***Admin Colin’s Fanfiction*** So, if you aren’t caught up - TopicsExpress


***Admin Colin’s Fanfiction*** So, if you aren’t caught up just hit the link below. Then the one after that. Then until you get to where you need to be. Yep. That easy. Chapter 5: https://facebook/VoldysGlasses/posts/859691990749541 Yep. ________________________________________ “The Stains of Time” by Colin, The Master of Whisperers ________________________________________ Disclaimer: I make no claim to the rights of any characters that are owned by J.K. Rowling or Warner Bros., and make no money from this venture. This work is purely for entertainment purposes. ________________________________________ Chapter 6 Serendipity Serendipity. Look for something, find something else, and realize that what youve found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for. - Lawrence Block 10th November, 2003 Lord Voldemort sat in the ornate throne in the old Ministers office in the Ministry for Magic, the Elder Wand in his right hand pointed non-threateningly towards Fenrir Greyback, who stood resolute in front of him, his face more gaunt than usual. Greyback had never grovelled, and Voldemort found that both amusing and infuriating. Why are you here? Voldemort asked calmly. He saw the guards at the door tremble, but Greyback didnt so much as flinch. Greyback seemed to weigh his words carefully before speaking, as he always did. As you well know, last night was the Full Moon, Greyback began, his voice deep and quiet. As usual, I went on the prowl. Since I had that horrid wolfsbane crap I was keenly aware of everything around me. I kidnapped this Muggle kid when the idiot was playing with his friends in the woods. Before I turned, I let the little bastard go. More sport that way. He was better at hiding than I had expected. Before long a search party came for him. Get to the point, Voldemort warned irritably, moving his wand only slightly. Greyback nodded, but otherwise did not acknowledge that anything was said. Just when I caught this boy, some woman came out of nowhere and pushed me off him. I managed to take a chunk out of the womans leg in retaliation, though, Greyback continued. This part of the story seemed to make his eyes glint. Then I was bombarded with spells and curses. One of the earliest ones was some kind of blinding spell because I couldnt see a damn thing after it. Who were they? Voldemort demanded. I dont know, Greyback growled, whether at himself or at Voldemort, Voldemort didnt know. I was blinded. Someone chased me through the forest firing spells at me. It was a woman, definitely. One woman and you just ran away like a common mutt? Voldemort raged. Greyback bared his yellow teeth, filed into what resembled knives. I couldnt see her, which would have put me at a great disadvantage, he said angrily. I could barely even smell her. She was covering her scent somehow. So the Muggle child escaped, the woman who saved it escaped, and your attackers escaped? Voldemort asked venomously. I thought you were better than this. I should kill you right now. Go right ahead, Greyback responded immediately. His eyes were fierce, but he made no move at all. You wish to die? Voldemort asked with a smirk. I have never had a wish to live, Greyback retorted. Unlike you, I have the tiniest bit of a conscience. Not much admittedly, but its there. Hanging by a thread now that Im using the wolfsbane stuff. A weakness, Voldemort spat. Indeed, Greyback said. So whats it gonna be Voldy? Voldemort got to his feet faster than lightning and stood face to face with the werewolf, who looked him square in the eyes. Voldemort stood there for a minute, and Greyback didnt blink even once. He didnt even move. No, Voldemort said finally. You shall live. You are still useful. A few days in Azkaban. Lockhart! Gilderoy Lockhart strolled through the door to Voldemorts throne room, a wide smile on his face, his hair as wavy as usual. Lately he had taken to wearing a pink shirt under his robes, which showed just near his hair. My lord, he said by way of greeting. Get a few men together to take Greyback to Azkaban, Voldemort said, walking back to his throne. Three days in one of the cells closest to the Dementors will be good. It shall be done, my lord, Lockhart replied with a bow. Greyback waited silently and unmoving as the men came to take him away. He didnt bother to protest or try to get away. He was just calm. ________________________________________ Draco Malfoy 10th November, 2003 I have some news, Astoria said as she walked out of the fireplace, just before she cleaned herself off. Theres a rumour going around the Ministry that Greybacks attack last night was stopped by a group of witches and wizards who saved a Muggle boy. Astoria had gotten a job in the Ministry after she and Draco encountered the Centaurs. After they got back home, they worked out that the Centaurs must know that something important was going to happen to make it necessary for Draco and Astoria to return to Hogwarts again. As a result, Astoria made the decision to apply for a job in the Ministry so that she could gather as much information as possible. Using a few favours owed him, Draco managed to ensure Astoria a job in the