+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ After Action - TopicsExpress


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ After Action Report +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Incident 3199-16B Holoscript Transcribed from mobile observation terminal C6-0901, praise be to the Omnissiah for its continued service. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++Initiate Transcription Protocol+++ +++Processing+++ +++Record Retrieved+++ +++Processing+++ +++Initiating Author Protocol+++ +++Commencing Transcription+++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The servo-skull lay motionless amongst the jumbled wreckage and chipped flakes of rockcrete, its primary visual actuator focused on the shadowy figures that had interrupted its environmental analysis scan (see Incident 3199-16A) as they moved with great haste towards the horizon. The Vaelese landscape was verdant and overgrown, interrupted by black columns in the distance. The servo-skull could hear the rumbling overtures of war in the distance, and the purpose and speed at which the interlopers moved towards it could leave no doubt as to who they were. +Praise the Adeptus Astartes!+ It proclaimed to no one in particular, +They march towards the doom of the Alien!+ Ah, there you are. In a single motion, the flakes of rockcrete were swept away and the servo-skull was lifted upright, shaken slightly, then turned about as it was inspected for damage. Took a little fall, did you? +Praise the Marine Errant!+ The skull declared, in a tone no different than its typical artificially enforced enthusiasm, +For he seeks out and recovers valuable mission assets!+ Yes, that glory is mine. Let us hope it is but a minor one compared to what the others are digging for, come along now. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The building was a crumbling ruin, the skull noted that while reclassification would not be necessary, it had been reduced somewhat in mass since it was last cataloged. Behind it, two marines scraped away at a crumbling pile of masonry while others kept careful watch, some nearby, others far out of sight. All of them bore the dull black armour and distinctive metallic arm of the Deathwatch. Off to the side, it could clearly see the Rainbow Warrior (identified easily by his armour) impeding the dreadnought in a confrontational manner. In light of what had been seen of their interaction thus far, the servo-skull made a point of saving the image and filing it as Incident 3191-D. There she is, hold it steady... Part of the wall shifted and opened outwards under the strain forced on it by the squad sergeant, a scowling son of Fenris. Layers of rubble peeled back and held there for precious seconds, as the inquisitor stumbled out, her armour dented caked in rockcrete dust from head to toe. Are you all right, Inquisitor? He asked, releasing the wall and letting it collapse back in on itself. Fine! Never better. Its a good thing you were wearing that helmet, sir. Yes... Are they gone? Yes, Inquisitor. Targets are making haste to Theta Zone. I doubt they intended to tangle with us at all. Its to our benefit then. Mr. Helmet, you may recommence your scans of the administratum building records. +Administratum building has been destroyed. Scan cannot be completed at this time. Please try again later.+ Damn! The Inquisitor scoffed, kicking at a loose fragment of a brick and sending it flying, it shattered against the buckled wall, incurring further noise sections deeper within collapsed.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 06:47:27 +0000

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