**** ATTENTION PATRIOTS!!!!!: INSTEAD OF EXECUTIVE ORDER THE SNEAKY LITTLE BASTARD DID EXECUTIVE ACTION TO ILLEGALLY AUTHORIZE HIS USURPATION OF THE U.S. CONSTITUTION!!!!!!! **** (SEE LINK BELOW) The thread that holds the tapestry of our country together is respect for and adherence to the rule of law. The law is our greatest unifier and our greatest equalizer. Attempts to undermine the law via executive fiat, regardless of motivation, are dangerous. President Obama may seek a fight with Republicans in Congress, but in reality he is fighting with founders of this republic and the carefully crafted separation of powers. “Whether previous administrations acted outside of constitutional boundaries is not license to do the same. The President himself recognized his inability to do what he just did - 22 separate times. This action is not only detrimental to any chance in the new Congress for a sustainable, long-term solution on immigration, but also to the bedrock of our system of government— respect for the rule of law. “When the executive branch acts outside of constitutional boundaries the legislative branch must use all powers afforded it to respond and restore the constitutional equilibrium. This is not a Republican or Democrat issue. Rather, it should hasten the resolve of all Americans to make certain her elected officials honor the foundational document they swore to protect and defend.” ************************************************************************************ ***JUST RELEASED*** URGENT *** - CRITICAL MUST HAVE INFORMATION ON ILLEGAL OBAMA IMMIGRATION ACTION - SEND TO ALL CONGRESSIONAL REPUBLICANS ASAP - (necessarily long to cover all legal grounds. Pay attention to hotlinks if you want supporting legal docs.) rightsidenews/2014112435175/editorial/rsn-pick-of-the-day/obama-immigration-action-is-illegal-and-unconstitutional.html
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 20:43:31 +0000

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