{Allah hath sealed their hearing and their hearts, and on their - TopicsExpress


{Allah hath sealed their hearing and their hearts, and on their eyes there is a covering. Theirs will be an awful doom. (7)} Surat Al-Baqara (2) And just like Allah the Almighty provided us with the characters of the believers He provides us with the characters of disbelievers, and some might ask if that is Allah decree on the disbelievers? So why does the Prophet [PBUH] asks them to have faith and Allah has already sealed their hearts? The meaning of a seal on the heart is a decree that none of the disbelief that is already in the heart would leave it and that faith (in Allah) would come into it. We say that Allah the Almighty does not need the whole of humanity so if some of his creation chose to disbelieve instead of faith then Allah will assist them in staying away from the Almighty and does not assist them to return to having faith and that is why Allah the Almighty says Hadith Qudsy1: ((I am what good my slave thinks of me and I am with him when he remembers Me, so id he remembers Me with himself, I remembered him with Myself, .........., ................,.................,)). The Hadith Qudsy clarified that Allah the Almighty assist the believers in their belief and just like Allah the Almighty assist the believers in their belief it does not bother Him whether the human believes or not and that is how the Qur’an gives an accurate description that those who disbelieved 1 The words of Allah, repeated by Muhammad [PBUH] and recorded on the condition of an isnad (chain of verification by witness(es) who heard prophet Muhammad say the hadith). 1 they themselves have chosen to disbelieve and their choice in disbelieving was first before Allah sealed their hearts and Allah the Almighty made the disbelievers not needing to disbelieve but whomsoever disbelieves He does not need him. Those who have disbelieved in that hey concealed the belief in Allah and His messenger those Allah would seal their senses with their own disbelief those are the heart, the sight and the hearing. Heart is the tool by which we come to acknowledge the unseen and Allah advanced the heart before hearing and the sight in this Verse because He wants to teach us the manner by which we come to a state of acknowledgement and realization. And in the Holy Qur’an Allah the Almighty says: {And Allah brought you forth from the wombs of your mothers knowing nothing, and gave you hearing and sight and hearts that haply ye might give thanks. (78)} Surat Nahl (16) And that is how Allah teaches us that the widows of knowledge in the human being are the hearing, the sight and the heart but in the Verse we are discussing Allah the Almighty advanced the heart before hearing and sight, as Allah knows that they chose disbelief and that their choice was before Allah sealed their hearts and the sealing of the hearts means that no new realization (i.e of faith) would come into them and no existing realization (i.e of disbelief) would come out of them and no matter what the ears would hear or the eyes would see, there is absolutely no use from that because 2 those hearts have been sealed by a seal from Allah after their holders have chosen to disbelieve and insisted upon it and that is how Allah the Almighty describes them: {Deaf, dumb and blind; and they return not. (18)} Surat Al-Baqara (2) But why is it that they lost these tools of realization? Because veil like substance surrounded the disbelieving hearts so it made the eyes incapable contemplating the Verses and signs of Allah and the hearing is also incapable to listen to the Prophet [PBUH]. Therefore those who have chosen disbelief and insisted upon it and disbelieved in Allah inspite of His messages, His messengers and His Qur’an so what would Allah do with them? He would abandon them and because He the Almighty is not needing His creation He makes easy the path that they have chosen and assists them in it, reading Allah the Almighty’s words: {And he whose sight is dim to the remembrance of the Beneficent, We assign unto him a devil who becometh his comrade; (36)} Surat Al-Zukhruf (43) And the Almighty also says: {Shall I inform you upon whom the devils descend? (221) They descend on every sinful, false one. (222)} 3 Surat Al-Shura (26) And the greatness of Allah’s knowledge is that He knows the believer and the disbeliever without Him the Almighty interfering in their choices and when Allah the Almighty sent the Prophet Noah [PUH] and he called people to Allah’s curriculum for a period of 950 years and before the flooding took place, Allah knew that no one will believe in the message of Noah other than those who have already believed therefore Allah ordered Noah to build the ship so that the believers would escape the flood and read Allah the Almighty’s words: {And it was inspired in Noah, (saying): No-one of thy folk will believe save him who hath believed already. Be not distressed because of what they do. (36) Build the ship under Our eyes and by Our inspiration, and speak not unto Me on behalf of those who do wrong. Lo! they will be drowned. (37)} Surat Hud (11) And that how we see that Allah the Almighty in the greatness of His knowledge who will insist on disbelieving and will die a disbeliever. So if this is true so why does Allah the Almighty ask of His messenger [PBUH] to inform them of the curriculum in the Qur’an? That is so that they become witnesses on themselves on the day of judgment so that