Ministry as a lower-ranking member of the Invisibility Task Force. Mostly she was involved in paperwork, but occasionally she was chosen to go out into the Muggle world and clean up after witches and wizards, most of whom were working for the Dark Lord in some form. The Dark Lord had decreed that the time was not yet right to reveal themselves to the Muggle world, and so there was still a need to keep the magical world hidden. Astorias job allowed her access to the gossip of the Ministry, while also making her look better in the eyes of those who look down at the Greengrass family. Who were they? Draco asked before Astoria gave him a long kiss. Draco had spent most of the day reading books on Dark Magic his father gave him. His primary goal was to find any information that he could about the stone that the Centaur had given to him. No one knows, Astoria replied. It was Lockhart who told me. The Dark Lord gave Greyback a few days in Azkaban and Lockhart was the one to organise the guards to send him there. He managed to hear more than a little bit through the door. Draco had never been fond of Lockhart, but he did pity the man at this point. Having never fully regained his memories, Lockhart didnt understand that the Ministry was not what it was meant to be and went straight to work for the Dark Lord. He actually managed to become reasonably high up in the Ministry simply because he had no idea what was going on, which was apparently a good trait in the eyes of the Dark Lord. So there might be a few people rebelling? Draco asked. Seems that way, Astoria replied. Its the first time in a long time that someone has been attacked with magic, and it doesnt seem to have been anyone from our community who did it. Do you think this is what the Centaurs were waiting for? Draco asked. It was the first time that something had happened that seemed even remotely like something that would seem important in the eyes of the Centaurs, given their odd natures. We cant really know that, Astoria reminded him. Its better than nothing though. And it wouldnt hurt to just go and see. Well we should get going, Draco said quickly. If we dont, well be going through the Forbidden Forest at night. Trust me, Ive done that once and I never want to do it again if I can help it. There was another thing, Astoria interrupted. Whats that? Draco asked, picking up their transcript of what the Centaurs had said to them, which they had worked out was a prophecy. Were invited to Pansy Parkinson and Zacharias Smiths wedding next week, Astoria said, scrunching up her nose. Poor guy, Draco said. He didnt know Zacharias Smith very well, but he would feel bad for any man who ended up with Pansy. Well, well have to go. Two purebloods getting married is an important ceremony, unfortunately. Its expected of us. Well have to get them a gift, Astoria said thoughtfully. Ill give Smith some poison. Hes going to need it, Draco joked. Astoria smiled. I dont think that would go down too well, she said with a laugh. Thats kind of the point, Draco pointed out and the two of them shared a laugh. With the stone and the transcript of the Prophecy safe in his mokeskin pouch, Draco apparated away. This time they didnt need to apparate to Hogsmeade because the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest werent covered by the anti-apparation ward. When they arrived, they could see a group of Centaurs in the tree line, watching them. As they approached the tree line, not one of the Centaurs moved. At the front of the group was the same Centaur that spoke the prophecy to them. Draco of House Malfoy, the Centaur said as they drew closer, and his beloved Astoria of House Greengrass. The Centaurs welcome you once again. I am known as Bane. Can we assume that this is when we are to go into Hogwarts? Draco asked. Bane nodded. We shall escort you through the forest today, he said, his eyes looking to the starless sky. It has been foretold that you are important. We Centaurs rarely involve ourselves in the issues of Man, but of late we have observed a shift in authority. It seems as though the human race has need of us in ways that once were unnecessary. Once we would have ignored the signs, but we have become somewhat enlightened following the Battle of years past. The new regime is no friend to Centaurs. Come. Another Centaur with red hair and a red beard came closer to Draco, picked him up with his strong arms and sat him on Banes back. A different Centaur did the same for Astoria, who was sat astride the back of the red-headed Centaur. It was only then that the group of Centaurs started to move forward, slowly at first, but soon almost all Draco could hear was the sound of hooves on the Forest floor. Draco had his arms around Banes torso, holding on for dear life. He looked over and saw that Astoria was even more terrified than he was. He wanted to hold her, but he couldnt. He told himself that it would be over soon just as they came to a sudden halt. Grawp! Bane cried out. In front of them, Draco saw a giant. It was not the first giant he had ever seen, but it was odd to think that one resided in the Forbidden Forest. He was beginning to understand Dumbledores warnings even better than he had in school. The