***Admin Colin’s Ruminations on “A Song of Ice and - TopicsExpress


***Admin Colin’s Ruminations on “A Song of Ice and Fire”*** ***LONG POST*** ***If you have not read all 5 books of have only seen “Game of Thrones”, this post likely isn’t for you because there will be many many SPOILERS*** . . . . . . . . . . . So, I’ve been thinking about certain aspects of the series leading into the final two books and I’ve been reading quite a lot of fan theories, and I thought I would put some of my thoughts about certain things here for people who care about such things to read. Let’s start with the big one coming out of “A Dance with Dragons”, shall we? ***Is Jon Snow dead? Perhaps more to the point, will he stay dead?*** He is dead, certainly, but so was Beric Dondarrion. Several times. Melisandre will Thoros it up and Jon will live. I think his first chapter in TWoW will be him in Ghost’s body, but Mel will get him back to normal. Now, the next question is, will he change like Beric and Lady Stoneheart? He might. Beric, it seems, died a lot, so perhaps his changes were less severe than Lady Stoneheart’s. Of course, she was also dead for some time before they found her, possibly indicating why she has changed. I don’t think Jon will change all that much so long as Mel acts quickly, like I think she will. It’s kind of clear that Jon is Azor Ahai, and I think Mel knows that now, so she will do anything to save him. Also, since Jon technically died, that would mean that his oath to the Night’s Watch is done, which I think will be important to the story. If he is Azor Ahai, he probably won’t leave the Wall until the Others are gone (not that the Wall is going to survive this series), but his death leaves him open to do other things following the death of the Others. ***What will happen with Brienne, Jaime and Lady Stoneheart?*** This is the one that I think I am looking forward to. There are several theories, but I think my favourite is one that involves Gendry. Stoneheart wants to kill Jaime for not fulfilling his oath to find Arya and Sansa. Brienne was looking for both of them. Jaime set her on the task. Lady Stoneheart thinks her girls are dead, possibly by Lannister hands. Gendry knows that Arya was alive at some point post-King’s Landing. If he speaks up before Stoneheart forces Jaime and Brienne to do battle, she might (MIGHT) spare them both as long as they look for her. There is also the possibility that Jaime will be killed by Brienne, and then she and Gendry will go looking for Arya. The same could be said if Jaime kills Brienne. However, if Jaime were to win, I suspect that Stoneheart will not bother with rules and the Brotherhood will be done with her. Remember, it was founded by Beric Dondarrion who even let Sandor Clegane go. I hope Jaime and Brienne both survive. They’re two of my top three favourite characters (behind only Varys). If one of them is going to die, it will likely be Brienne as I think Jaime has a role to play with Cersei before the end. That leads me to the next point. ***Who is the Valonqar in Maggy the Frog’s Prophecy?*** I don’t think it’s Tyrion or Jaime. Easy as that. Tyrion is too obvious, and if not him, then Jaime would be next, but again it’s too obvious. All it means is “little brother” not Cersei’s little brother. So, if not Tyrion or Jaime, who? I don’t know. There are a few I can think of. Rickon Stark comes to mind, but I don’t think so. He is too small to be much of a threat to her, and we still don’t know where he is. Loras Tyrell is a little brother as well, and he has good reason to hate Cersei. I think that might be a bit too much of a stretch. I did also think maybe Aegon, since he was the little brother in that family, and he has reason to want to kill the spawn of Tywin. That is, of course, if he truly is Aegon (we’ll talk about that a bit later). I might have said Kevan Lannister, as he was the little brother of Tywin, but he’s already dead. One thought I had was that it meant little Brother, as in a small member of the Night’s Watch. There aren’t many that fit the bill, with the exception of Satin, who as far as I can tell has no grudge against the Lannisters, nor does he seem to be headed to King’s Landing anytime soon. Maybe Tommen as a Wight. That would be interesting. My personal thought is that it may just be Jaime. If not him, then I would say Aegon. He has the reasons, he would have the chance to do it and he would do it. ***Is Aegon VI Targaryen real or fake?*** Ah, this is the big question when it comes to who sits the Iron Throne, isn’t it? My thought is that he is a fake, but still of Targaryen heritage. He’s a descendent of the Blackfyres. A son of Illyrio and his wife, who was a Blackfyre. It is too convenient that Varys would be able to do this for Rhaegar’s son, so it is more likely that he is using an easy fake to get the Targaryen’s back in power. The stuff with Dany served a potential two purposes for him. Either she would live her life in Essos with the Dothraki and never cross the Narrow Sea, leaving the throne open for Aegon to take. Or, she decides to leave Essos and cross, and then marry Aegon, thus confirming his “legitimacy” before the entire realm. Either way, Varys wins. Will Aegon be King of the Seven Kingdoms? Well, let’s ask that very question. ***Who will end up as King/Queen of the Seven Kingdoms?*** Assuming there is a throne to take at the end of the story, there are so many choices for the reigning monarch. 1. Daenerys Targaryen. Most likely, but very obvious. 2. Aegon Targaryen. If he is really the son of Rhaegar (unlikely), then he might marry Dany and rule with her. If he isn’t, he will survive but not take the throne. Perhaps he will marry Arianne Martell. Maybe Sansa. 3. Stannis Baratheon. Nope. There is no way that Stannis will survive this story. He will learn that he is not what Melisandre said he was, and he will give his life for the cause against the Others. It will be his choice. 4. Euron Greyjoy. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Yeah, right. 5. Tommen Baratheon. No. He will die in TWoW. I’m almost certain of this. I like Tommen, and I think he would be the best choice if given the right tutelage, but he won’t survive this story. He’s too nice and his mother’s prophecy says that he will die. 6. Myrcella Baratheon. Again, no. The attempt to crown her in Dorne was terrible and barely even started before it was all screwed up. My thought is that she is killed accidentally (or maybe even on purpose). 7. Jon Snow. No thanks. I like Jon. I really do. But I don’t think he would make a good King, nor do I think that he will end up there. I think either Jon or Dany will eventually die in the series and since Dany’s death would almost make her storyline pointless (unless it’s done VERY well), I think Jon will die saving the realm from the Others. And I also don’t want him to marry Dany. I don’t get why people like this idea that they would fall in love. Dany loved Drogo, a massively powerful warrior horselord who had never lost a battle. She also seems to love Daario Naharis who, too, is a spectacular warrior, but also has a glib tongue. Jon is a brooding teenage boy who can fight well enough. He’s not Dany’s type. If she’s going to marry it will be for political reasons, as it was with Drogo. Not because Jon has Targaryen blood. 8. Sansa Stark. I don’t know how it would happen, but I like the idea. Sansa has gone through so much since leaving Winterfell and it would be nice if she ended up on the Throne, or at least married to a loving, caring King. I think this is one of the least likely possibilities, but I think I would be satisfied with her as Queen. 9. Gendry. If Daenerys, Aegon, Jon, Stannis, Shireen, Tommen and Myrcella are all dead, the throne would logically pass to one of Robert’s bastard children, surely. Gendry, I think, is the oldest male bastard, so that would make him the most likely candidate for becoming King. I don’t think it likely (and Edric Storm would do a better job), but it is a possibility. Who do I think will end up on the Throne? Dany. Who do I want to? Sansa or Aegon. So, that’s all for today. With that, I’ll leave you be now. If you have any thoughts, feel free to comment below. ~Colin, The Master of Whisperers
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 11:31:42 +0000

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