#ActionAugust Representing D’Mac Kingdom, LLC/Coming Soon - TopicsExpress


#ActionAugust Representing D’Mac Kingdom, LLC/Coming Soon URGENT MESSAGE TO THIS GREAT NATION IN “JESUS” NAME Thank You G. Zimmerman & Thank You T. Martin Hi America, Please read with open minds & hearts for there will be many thoughts, concerns & pain expressed as well as prophesizing about many situations becoming of our future as a Nation. If we don’t start learning how to heal our pain bodies as a Nation, we are DOOMED!!!! My thoughts on the G. Zimmerman case were as such; No Racism was used. Mr. Zimmerman was given a description from our authorities on the profile of the 11 home robberies in his neighborhood and the profile was as such a black male. However, words were used to express the neighborhood feelings about the alleged robber or robbers which are characteristic flaws on their behalf. Consequently, we as a nation should be concerned about Mr. Zimmerman role as “Neighborhood Watchmen” he never once approached this child/person with his concerns for the neighborhood nor did he wait on the given instructions from the authorities and Mr. Martin was not under surveillances. So what are the procedures now for following someone without using proper protocols, when this great nation (Parents, Churches, Police, Political System, Society, etc. Has all taught us the procedures on how to handle a predator, which is what Mr. Zimmerman portrayed? Mr. Martin did handle the situation as such been taught. And he was also in fear. He stated to his friend (this creeping white cracker is following me). Which in a 17 years old mind equate some fear and/or concern about this unknown person following him on foot and has now administered following him by use of a vehicle? Now my questions are this, what person or person’s wouldn’t be on guard or ready for whatever at that point? And now where does the responsibility lye for not using proper procedures as to how to approach or protect wrongly accused person’s before engaging in their own private zone. Mr. Zimmerman was set free without taking any responsible for his short comings and/or actions, which could have been handled with so much more decorum. If all etiquette toward one another is gone, then our Great Court System has put us all in jeopardy. You cannot teach us as a nation one thing and then not be accountable for your own shortcoming and/or flaws as representing these persons. We as a nation have a duty to protect and up hold the law but where our mistakes as human beings have been made, we need to be accountable as well under the law. We as a Nation need not to be angry, it just time to fight with our voices and not our guns, etc. Prophesizing: To Mr. Zimmerman, remember your first words after you shot Mr. Martin, was I am Catholic and will he forgive me for shooting a child, when you know as well as any other Catholic that he gives you authority to kill under the right circumstances. JESUS allowed you to be free because putting you in jail would have allowed you freedom or death that you do not deserve. His intentions are for you, your family & unborn family members to live here on earth and not feel free ever. Unless, you repent of your sins and make full restoration of this crime your own family and future is at stake. You hear him talking to you Mr. Zimmerman. Prophesizing: To the Martin Family, Your son Trayvon Martin died for us all; it is a reason why his last name is “Martin” He has given us the fire back to unite & fight for “Martin L. King Dream” TO NOT BE JUDGED BY THE COLOR OF OUR SKIN BUT TO BE JUDGED BY THE CONTENTS OF OUR CHARACTER. To Mom, your son wants you to put your energy in fighting for the other children because as long as you concentrate on defeat for his life, you will never see him or feel him touching you. He is with you now and touching you but you cannot feel him due to the fight and pain. He wants you & your family to know that he is happy & at peace but need the fight to be over and focus on the big picture, which is your family future. Your son’s energy & spirit is so strong. He would not let my light bulb, which is over my head, fully come back on till I finished your message from him. He knew that I had no desire to write you about his message. He is very humorous & compassionate. You have every right to miss him. What an awesome spirit. Mom I will hold your hand if needed because I am on a mission for our children as well. I recently put in my two weeks’ notice and two day before leaving, they walked me out, from a job of 4 years & 8 months due to inquiries on my background check in which I did not even get to see before being exit off the property. However, I then call the numbers given to me by management and now I am told that there is a warrant out for my arrest in Lexington SC. At this point, I’m becoming angry because I knew that I had not done anything and plead that I was not a criminal, as well as indicating that I’ve worked for many company that did background checks and never had problems. I arrived at the Lexington County Court House, only to find out that the warrant was for another Karen Mack. She proceeded to tell me that perhaps my middle initial was not used in all the searches when it was put in the system data base to insure of pulling the correct inquiries. She “Called it, a human error” REALLY/Seriously! Does