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***Admin Colin’s Fanfiction*** As usual, follow the link for the previous Chapter. Chain them until you reach where you need to be. Chapter 4: https://facebook/VoldysGlasses/posts/859688244083249 Enough of this nonsense. Read on good readers! ________________________________________ “The Stains of Time” by Colin, The Master of Whisperers ________________________________________ Disclaimer: I make no claim to the rights of any characters that are owned by J.K. Rowling or Warner Bros., and make no money from this venture. This work is purely for entertainment purposes. ________________________________________ Chapter 5 Total Lunar Eclipse Kids, your grandma always used to say to me, Nothing good happens after 2:00 a.m., and she was right. When 2:00 a.m. rolls around, just go home and go to sleep. – Ted Mosby (How I Met Your Mother, Season 1 Episode 18) Angelina Johnson 7th November, 2003 Thank god, Angelina Johnson exclaimed, sitting on the couch. I had forgotten just how bad Fridays actually are. I doubt the ten year-olds were too helpful, Alicia Spinnet said with a laugh. Angelina shot her a look and groaned. They seem to think Friday is just the absolute best, Angelina whined. The whole day all I wanted to do was sleep and theyre all acting like its already the weekend. All the talking and running and playing. You love it, Alicia said, smirking. Angelina smiled despite herself. I suppose I do, Angelina relented. But teaching, not Fridays. Angelina was living comfortably in a house with Alicia Spinnet and Katie Bell in a Muggle town. They moved in together not long after the Battle of Hogwarts, which they managed to survive simply because they never entered the Great Hall at the end of the battle. Alicia had been hit with a dangerous hex while duelling a Death Eater and was obviously dying, so Angelina and Katie had stayed behind to try and save her, which they managed to do with some ingenuity and because of Katies small knowledge of Healing due to her desire to be a Healer when she was a child. When they finally saved Alicia, all three of them knew that everything was lost. From where they were they could both see and smell the flames. It didnt take them long to flee the school, a barely conscious Alicia clinging to them for dear life. After that, they went into hiding, fearing for their lives. They stayed mostly in motels, using what Muggle money Alicia and Katie had stowed away. Alicias mother was Muggleborn and Katies father was a Muggle, so they both had that money with them at all times. It was around two months after the Battle of Hogwarts that Oliver Wood managed to track them down. He didnt bring good news. I only got away because I was trying to move the bodies, Oliver had explained with a pained look. He was sporting a scar across his nose. I wasnt in the Great Hall for the final confrontation, but I saw the flames. Everyone that was in there is dead and You-Know-Who has taken control of the Ministry. What about my parents? Katie had asked, fear in her voice. Angelina never had that problem, as her father died when she was young and her mother was killed not long before the Battle by Death Eaters. It was clear to all of them what Oliver would say even before he said it. Im sorry, he had replied. Katie, to her credit, never broke down despite looking on the verge of doing so for quite some time. One of the Death Eaters, one of the newer recruits, Montague Ive been told, swore up and down that you three were in the Great Hall when You-Know-Who set it on fire. Of course, I knew you werent. Id seen you all outside just before it happened. Because your names were on the list of the dead, your parents rebelled against the new order and were killed because of it. Im so sorry. That sounds like them, Katie had said sombrely as Angelina consoled Alicia, who was not quite as strong as Katie in this regard. Perhaps for the first time in her memory, Angelina was glad that she didnt have her parents with her any more. Oliver left them not long after that meeting. He told the three of them that he was hiding out with a few of his Quidditch teammates and that, because they were all counted among the alive and hadnt pledged allegiance to You-Know-Who, Angelina, Alicia and Katie should not try to contact him again. They had not tried. If there was one thing that none of them could stomach, it was the thought that someone could die because of their actions. Most of all someone they cared so much about. Angelina used magic to trick her way into a teaching course, which she completed in four years while Alicia, under a fake name, began writing for a local newspaper and Katie began work as a bartender, hoping to find out any news at all about the magical world, but she never heard even one word as most of the clientele lived dull Muggle lives. Despite this, the three women found some form of life where none of them had even considered before. They were all mostly content. Angelina was in her first year as a teacher, and found that she was thoroughly enjoying it. As much as she had once wished to have a successful Quidditch career, she found something fulfilling in seeing a ten year-old learn something for the first time. She doubted that she would have pursued this line of work had Voldemort not won. It was, she found, the only positive of that outcome. Katie finishes at eight tonight, Alicia said. We were talking about hitting the town tonight. You want to join us? Not tonight, Angelina