“AMAZING” all you have to do is watch Obama’s eyes (and pay - TopicsExpress


“AMAZING” all you have to do is watch Obama’s eyes (and pay close attention to his measured facial expressions, which reflect the cadence of the “teleprompter”), to know he is simply repeating what he is being prompted to say, with no feeling, no emotion, no sincerity. The man is simply a robot, who was fortunate enough to have been born with an ethnic heritage, he exploited all the way to the “Oval Office”. This is a pathetic display of the lack of leadership Obama has become famous for, making it easy to understand why terrorists show neither fear, nor respect, for our Commander in Chief; and anyone who thinks Obama’s hollow threats will have ISIL shaking in their boots, are just kidding themselves. Obama talks about using a scalpel to reduce the threat ISIL poses, while ISIL uses a machete to chop of the heads of innocent men, women, and children, with bloody brutality, not surgical precision. And listening to Obama’s comments from the 10:15 minute mark of this farce, it’s obvious he doesnt live in the same America you and I live in; or the same America 48-million Americans on food stamps live in; and most assuredly not in the same America the 28% unemployed Americans live in (talk about “rose colored glasses”, Obama’s wearing a pair that are on “STEROIDS”)...
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 03:34:06 +0000

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