were not the only words I had in mind!!!! Once I received this report there were 3 more false inquiries. However, much more has happened since then, but my point is this “JESUS” was & has been preparing me for my role as a teacher (His Vessel) all my life and did make a way for me to still receive employment. I then realized as much as I enjoyed my job & the people, my calling & passion for his ministry was stronger. I too, recently lost my own father (Robbed & Killed by 2 black men) & brother (Undeveloped heart issue caused Heart attack) within less than 2 month of each other last years as well. So, I do understand the pain, Martin family. To lose a child is not easy but GOD can heal all pain in time. I am now on GOD’s time and loving every bit of it. I’ve given up everything & now have no regrets. I AM FREE! THANK GOD I AM FREE AT LAST! NEVER LOOKING BACK! Prophesizing: To the 6 jury’s, you all had a big responsibility to this great nation to make sure that all persons involved were accountable for their failures to follow proper procedures and/or protocols before following anyone without no guarantees if that is the suspected. “Lack of Communication & Poor decision making choices” causes an unnecessary death. Are they not taught how to control a situation? We all know this answer? Now you have all put this nation & your own families at risk. You all must also repent of your sins and fight to make all the necessary corrections. Now, I will speak on such issues concerning us as “Black African American”. Let Talk & Be Real! We as Black’s know why our children want rob in our own neighborhoods. Because, we as black’s become the judge, the jury & the prosecutor. Then we talk about them & there family like dogs on the street. And then Dare him/her to try it again. We are the Bullies and it is time to clean around our own front doors. There has been many black children killed in the pass and present by our counterparts. And yet we have no fight or strength to battle in our own backyards. The black on black crimes got so bad here in Jacksonville, FL till “Many Black Activist Groups” came to battle this war and less then few came or participated. Now it’s time for people of color to come together and fight for all our babies. If we want people to respect and stop killing us, then we must STOP killing each other’s first. It’s time for us to start healing and taking responsibility for our faults, failures and lack of knowledge. Not one of us parents can say we were perfect at raising children but we done our best with the tools we had at the time. However, in our lack of understanding GOD’s word as well, we parents failed to keep our eye on the prize. This caused lack of teaching, guiding, directing, nourishing, love & discipline. And since there is always causes & affects. Our affects: “A Generation of Killers, Stealers & Destroyers”. We must take a stand for our children stake. In order to win this battle we must put always all our issues and indifferences. Please let all come together and use this PAIN to become CONQUERS. DID our ancestors get beaten, wife raped, breeding another race outside of their own, husband/wife/children bring sold like a business, possibly never to see each other again, etc. Let’s all come together as a Nation and battle to fix 1 problem at a time. Jesus Has Chosen And Given Me The Knowledge, Discipline, Strength, Principles & Practice To Teach His Word In A Creative And Innovative Way without restrictions and/or time limits. For I Have Never Met a Stranger. “Our People Need Love, Understanding And Healing”!!! I’m Fighting for the “Body of Christ”. My communication, style or expectation is on the cutting edge and relies on reason and design, the latest craze or facts. It is my honor to protect and defend my perception of truth. I measure twice and cut once. I am empowered by expectation, consistency and patience while trust is my gift and/or Holy Grail. I’ve been called for duty and I am commitment to the greater good of this Nation & My Black African American’s coming together to fight our own problems!!! “TOGETHER” “Of Trust I AM”. I am enthusiastic, open, and trusting about my newfound feelings, capacity, passion, my heart’s desire. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I am happy when sharing or expressing pleases and connects me to the support, beauty, and love in others. I am empowered by the attention of love and my gift is desire and epiphany for all. Thank you kindly for reading my thoughts, concerns & pain issues. Please, feel free to donate to my “PayPal” acct. Under: Karen D. Mack or funds can also be deposited in my “Bank of America” acct. Under: Karen D. Mack. I am humbly grateful for all Help & Support, for I know JESUS will raise his own ministry as well. All proceeds will be used to get his ministry ready for battling & solving all our problems together 1 at a time. If any persons would like to review the business plan for D’Mac Kingdom, LLC, please see profile on LinkedIn. I AM THAT EAGLE AND I AM READY TO FLY...I HAVE BEEN CALLED TO BATTLE FOR THIS GREAT NATION. AND I WILL NOT FAIL IN “JESUS NAME”=AMEN. Please feel free to contact me @ 904-239-6221 with any concerns, issues or problems. Thanks All & Have a Blessed Day!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 23:07:57 +0000

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