giant, who was definitely short by the standards set by other giants it seemed, was playing with a three-headed dog which stood at least as tall as Draco, if not taller. Bane, the giant, Grawp, grumbled loudly. Grawp, go to the other Centaurs, Bane said loudly. Tell them that they have arrived. Grawp nodded. Fluffy? he asked simply. Bane sighed. Yes, you can take Fluffy, he said loudly. Grawp clapped his hands together and picked up the three-headed dog, putting it under his arms before bounding deeper into the forest, his footsteps booming. Continue! The galloping began again, but within a minute they came to the edge of the forest. When they did, Draco dismounted and looked up at Hogwarts for the first time in five years. It was surprisingly intact. Legend has it that the Dark Lord returned to the castle the day after the Battle and restored it back to its former state with a simple wave of his wand. While Draco was sceptical of this, he couldnt think of any other way in which the castle would have been returned to its original state so quickly and easily. We shall leave you here, Bane announced as Draco dismounted. When he did, he saw that they were near the oafs hut. We will be here when you return. Thank you, Astoria said shakily as she got down off the other Centaur. Any hints? Draco asked, knowing the answer. We cannot help you further than we already have, Bane replied, his face stoic. We may be becoming more involved in the world of Men, but there are still some limits. Draco said nothing as he took Astorias hand and started to walk towards the old castle. He found that they were walking slower than he would have expected. There was a large part of him that did truly want to be back at the school just to see it again. He felt a deep connection that he didn’t believe would go away and to actually think of not seeing the school seemed unfathomable to him. It was odd, as well, to be at the school when no one else was there though. It was as if there was no life to it anymore, and Draco felt oddly saddened by that thought. Where do we start? Astoria asked as they reached the large oaken doors to the castle. The library might be best, Draco said thoughtfully as he opened the doors with ease. There had to be a charm on them to make them so easy to open. That will take forever though. We dont even know what the stone might be. He and Astoria had spent weeks looking into the stone, but they had found nothing. As far as the two of them could tell, no books had anything about it, or the symbol carved into it, within and it was frustrating. They had tried everything with it, from setting it on fire to simply rolling it around in their hands like a die. Nothing seemed to have any effect on it, and it was becoming intensely frustrating. We could try the Headmasters office, Astoria suggested. Draco nodded. Id forgotten about the portraits. If theres anyone who would know what this thing is, itd be someone who actually ran Hogwarts, he said, impressed. He hadnt given the portraits any thought beforehand. It took them some time to navigate the halls once again as the five years had numbed their memory somewhat. As they moved about the castle, they soon noticed how empty it actually was. Not only were there no students about, but they didnt spy a single ghost, and all of the paintings in the halls had been vacated. Soon they came to the entrance to the Headmasters Office, guarded still by the large stone gargoyle. Draco and Astoria looked at each other. May we please gain entrance? Astoria asked the gargoyle, which did not move or give any indication that it would ever move. Let us in, Draco said sternly. Nothing happened. Please, its important, Astoria said in her sweetest voice, but the stone gargoyle ignored her. Move! Draco shouted, his voice echoing down the halls. The gargoyle finally moved, but it was only to shake its head. Theres nothing to be done, Astoria said. We cant get in. I suppose we just go to the library then? Draco asked. Or we could try to get into Ravenclaw Tower. They have a library as well and Ive been told that … Astoria couldnt finish, because she saw that Draco had remembered something. The Room of Requirement! he said loudly, grabbing Astorias hands. She looked confused. The what now? she asked. Draco laughed. The Room of Requirement, he said. Ive used it before. It is a room that gives us whatever you require. I used it when I was plotting against Dumbledore. How is it helpful right now? Astoria asked. We can ask it to show us the portrait of Dumbledore, Draco said, pulling Astoria down the hallway. It might not work, but it has given me everything else Ive needed before. This way we can talk to Dumbledore. Hes really the only one we need. Soon they arrived at the tapestry of Barnabus the Barmy, and Draco began pacing. I need to talk to Dumbledores portrait, Draco thought to himself while he was pacing. He kept thinking it until he looked up to see a door had formed in the wall. Draco took Astorias hand and opened the door. The room inside was small, consisting only of a deep red, velvety couch directed towards a large portrait of a sleeping wizard with a long silvery beard, long silvery hair and a crooked nose. As Draco