratitude impacts every area of our lives. Gratitude keeps us continually aware that the Lord is close by. Even though gratefulness doesn’t come naturally in difficult circumstances, a decision to thank God for walking with us through life makes us more sensitive to His comforting presence. So whether this is a good season of life for you or a bad season, “give thanks to the Lord.” Praise Him for the victories and cling to Him through the storms realizing soon the clouds will roll away and your life will be bright again. Don’t let the enemy rob you of your joy, especially on this National Day of Thanksgiving. Give thanks to God for His love, power and mercy. There is nothing He can’t do and today could be the day He shows up like you’ve never witnessed before. He knows where you are and just what you need. Thank Him for that. He will never leave nor forsake you!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING, Pastor & Chris Carnes
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 06:01:06 +0000

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