“Aids Or Additions?” Jarrod Jacobs The discussion and - TopicsExpress


“Aids Or Additions?” Jarrod Jacobs The discussion and justification for instrumental music in the worship of the church is something that rears its head from time to time. Those in the denominational world take part in this unscriptural practice, and sadly we see those in the church of Christ who do not understand that instrumental music in the worship to God is a sin. Seeing that this is true, I thought it would be helpful in our study to read a letter sent to me from a brother and a response I wrote to him on the subject of “aids and additions.” That is, what is the difference between an “aid” and an “addition” to the worship, especially as it applies to pitchpipes, songbooks, etc. and the mechanical instruments of music. Also, since we are currently in a series concerning how to establish Bible authority, this letter certainly fits in our study. There is a difference between an “aid” and an “addition”. In other words, there are such things as expediencies that can be utilized by God’s people. Also, there are things that are not expedient! The Letter To Me: “I am in the midst of a class on Bible authority .... How do you answer the world on the use of pitch pipe, song books, and not use an instrument in worship? In other words the difference between aid and addition? I have, what I believe the Bible teaches, but I would like to hear how others answer the same question. Thank you” My response: Brother, You write: “How do you answer the world on the use of pitch pipe, song books, and not use an instrument in worship? In other words the difference between aid and addition?” I wish to give you some suggestions in answering this question if I may: 1) The pitchpipe/songbook/etc. are aids in the singing of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God. They add nothing to the worship. When one uses a pitchpipe/songbook/etc. he is still simply singing praises to God. When one plays the piano, or other mechanical instruments, you have introduced another KIND of music. 2) One can use a pitchpipe/songbook/etc., or not use these things, and the result is still the same -- singing will be done. This cannot be said of one using the instrument. You cannot “use” or “not use” the instrument and still have the playing of the instrument! 3) The use of a pitchpipe is used merely to obtain the pitch, and that before any singing is done. Instrumental music is used to carry the tune throughout the song. 4) To add the instrument to the worship is to add another ACTION to our worship (Playing). The Bible teaches us that our action is to SING praises to God, with our “heart” being the instrument (Col. 3:16; Eph. 5:19). The pitchpipe/songbook/etc. do not add another action in any way. (We do not “sing and songbook,” we sing! However, the parallel breaks down when one talks about “singing” and “playing an instrument”!) 5) Simply put, when one uses the pitchpipe/songbook/etc. singing, the thing commanded by the Lord, is still the only thing that is done. When instruments of music are used, a thing NOT commanded by the Lord is done. We are to make our appeal to what the Bible says, and not where it is silent!! (I Pet. 4:11; Col. 3:17) The Lord was silent as the tomb about the instruments of music! The question is, “When is a thing an addition?” The answer is, when another element is added! When the instrument is used, another KIND of music has been obtained! Pitchpipes/songbooks/etc. do nothing in addition to what has already been commanded by the Lord. Thus, they are an “aid” and not an “addition”! I hope this will help you. Brotherly, Jarrod Jacobs
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 21:15:07 +0000

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