and Astoria sat on the comfortable couch, Dumbledore seemed to awaken. When Draco looked at him, the old man was smiling, his eyes managing to have a sparkle even in painting form. Draco, he said happily. And miss Astoria Greengrass I suspect. It is nice to have visitors for once. Although it does seem that Im not in the Headmasters office anymore. Its the Room of Requirement, Draco explained. Dumbledore nodded. Im not Astoria Greengrass anymore, Headmaster, Astoria said timidly. Draco and I wed in June. Ah, well congratulations, Dumbledore said jovially. I only wish I could have been there. May I ask why you didnt go to the Headmasters Office? It wouldnt open for us, Astoria told him. Of course, Dumbledore said, as if he had forgotten something and just remembered. Unless you are the current Headmaster you need a password, which you dont have. There is no current Headmaster, Draco said drily. Indeed, Dumbledore agreed. From what Ive gathered, when Severus Snape was Headmaster he made it so that, in the event of his death, Harry Potter would be treated as acting Headmaster. Potter died, Draco said, surprising himself in how sad his words sounded. I gathered as much, Dumbledore said sadly. Why is it you have summoned me? We have something that we dont understand, Draco said, reaching into his pouch and pulling out the stone. We were hoping that you could shed some light on what it is. Draco could tell that Dumbledore recognised the stone the very moment that Draco showed it to him. There was an odd look on the face of the portrait of the old man. How did you get that? Dumbledore asked curtly. With what little Draco knew of the old man, this seemed out of character. The Centaurs gave it to me a little over a month ago, Draco replied, equally as curtly. He did not appreciate Dumbledore not being forthcoming. The Centaurs? Dumbledore asked, his eyes widening. How on Earth did they get it? Can you tell us what it is? Draco asked impatiently. It is the Resurrection Stone, Dumbledore said, not skipping a beat. One of the three Deathly Hallows. The Hallows are a myth, Draco replied with a derisive snort. They are not, Dumbledore replied calmly. I once possessed each of the three, though never all at the same time. I assume you have noticed the mark on the Stone? That has been what has puzzled us most, Astoria said, looking at the mark. It is the mark of the Deathly Hallows, Dumbledore explained. Depending on what you believe about the Deathly Hallows, the mark is either something created by the Peverell brothers, or by Death himself. Personally, I believe it was the Peverell brothers. So youre trying to convince me that this Stone is supposed to bring back the dead? Draco replied. If I remember correctly, and I think I do given how much my mother told me that damn story, you have to turn it thrice in your hand. Well, I cant tell you how many times Ive done that. Ive done it too, Astoria put in. Nothing happened. Have either of you lost a loved one before? Dumbledore asked. Astoria shook her head immediately. Draco shook his after contemplating Crabbe. No. The Resurrection Stone brings back loved ones. You two have not had someone you love die, as such it could not work for you. Even if youre right, Draco said. Why did the Centaurs give it to me? That is curious, Dumbledore said, leaning back in his chair. When they gave you the Stone, what did they do? Draco looked at Astoria, who nodded. Draco took out the parchment. We think they told us a prophecy, Draco said. That got the old mans interest, as the face in the portrait came closer. The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord survives through failure, and died in victory. Fire, blood, death. Life. The Turncoat, the Soft-Hearted Manipulator, the Survivor, the Teacher, the Outsider. The Brother, the Face-Changer, the Hunted, the Conspirator and the Believer. Different paths and different lives. Saving and changing. Choices. The wand, the stone, the cloak. Time. The old men and the young women. The train hasnt even left the station. You are only just beginning. O Children. Rejoice … Dumbledore took some time to process this. Unfortunately, as a portrait, I cant really think this over rationally, he finally said. Everything I know came from myself when I was alive. I know of prophecies, as I had been involved in some over the years, but I cant do much with the new information. The first line is all that seems in any way familiar to me. It is similar to another prophecy, one that has already been fulfilled it seems. So you cant help us with it? Draco asked. Dumbledore shook his head. Not a great deal, he admitted. Though you would be wise to look into the other Hallows. They appear to be somewhat important. The Centaurs never did anything that wasnt important. How do we do that? Astoria asked. We couldnt even work out that we had the Resurrection Stone. I take it you have considered the Hogwarts library? Dumbledore asked. Draco nodded. I would not bother if I were in your place. I was reading up on them while I had the Invisibility Cloak I never returned them, so theyre locked in the Office. Well whats the password? Draco asked. Well drop in and pick them up. I dont know, Dumbledore admitted. Severus