“AN HELP MEET FOR HIM” 2 MEMORIZE: And Adam gave names to - TopicsExpress


“AN HELP MEET FOR HIM” 2 MEMORIZE: And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. Genesis 2:20 BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Isaiah 7-11 God said,” it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him (Genesis 2:18).” I want you to take note of these words “help meet for him.” (‘Help meet for him’ simply means help suitable for him). What God wanted to give to Adam was a help meet for him not a helper or help mate. Anyone can occupy the post of a helper. A helper is simply one who renders help. Not only that, the fact a woman is of help today does not mean she will be of help tomorrow. She may even want to render help but may not have the grace to render such help. Besides, the type of help you would need today is not the type of help you will need tomorrow. When we talk of help in marriage, we are talking of helping the man to fulfil the purpose of God for his life. We are talking of working with the man to complete the assignment God has given to him. When we bring all these into marriage, you will find that a woman that fits you presently may not fit the future that God has for you. God may want to make you a king in the future; not every woman has the character of a queen. God may want to make you a mighty evangelist; not every woman has what it takes to be the wife of a mighty evangelist. God could even want to make you a successful business man – controlling several billions; not all women have what it takes to be the wife of such successful business men. In addition, promotion comes with a lot of responsibilities and pressure. Not all women can handle such responsibilities and pressures. God knew Adam’s present circumstances. He knew the ‘kind of woman’ Adam would need for the present. He knew ‘what she would need to have,’ to render adequate help to Adam presently. He also knew Adam’s future. He knew the ‘kind of woman’ Adam would need for his future. He knew ‘what she would need to have’ – gifts, strengths, and abilities – to render the help Adam would need in his future. With all these information at hand, God made a woman that would fit Adam’s present and also fit his future. As Adam is expanding or growing, the woman will also be expanding or growing. Her expansion or growth will need to be at Adam’s level of expansion or growth. If her expansion or growth exceeds that of Adam, he will not be fit to be her head. If the rate of her expansion is lesser than that of Adam, instead of helping Adam to fulfil his divine mandate, she will be pulling him back. After the initial search in Genesis 2:20 - to see if there was any of God’s creation that could be a help meet for him and none was found - God settled down to create one for Adam. God has different plans for us. What God has in stock for me in the future is quite different from what God has in stock for you in the future. Therefore, the kind of help that will be meet or suitable for me today and tomorrow is not the kind of help that will be meet or suitable for you today and tomorrow. The reason as you already know is that we have different destinies. THOUGHT OF DAY: Only God can give a man a help that is meet for him. Just as God created men for a purpose, He also created women for a purpose. Just as He has an agenda for the man, He also has an agenda for the woman. Just as not all women can help a man to fulfil his destiny, not all men can help a woman to realise God’s agenda for her life. The resource God has put in her is for one particular brother not all the brothers in the church or everyone that comes to propose. PRAYER POINT: Father, please help our single brothers and sisters at this crucial point of their life. twitter@BroOluwatoki Bro Samuel | Reaching the world for Jesus.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 08:32:33 +0000

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