replied. I gave the kids a test this week and I have to mark them. Theres always a reason, Alicia said accusingly. Think of all the hot guys out there. Angelina had not dated anyone for five years. It took Fred Weasleys death for her to realise how much he had meant to her, and she couldnt bring herself to even think about another man in that way since then. It was easier for Alicia and Katie. They had been in love so often it was easy for them. Im well aware of the hot guys, Angelina responded, laughing. But I really want to just get through these tests so I dont have to do them over the weekend. I really just want to have a lazy one. If you say so, Alicia replied with a smirk. More for me and Katie then. Alicia left the house around seven, saying that she would have a drink or two at the bar before they go somewhere else. Angelina said goodbye before making herself a cup of tea and settling down in front of the television to mark the tests. After a while she was beginning to feel unnerved by the quiet around her, only broken occasionally by the sound of a car driving by so she switched on the television which was showing a rerun of an old British comedy show that Angelina didnt know. She wasnt really paying attention to it as she marked the tests. Most of her students did well enough. She could tell which ones needed a bit of help, so she resolved to try and help them out where she could. She finally finished marking the tests just after eleven oclock. When they were completed she stood up to stretch her legs, walking to look out of the window at the front of their house. When she got there, she could see raindrops falling, visible only in the light emanating from the street lights. From their house, she could see the corner of the street. For a moment she thought she could see a man standing in the rain on the corner, but when she looked back there was nothing there. She convinced herself that it was just the rain. She was awoken sometime after two in the morning when she heard activity downstairs. She reached for her wand quicker than she had thought possible, but then she heard voices. Shhhhhh! Youll wake Angelina, she heard Katie whisper loudly. There was a banging sound and then laughter. Whoops! Angelina got out of bed with a sigh and headed downstairs. Come on you two, she said with a sigh. Katies hair was ruffled and her shirt was at an odd angle. Alicia looked better, but still was clearly drunk. Time for bed I think. How about some water first, though? When she finally got her best friends into bed, Angelina settled back down to go to sleep. This was not something that happened overly often, but it happened enough that Angelina knew what to do when it did. The following day was quiet and uneventful. Alicia and Katie took a hangover potion, which made them feel better but they still felt tired, so they didnt do very much until Katie had to leave at six to go to work again. She did not seem pleased when she was reminded of that. Late in the afternoon there was a knock on their front door, which Angelina answered. There was a woman, about thirty years old with a smile on her face. She had long brown hair and was quite good-looking. She was holding a basket of some kind. Hello, the woman said kindly. Angelina smiled at her. Im Wendy Fogarty. My husband and I just moved in a few houses down and were just trying to get to know the neighbours, so I made you this. She handed the basket to Angelina who took it. In it were some scones and a few jars of what looked to be homemade jam. Im Angelina. Well, you should come in, Angelina said with a smile. Forgive the state of the house. My friends had a bit of a night out and theyve been a bit tired. Too tired to clean, it seems. I know the feeling, Wendy replied with a laugh. Do you mind if my husband and son come in as well? I made them stay outside after the last one. They like to think theyre comedians. I have a good sense of humour, Angelina replied with a smile. She could see the swamp in the halls of Hogwarts clearly in her mind. Let them come in. As Wendy went to get them, Angelina found Alicia, who was in her room reading. When they walked downstairs, they were greeted by a family, one of whom Angelina recognised. Miss Johnson? Matt asked. Matt Fogarty, Angelina said. She looked to Wendy. You must be his parents. You were right, he does like to think hes a comedian. Youre the Miss Johnson hes been talking about, Wendy said with a smile. Youre the first teacher he has actually liked. Muuuuum, Matt said, poking Wendy. Angelina laughed. I wont tell anyone, Angelina told Matt with a laugh. Im Robert, Matts father said. Im Angelina and this is my friend Alicia, Angelina replied, reaching out and shaking Roberts hand. Angelina always felt the need to stress that she, Alicia and Katie were all just friends. Hi, Alicia said. So youre the people that moved in down the street? Good thing too, the last guy who lived there was a jerk. Well we arent, I can assure you, Robert said laughingly. Where are you from? Angelina asked after all of them sat in the lounge room. Matt looked particularly uncomfortable. Probably something to do with seeing his teacher outside of school, Angelina thought. Oh, just around here, Wendy said. We just decided to move because we need a bigger house. Whys that? Alicia asked. Im pregnant, Wendy replied, beaming. Due at the end of April. Congratulations! Angelina said. She then looked at Matt. Youre going to have a brother or a sister. Are you