changed it not long before his death, and I dont know what it is. He also put up anti-summoning wards which, even though he has apparently died, are still going today. Well what do we do? Draco asked, annoyed. There is one place you might be able to get some information, Dumbledore said thoughtfully. The old Black Household. I cant reveal to you where it is, unfortunately. It is under a Fidelius Charm. I was the Secret Keeper when I was alive, but I am not any more. You will have to find someone who knows. Who would know? Draco asked. Any of the Order of the Phoenix, though I suspect theyre all dead are they not? Dumbledore asked. When Draco nodded, Dumbledore closed his eyes. Draco thought the older man might cry. Severus mentioned to me that Tarquin Yaxley managed to get there. If so, that makes him a Secret Keeper by proxy. Yaxley is alive, Draco confirmed. I can ask him. If you can get there, the Black family had a vast and dark library, Dumbledore explained. Look for the Peverell name. Any information about them will be useful to you on this issue. Thank you, Astoria said, smiling. It is no problem Mrs Malfoy, Dumbledore said, his eyes twinkling. I never liked you, Dumbledore, Draco said bluntly, Dumbledore continued to smile. But I must admit, you have been helpful. I give you my thanks. And mine to you, Dumbledore told both Draco and Astoria who looked at the old man curiously. These days I get so few visitors, and those dusty old Headmasters can be incredibly boring. Though it is amusing when they attempt to play poker. Astoria laughed and Draco feigned a smile. As they left the Room of Requirement, Astoria suggested they visit the dungeons to see if it was at all possible to get into the Slytherin Common Room. As she was at the school before the Battle began, she knew the password, but she wasnt sure if it had been changed somehow afterwards. When they reached the end of the passageway, Astoria spoke the password. Dark Lord, she said, with a hint of disdain in her voice. No one knew just what took the password to get in, but some mechanism had to be in place, because a passage was revealed, which Draco and Astoria followed. The Common Room was much the same as it had been when Draco had attended Hogwarts. It was like a dungeon, and was tinged with green as a result of the lake outside the thick glass windows. Everything around them Draco knew was paid for by alumni of Hogwarts who wanted the best for the future students, something that was being wasted at that point. Wait here a minute, Astoria said before making her way towards the dorm rooms. Like in every other Common Room, if any male tried to enter the female dorms, something would prevent them. So Draco stayed in the Common Room, looking over some of the more intricate items on a table nearby. He couldnt help but consider just staying in the Common Room for the rest of his life. As much as he enjoyed living at Spinners End, nothing came close to being as much as a home to Draco as the Slytherin Common Room, and it seemed a waste that it was sitting there, uninhabited by anyone or anything besides the odd spider or two. When Astoria returned, she had with her an old diary of hers and her trunk, which she had shrunk so she could carry in one hand. We never had a chance to grab everything when we left, Astoria explained. They just kind of made us leave, and no one ever came back. I dont think any of my clothes will fit me now, but they might come in handy. They spent a little more time in the Common Room before finally leaving. They made their way back to the front of the castle. By that time it was dark outside, and the forest loomed in the distance. The Centaurs were true to their word and were waiting at the edge of the forest. I hope you found what you were looking for, Bane said as Draco was lifted onto his back. It was not a wasted trip, Draco confirmed. The Centaurs did not stop on the return trip and soon Draco and Astoria were at the edge of the forest once again. The Centaurs watched as Draco and Astoria apparated to Malfoy Manor, where they were greeted by Dracos parents. Lucius seemed genuinely happy to see them, though Narcissa was never happy to see Astoria. Mother, I was thinking about the Black side of the family, Draco said. His mothers eyebrows raised slightly. What about them? she asked, not unkindly. Seeing as I am, technically, the heir to that House, I was thinking I should have a look around the traditional Black home, Draco said, only partially lying. I may even move in there should I like it more than Spinners End. I would tell you where it is if I could, Narcissa said, but I cannot recall the location of the house. All I know is that Dumbledore was using it as the Headquarters for that Order of the Phoenix nonsense. He probably used a Fidelius Charm. As such, I cant reveal the location. Wait a moment, Lucius interrupted. Draco wanted to smile, but kept his face even. Astoria, he noticed, did the same. I remember Yaxley mentioning once that the Granger girl accidentally led him there. I dont remember the exact location, but he would know. That would be fantastic, Father, Draco said enthusiastically. Could you call Yaxley here? I would be very grateful. No