AMERICAS PASTOR , Rick Warren changes his tactics to DECEIVE - TopicsExpress


AMERICAS PASTOR , Rick Warren changes his tactics to DECEIVE Christians & their churches......................... ________________________________________________________________________________________ Rick Warren has been the greatest promoter of CHRISLOM ( the combination of Christianity & Islam ), for the past several years, & now that more & more Christians are awakening to what this DEADLY COMBINATION called Chrislom REALLY means..............& he is finding opposition from churches.........( especially the Southern Baptist Churches ).....he has decided to try another ploy to DECEIVE the Christian world...... Rick Warrens NEW plan is named......... Kings Way ..........but, it has the same Replacement Theology that has been around since 70 A.D. when SOME churches decided on their own to change the WORD of God to suit their own Anti-Semitic beliefs.......... Its the SAME LIES that say God is finished with the Jews & they are lost..........PLUS, it RENAMES Jerusalem to be Heaven......... What a SINFUL road to walk on, saying these LIES about Gods CHOSEN PEOPLE & their PRECIOUS CAPITAL of Jerusalem, that was GIVEN to the Jews, by God, Himself, for ALL OF ETERNITY....... Isaiah 17 says......... I ( God ), GIVE Israel an EVERLASTING name .... Yet, MANY Christian churches ( Protestant, Evangelical, etc. ) today are FALLING for this DECEIT & will pay a HEAVY PRICE, from God, Himself.... We are witnessing MANY signs of the end of the age today, BUT, ONE thats very important is the aposticy .....the falling away of the church, from the TRUE WORD of God........ Many Christian churches today ( recently the United Church of Canada & the Church of Scotland ), are reeking in sin by taking their support of the Jewish people & Israel away & siding with the MAN-MADE ethnic group, called the the PA TRIES to DESTROY Israel as a SOVEREIGN JEWISH STATE, with their MAN-MADE right of return & DEMAND for Israeli soil, especially Jerusalem....... The so-called Palestinians DO have a HOME to go to, BUT it is in JORDAN & NOT Israel.....they ARE JORDANIANS........NOT what they CLAIM to be..... Their MAN-MADE name was the idea of Yassar Arafat, when he was the PA Leader, years ago, as he tried to find a way to politically DESTROY Israel, since God has PROTECTED Israel through EVERY WAR they have had to fight through the centuries..... Arafat decided since Israel COULDNT be beaten in war, he would take them down through the CORRUPT political systems of the world..... This political warfare continues through today, with Israel being more & more isolated, as support for her sovereignty dissipates, thanks in part to many worldwide Christian churches..... The Church of Scotland recently declared that Israel doesnt even have the right to be a sovereign nation , let alone have the support of Christians.... Have the Christians in the world grown so COLD that they have gone back to the days of the Spanish Inquisition ?????????.....when MILLIONS of Jews were either EXPELLED from Spain, or TORTURED & MURDERED, because they wouldnt CONVERT to Christianity ?...... People in churches, worldwide better WAKE UP & go back the DIVINE WORD of God in the Book of Genesis, when He DECLARED....... I will BLESS those who BLESS you ( Israel ), & I will CURSE those who CURSE you ( Israel ) ...... The WORD of God is the SAME........YESTERDAY, TODAY, & TOMORROW...... NO MAN can change them, no matter how hard they try..... The Jews ARE the apple of Gods eye ,..... His chosen people , & if Christians dont want the CURSES of God to befall them , their churches, & nations........ they better HEED this WARNING from God...... Rick Warren has enormous influence over Christians & churches in America, so you have to be AWARE of what your church is teaching from the pulpit...... Some WARNING signs if you are in a church, with a Pastor who has been MISLEAD by the LIES Rick Warren tells :...... 1)......Is your church teaching Replacement Theology ?...... 2)......Has your Pastor started speaking about the intertwinement of Christianity & Islam ?..... 3).....Has your Pastor spoken about the Islamic Jesus & the Christian Jesus being the SAME one ?..... 4).....Has your church been RENAMED to be a campus now ?.... 5).....Has the Cross been REMOVED from the inside or the outside of your church building ?.... 6)....Has your Pastor STOPPED preaching on a REAL Heaven & Hell ?..... 7)....Has your Pastor STOPPED preaching on SIN & the wages of it ?...... 8)....Has your Pastor STOPPED giving an Alter Call during or after the service ?..... 9).....Has your Pastors service become a social gathering where ALL you hear from the pulpit ( while you drink your latte ), is how you can feel good about yourself & your life ?..... 10).....Are you so BORED during the service that you find yourself playing with your IPhone ?..... 11).....Has your Pastor STOPPED preaching from the Bible & is now using the NEW versions of the Bible that have omitted the words sin, Hell, Son of God, Lake of Fire, Eternal Damnation, etc..... If you have seen ANY of these examples in the church you MUST FIND a REAL Bible believing church that God APPROVES of, & get as far away from the Laodicean Church of know the one that God said He would spew out of His mouth for being neither hot nor cold, just lukewarm ......( Revelation Ch. 3 )....... Because this describes the churches of today that PREACH AGAINST Israel & the Chosen People of God .......the Jews........ Shalom......
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 20:14:16 +0000

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