"Aghios Panteleimon": downtown suburb in Athens infamous for its - TopicsExpress


"Aghios Panteleimon": downtown suburb in Athens infamous for its severe clashes between immigrants from Asia & Africa and the locals, much before GOLDEN DAWN became an EVIL NEED.....much before millions of compatriots suddenly desided that RACIALISM IS A VERY GOOD THING INDEED, unless implemented in SOUTH AFRICA, USA, GHETTOS...etc in 1922 my White Anatolians Greek ancestors from ASIA MINOR were far more Greeks than the wogs in the Balkans as far as it concerns civilization & history....in Smyrna they had a fast paced life & a high living standard and a top culture second to none, even if compared to West Europe of the times....they were branded as TURKISH SEEDS in the shanty backward villages of the NON RACIALISTS "never "indigenous" Greeks of ATHENS BY NIGHT false-touristic paradise, unless immigrants themselves in South Africa or US,.... I am proud for my mixed blood, both ANATOLIAN GREEK and BALKAN GREEK of Arbanite (Albanian ) and Slavonic origins, as most of them after all back home......I AM NOT PROUD FOR THE IDIOTS WHO CALL THEMSELVES "COMPATRIOTS" Whats the difference for an ANATOLIAN GREEK author and political activist self exiled in ARMENIA, with no incomes whatsoever from his stollen property in Athens, with only bills from ATHENS of the CORRUPTED OLIGARCHS & their subservient VOTERS...WITH NO JOB IN ARMENIA, since they wont accept someone like me in any Yerevan job, when there are no jobs in Armenia as well for the locals....they already know who i am, "GREEKS" are infamous blackening other Greeks, especially when they talk too much.....BILLS, BILLS, BILLS paying all of them... as i told them, IF EVER I HAVE TO SURVIVE MY GREEK-ARMENIAN FAMILY, TURKEY IS VERY CLOSE, as much as their insults and their bills and their taxes ....even that is not necessary since I AM TOO MUCH RESPECTED IN TURKEY for being AN IDEALIST, and OCCASSIONALLY AS MUCH HOSTILE TO THEM AS TO ALL THEIR FORMER SLAVES IN THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE.... RACISM IS NOT THE PROBLEM OF MODERN GREECE....CORRUPTION IN MINDS IS WORSE THAN any USUAL CORRUPTION.... It is said, you can bribe any one backhome, from the PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC to the last TAXI DRIVER in Athens.... STEREOTYPES?...perhaps in 1071, the ROMAN (or BYZANTINE) imperial ARMIES were betrayed by the OLIGARCHS of the Palace in Constantinople...the last Emperor of the Empire wasnt ConstantineXI Palaeoloque....in the most crucial battle for our Medieval states, the ones who never deserted Emperor Romanos Diogenes in the name of ROMANIA (thats the way Byzantines called their Empire) were his ROYAL GUARD of PRETORIANS, all English mercenaries at the time, (not of Viking or Rus origins any more as in older times)...when all compatriots deserted him, and later on accused the TURKISH TRIBES of what they did .....the English (Danes were used to be called in Constantinople then) fell till the last soldier next to their GREEK ANATOLIAN EMPEROR even if I ever wanted to "defect" to TURKEY, i have no money to do so....WHY? TOO MUCH CORRUPTION EVERYWHERE I SUPPOSE SO....but even if i did have the money, i wont even betray so easily ANY IDEAS OF MINE, just doing what all corrupted compatriots of mine, officially and unofficially SIMPLY DO, visiting Turkey.....since they cannot defend Greeks in the name of GREECE...AS MUCH AS THEY NEVER DID IN THE NAME OF "ROMANIA"..... I AM NOT PART OF THEIR GREECE...A NEW GREECE SHOULD BE FOUNDED....IN THE NAME OF STRATEGY OF ENERGY & LESS, MUCH LESS CORRUPTION & ARROGANCE and by the way, i have the mentality of an Empire, not of a corrupted President or minister of any farrago country......I DO NOT KNOW WHY MY "GREEK" PUBLISHER STILL DOESNT INFORM ME OF ANY SORT OF MY ROYALTIES....LET ALONE SEND ME THE MONEY! i do not wish now peanuts...i want everything from that ATHENS BY NIGHT GREECE...even their pants with their asses in them!
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 10:04:28 +0000

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