ARCHEOLOG NOW CONFIRMS THAT THE ARK-DISCOVERY ON MOUNT ARARAT IS REAL The discovery at the height of 4.200 meters on Mt. Ararat with remains of a tree structure and ceramic is authentic, a new expedition, which is going to carry on research, concludes. - It is very easy to stand on the sideline and shout, that everything is a cheat. You have to see it with your own eyes and examine it. And then you can say, whether it is true or false. This says the Dutch archeologist, Jeroen Rensen, who was participating on a new, independent expedition on Mt. Ararat in March 2014. Now the team publishes its conclusion: The big discovery, which a Chinese-Kurdish group called NAMI, found in 2008 and published in 2010, is not a cheat. It is about a genuine, archeological discovery. The discovered tree structure cannot have been brought up to this place. This has by the way been claimed by the rejected American Bible-archeologist Randal Price, who wasn’t permitted to join the group climbing up to the find. The same has been claimed by another arch hunter, Don Patton. Of course, the Chinese-Kurdish group cannot neither confirm nor deny, whether the tree structure in reality is the remnant of Noah’s Ark. But the key thing is that they - like the American archeologist Dr. Joel Klenck in 2013 - deny that it is about a constructed discovery, which has been brought up there. International team The expedition in March consisted of Turkish, Dutch and Belgium members. In March, they climbed 4.000 meters on Mt. Ararat in the Eastern Turkey, where they found remnants of a very old tree structure and very old pots. - We actually found, what we came for. All expeditions cannot say this, the Dutch archeologist Jeroen Rensen says. - It was very hard. Strong winds and snowstorms did that the first two attempts to reach the find place failed. The third and last all-or-nothing attempt was successful, and the group reached the goal. - There, in a crack in the ice, covered under 10 meters of stone, ice and snow, we found well-preserved, wooden remains and pots, Jeroen Rensen tells. Unreasonable claims Also the Belgium doctor, Marcel Verheyen, testified the discovery by the expedition. As a reaction to the claim by the critics that the tree structure and the other things, which have been found, deliberately should have been planted there by the Kurdish guide, who lead the Chinese to the place, he says. - It is completely impossible. The terrible terrain of the mountain is already rather inaccessible, even when you are not going to carry beams of wood. You have to be there in order to see it with your own eyes, before you can put forward a hypothesis. I am 100% sure that it is impossible to plant such a construction there, Dr. Marcel Verheyen says. His statement is important, because the investigation of the find has stopped owing to claims of the old ark hunters. American ark hunters have themselves searched for Noah’s Ark on Mt. Ararat throughout the last almost hundred years. But there has never been found anything tangible, except from a beam, which the French Ark hunter Fernand Navara found in the sixties. But it was proved by a carbon dating that the beam was only between 1.300 - 1-700 years old. However, it could be older because of the conditions it has been exposed to, the inventor of the carbon dating, Dr. Libby, means. The Chinese group’s find First after the Kurdish guide Parasut for several years had led the Chinese NAMI-group from Hong Kong, they finally found the huge tree structure in 2008. After two years of examinations, they published their find in the spring of 2010. But the big find did not at all receive the attention that it deserved because of the critic, which the discouraged ark hunters came with. Further, the Chinese NAMI was a Christian group, which focused more on evangelization then science, so it was easy to discredit them. That place, which Rensen and Vetheyen visited and documented this March, is located in the same area as the Chinese find. Presumably, it is the same tree structure, which is thought to cover 100 meters, approximately 10 meters under the surface of the earth. Rensen and Vetheyen want to undertake a step-by-step scientific examination with an interdisciplinary, scientific team. Rensen says: - The question regarding, whether at all there are any remnants of tree on Mt. Ararat, has been answered. But still, there are so many questions. The important is: Which kind of find is it? Despite the fact that we are talking about a very exceptional find, it has so far not been possible to get neither universities nor TV companies to go in and put focus on the find. Political correctness Besides the fear, that it can be a false find, there is also some reluctance at the Western Universities to become linked with religion. If Noah’s Ark really has been found on that mountain, which the Bible is telling about, and in a height of approximately 4.000 meters, then, at the same time, it is a proof for specifically that Flood, which the Bible mention has happened. This has by the way been rejected by the evolutionists, because they assume, that such a climate catastrophe hasn’t taken place, and that the geological layers and other signs in the nature are due to very slow changes throughout millions of years. New theories have been built above the evolutional way of thinking. And that whole card house of new theories, which are built on one another, risk to collapse if the remnants of Noah’s Ark are lying on Mt. Ararat. Now seeking private support The scientists fear to get down to the warm potato now makes the organization “Inside Mount Ararat”, to ask for private support - “Crowdfunding” - i.e. support from many ordinary people, who are interested. - The more I study the proofs from the mountain, the more convinced I become, that this is something very special. Whether it is Noah’s Ark or not, then it absolutely deserves a careful examination without any prejudices. We need EU-support for our effort, so that we will be able to disclose the truth for the world, says Walter Tiemessen, a Dutch media expert, who has followed the find since the Chinese published it. - With sufficient funding, we can carry out the scientific research, and the whole process will be documented on video. Everything will be under strict, scientific rules. First then, we can give a satisfying answer to the curious world. And I expect that the project on Mt. Ararat will continue for many more years. This is only the first step, says Walter Tiemessen. Clara: Support it! You can see photos, video, plans for expeditions and support the project on insidemountararat The producer Clara Wei in Hong Kong, who earlier has coordinated NAMI’s expeditions, is connected with the new project. She says to the Danish Christian weekly magazine “Udfordringen”: - We desperately need support, so do spread the good piece of news to your readers. Clara Wei was one of the sources in the book “Noah’s Ark -The story about the big find”, which the publishing house “Scandinavia” edited in Danish and English in 2010. So far, it is the only book, which describes the new find. The book can be bought in the bookshop or on together with new updates.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 18:55:37 +0000

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