excited? A little, Matt replied shyly, which was unlike him. In class he was very outgoing. In fact, Angelina thought he might be too outgoing in class. Thats good, Angelina said. They talked for a while longer before the family wanted to move on to the next house to say hello. You have to meet Katie one day, Angelina told them. Will do, Robert said. He was looking a bit weary as they had been visiting people all day. When they left it was raining and as she was saying goodbye, Angelina glimpsed a man on the corner again. This time, he was looking directly at the house, though Angelina couldnt make out his face because the rain had forced his long hair to fall across his eyes. She turned away for a moment to look at Alicia. Can you see him? she asked, looking back at the corner. But the man was gone. See who Angie? Alicia asked. There was someone there, Angelina said, walking out into the rain and looking up and down the street. She heard Alicia following her. A man. He was on the corner looking right at us. He was there last night too. I never saw any man, Alicia said. Angelina brushed the hair out of her eyes. It was probably just the rain, but just in case, I think we should talk. When they were back inside, Angelina locked the door and performed a strong locking charm on it. She closed all of the blinds, bathing part of the house in darkness. Angie, it was nothing, Alicia said. Angelina wasnt so sure. What if theyve found out, Angelina said worriedly. If they know weve been alive for five years, they wont just let us live. That isnt how they work and you know it. Youre getting worked up over nothing, Alicia said, putting an arm on Angelinas shoulder. What if Im not? Angelina asked. Weve never really talked about what we do if the worst happens. We need a place to meet up if we need to get away quickly. Okay, Alicia said, not looking convinced. We can come up with a meeting place if it will make you feel better. It will, Angelina said. It would also make me feel better if you took this seriously. Have I ever led you astray? Im not doubting you, Alicia said. I just dont see why they would have anyone scouting us. Or why they would even be looking. Since Oliver left us, we havent had any contact with anyone from that world. No one else knows we are still alive. I know, but even if it was just the rain making shapes, I think we need a plan, Angelina said quickly. When Katie gets home, well talk about it. She needs to be here for it as well. And keep your wand on you at all times. I never stopped, Alicia said gravely. That night, the three women spent some time discussing what to do if anything happens. Katie was actually very supportive of the discussion. She believed that, even if what Angelina saw wasnt actually anyone, they needed some plan. They agreed that it was probably best if they all apparated to different places to begin with and then, after a few hours, meet up at the motel before the one they had been staying in when Oliver found them. If Oliver had been captured, he might unintentionally divulge where he found them. Angelina barely slept that night, worried that at any point they could be under attack. She tried to be rational with herself, but no matter how hard she tried she couldnt shake the feeling that what she saw was actually a man looking right at them. Only a wizard could disappear that quickly. She eventually forced herself to get to sleep by thinking of Freds antics at Hogwarts. Her last thought was of the night of the Yule Ball, when she and Fred were two of the last on the dance floor. She had not felt so happy, peaceful and safe since that night. As a result of her lack of sleep, Angelina found herself waking up only half an hour before midday. As it turned out, Alicia and Katie had slept in as well, which was nothing new. They were cooking bacon and eggs when she awoke. A perfect Sunday brunch, Angelina thought. Angelina spent most of the day working on her plans for her class for the next two weeks, while Alicia and Katie spent their time watching television or reading. Not a lot happened until there was a rushed knock at the door just before midnight which Katie answered. Oh my god, whats wrong? Angelina heard her say. Angelina stood up from the couch and moved to the front door. Wendy stood there in tears. Wendy, whats happened? Angelina asked, reaching out to her. Matts gone missing, Wendy said between sobs. He went to play with some friends and they went into the woods. They lost him and went to get help. Weve been looking for hours, but we cant find him. Weve called the police, but they cant find him either. I dont know what to do. The only thing that Angelina could think of was the man in the rain. Perhaps he wasnt there for us, but for Matt, she thought, her blood running cold. Well help you, she said quickly. We have some torches. Well just grab them, and you can take us to the woods. Thank you, Wendy said shakily. Thank you so much. When Angelina, Alicia and Katie were upstairs, Angelina stopped them. Take your wands, she said quickly. We may need them. The other two nodded quickly and showed her that they already had them. They all went downstairs and Robert, who had been waiting in the car, drove them to where the kids had said Matt was last seen. Well stay here in case he comes back here, Wendy said tearfully. Its alright, Katie said softly. Well go together and well find him. Wendy smiled, but soon she was reduced to tears again. Angelina decided to go straight forward. Wands