need for gratitude, Lucius replied. You are the heir. It is your birthright. Ill Floo Yaxley immediately. Within minutes, Yaxley was standing in the living room of Malfoy Manor. His face was hard and blunt, but he had a smile that made him look extremely sinister. Though he was beginning to go bald, he continued to keep his blonde hair tied back into a ponytail. The Order of the Phoenixs headquarters is located at Number 12, Grimmauld Place, he confirmed to Draco. Draco asked him to write it down, which Yaxley did. The name is fitting. Grim and old is how Id describe it. But Im sure it will suit your needs. I do hope so, Draco said with a smile. My thanks Tarquin. It is nothing, Yaxley replied. If you dont mind, my wife is requesting that I actually help her with dinner for once. She is insisting that she wants to give it a go without the help of the Elves. Crazy. Lucius and Narcissa laughed obligingly, while Astoria and Draco allowed just a smile. Its getting late, Narcissa said when Draco and Astoria were preparing to leave. Grimmauld Place can wait, surely. It could, yes, Draco said, kissing his mothers cheek. But Im curious now. I doubt I could sleep without seeing it immediately. Astoria also kissed Narcissa on the cheek, as was her custom whenever she and Draco left their company. Draco knew that his mother did not enjoy it, but he also knew that she would never state it explicitly. They soon arrived at where Draco knew Grimmauld Place was. He and Astoria looked at the buildings in front of them with great interest. I can only see Numbers 11 and 13, Astoria said. I see the same, Draco replied. He knew that it had to be there. After Yaxley told them where it was, his mother confirmed the location herself, having spent a considerable amount of time at the house herself as a visitor as Walburga Black, her aunt, had lived there with her husband Orion. It has to be there. Mother confirmed it. Well, were not seeing it, Astoria said. But we know its there! Draco said loudly. Yaxley told us the location. Its there! Draco, dear, I know that, Astoria said, grasping Dracos arm. Theres something else at work here. Damn Yaxley, Draco ranted loudly. And damn the old fool Dumbledore! Sending us on a fools quest. Even when hes dead he cant stay out of our lives. Were trying to do something good here and we cant even get that right! What are we meant to do if we cant get the books we need? Go back and talk to the damned portrait again? Ask the Centaurs? Im not happy about it either, Astoria said quietly. But you need to calm down a bit. Its late and people might hear you. Screw the people! Draco said angrily. What are we meant to do? Are we meant to just – He stopped as something floated down from the sky in front of his eyes. It was a scrap of parchment. Draco reached out and grabbed it roughly. He read it in the light of a nearby street light silently to himself, something his father had taught him to do very early on in life. The Hiding Place is located at Number 12, Grimmauld Place. The writing was slanted and in cursive, though it was obvious that it was written in haste. Astoria took it from him and read it to herself as well. Draco looked up and he could see Number 12 as clear as day. Where nothing had been before, there was a house, so close to 11 and 13 that they were touching. Number 12, however, lacked the care and attention that went into Numbers 11 and 13. We have to be careful, Draco said quietly, drawing his wand. He watched as Astoria drew hers. If they were dangerous, they wouldnt lead us in this way, Astoria pointed out. If theyre insane they might, Draco said. He advanced on the house slowly. After some time, he reached the front door. He reached for the door handle slowly. It was cool to the touch as he pushed open the door. Barely anything could be seen in the hallway as they entered into it, wands drawn. Lumos, Astoria murmured, causing her wand to light up. What Draco saw at the end of the hall defied belief. There stood six people, all with their wands out and pointed at Draco and Astoria. Four women and two men. Draco recognised almost all of them, but stared at them in complete and utter disbelief. The dead have come to haunt me, he thought to himself irrationally. The two tallest were at the back. One was a beautiful woman with long silvery-blond hair, and the other had a scarred face, with long red hair. In front of them stood a small woman with waist-length blonde hair, a taller woman with long red hair, a muscled man with a weather beaten face and short red hair and, finally, a woman with a stern face and bushy brown hair. Granger? Draco asked, the disbelief dripping from his words as he dropped his wand on the ground and raised his hands. ________________________________________ Ooooh. Cliffhanger ending. The best kind of ending. How did they survive? Who knows? Wait … I do. And so will you. Eventually. As always, leave a comment or a like below if you want to. It would make my mouth contort into something vaguely resembling kind of like a smile. See you again in two days. ~Colin, The Master of Whisperers
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 22:00:03 +0000

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