out, Angelina murmured after they had walked far enough away to not be heard. Dont use them unless you have to. The woods were as creepy at night as Angelina had thought they would be. She checked her watch with her torch and found that it was midnight. There was the sound of an owl somewhere in the distance. How do you know them? Katie asked. Angelina shushed her. Theyre the people we met yesterday, Angelina whispered. Matts a student of mine. Oh, Katie replied quietly. Should we yell his name? If hes lost it might do some good, Alicia said. Angelina nodded. Matt! she called out, and no one answered. They kept trying though. They kept on going for two hours. When it got closer to two oclock, the moonlight seemed to disappear slightly. Its been two hours, Katie said. Besides, they might have found him. Angelina checked her watch. It was six minutes past two according to her watch. She sighed and looked at the moon, which had turned the colour of copper. She was about to reply when she heard something that chilled her to the bone. There was a howl. Angelinas heart started racing as her mind started piecing things together. A kid lost in the woods. A full moon. A howl. She didnt even say anything, she just ran towards the howl, holding the torch in front of her, the light flickering from one area to the other as she moved. Occasionally she had to duck a tree branch or avoid a trunk altogether, but her natural athletic ability allowed her to maintain her footing. There was another howl, so she changed her course. She was acutely aware of her best friends chasing after her, shouting her name. Not once did Angelina look back. The only thing that she was thinking about was Matt and the wolf. She eventually came to a clearing of sorts in the woods. The trees stopped enough to form a circle. Inside the circle was a wolf. Angelina immediately looked at the snout and tail and came to the conclusion that it was, indeed, a werewolf. Luckily she couldnt see Matt anywhere. Miss Johnson! she heard a small voice yell from across the clearing. Matt had found his way into the clearing and now could likely be seen by the werewolf. Angelina could see from a distance that his clothes were torn and his face was dirty. The werewolf turned and ran straight for Matt, who stood frozen. Angelina did not hesitate in her actions. She ran straight at the werewolf, which was now on top of the boy. With strength she didnt know that she had, she ran right at the werewolf and slammed into it with her shoulder, knocking it off of Matt. Unfortunately, she tripped on Matts legs and fell to the ground right next to the werewolf. She heard a low growl next to her and then sudden movement. The next thing she knew, there was a stabbing pain in her left leg. She looked down to see that the werewolf had bitten her. She was bleeding heavily from the leg and as the wolfs head came to her eye level, some blood fell directly into her eyes, blinding her. The wolf snarled and more blood fell onto her face and into her now closed eyes. Stupefy! she heard Katie cry. The werewolf growled. All of a sudden there were several different shouts and cries followed by some thumping sounds. The wolf whimpered and she could feel it bound over her, and heard it disappear into the forest followed by fast footsteps and someone shouting. Angie! Katie cried. Angelina reached down to her leg and felt a hole. She could also tell that there was a lot of blood around the wound. The pain was intense, but she had no difficulty enduring it thanks to the various Quidditch related injuries she had sustained over the years. She then felt someone holding her head and her right hand. Matt? Angelina asked. Hes got a bit of a bad scratch, Alicia said hurriedly. Hell be fine. Cant you do something? Katie asked hurriedly. It was not Alicia who answered. I can fix up the wound, a female voice replied. It seemed to be one that Angelina recognised, but given the immense pain she was experiencing, she couldnt think who it was. My eyes, Angelina said, wiping away some blood, but not enough to be able to see. Ill clean you up, said another female voice, slightly lighter than the first. Angelina wasnt sure she recognised it. This will hurt a lot, Angelina, the first voice warned. Cant you knock her out first? a male voice asked. Angelina didnt know this voice, but there was something familiar in it. No time, the first female voice said. To Angelina she said only, Im so sorry. The pain was immediate. It was like something was burning her whole left leg. She screamed and tried to move, but there was someone holding her down. Whoever it was was strong, because she was writhing, deeply in pain and yet her body didnt move much at all.. Her screams were reminiscent of the howl of the werewolf. ________________________________________ Interesting fact. When I was writing this, I worked out when the Total Lunar Eclipse was supposed to be, so I used that as the basis for the date, but I managed to get it wrong. It was actually either the night before or the night after, I can’t remember. For the purposes of this story, let’s just say it’s here. Anywho … Thank you so much for reading if you got this far. Leave me a comment or a like below and then you can go about your day knowing that you made someone much happier than they were. See you in two days for the next chapter. ~Colin, The Master of Whisperers
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 22:00:01 +0000

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