hey do not come on that day and argue in falsehood in that had guidance reached them and they were called by the Prophet [PBUH] they would have believed, so why did Allah the Almighty seal their hearts? Because the heart is the place for faith and that is why the matter is initially discussed by the mind then after the 4 end of that discussion and the individual becomes wholly convinced it will move and stay in the heart and does not come back to the brain again and it becomes a matter of faith and belief, Allah the Almighty says: {For indeed it is not the eyes that grow blind, but it is the hearts, which are within the bosoms, that grow blind. (46)} Surat Al-Hajj (22) So if the heart was blinded on the issue of faith then no eye will see the signs of faith and no ear will hear the words of Allah and those who have chosen disbelief over belief will have great torment and torture that awaits them on the day of judgment. Allah the Almighty described the torture in being extremely painful and humiliating in describing its greatness. Painful torture is torture which causes extreme pain and the humiliating torture comes to those whom Allah gave high status in life, and sometimes humiliation can be far more painful to the soul than the torture itself. Those who were the leaders of disbelief during the lifetime Allah brings them in front of those who followed them so He humiliates them. As to the great torture this is described in the abilities of Allah the Almighty as the abilities and power of humans are limited but when Allah’s abilities are involved then there is no limit to His power because every action comes in proportion to the actor and because such torture is coming from Allah the Almighty then it is a torture of great proportions. _________________ 5 {And of mankind are some who say: We believe in Allah and the Last Day, when they believe not. (8)} Surat Al-Baqara (2) There are three circumstances for people in life, and they are either: believers, disbelievers or hypocrites. And Allah the Almighty at the beginning of the Qur’an in Surat Al-Baqara wanted to give us an overall description of all humans in respect of His curriculum and they are three groups: the first group are the believers, and Allah the Almighty defined their features in three Verses in His words: {Who believe in the Unseen, and establish worship, and spend of that We have bestowed upon them; (3) And who believe in that which is revealed unto thee (Muhammad) and that which was revealed before thee, and are certain of the Hereafter. (4) These depend on guidance from their Lord. These are the successful. (5)} And the second group are the disbelievers and Allah the Almighty informed us of their features in two Verses in His saying: {As for the Disbelievers, Whether thou warn them or thou warn them not it is all one for them; they believe not. (6) Allah hath sealed their hearing and their hearts, and on their eyes there is a covering. Theirs will be an awful doom. (7)} 6 As for the hypocrites He defined their features in 13 separate Verses but why? Because of the danger they pose to the religion, and that is because it is the hypocrites that destroy a religion but as to the disbeliever we avoid him and are cautious from him because he declared his disbelief. The hypocrites pretends in front of other to have belief however, he hides evil and disbelief within him and you may think he is a believer so you open your secrets then he takes these secrets to stab the religion and cast doubt over it. Allah the Almighty created various (........), and for the human being to be at peace with himself, it must be that his (.........) is in harmony and not in reduction. So the believer’s (......) is in harmony because he adopted the faith with his heart and he spoke what he adopted with his tongue so here is no contradiction amongst his (........) at all. It may also be said that the disbeliever lives at peace with himself as well because he rejected faith and his heart denied it and his tongue spoke of it, however the person who has lost his peace with his (........) then he is a hypocrite as he has lost his peace with society and with himself, he says things with his tongue what his heart does not believe in and shows what he does not think and says what he does not believe and fears that people might find him out thus he lives in deep fear and he thinks this is a temporary state and that it will end. 7 However, this contradiction remains with him until the last day of his life and then moves with him to the hereafter where it will capture him and leads him to the hellfire, read Allah the Almighty’s words: {Till, when they reach it, their ears and their eyes and their skins testify against them as to what they used to do. (20) And they say unto their skins: Why testify ye against us? They say: Allah hath given us speech Who giveth speech to all things, and Who created you at the first, and unto Whom ye are returned. (21)} Surat Fussilat (41) Therefore all their (....) attacked them in the hereafter so the inner peace that they were yearning for they did could not achieve neither during their lifetime or in the hereafter as the tongue of the hypocrite will bear witness against him as well his hands and legs and his skin all will bear witness so what is left? Between himself and his Lord there is a contradiction, between him and himself there is a contradiction, between himself and his society there is a contradiction as well as between himself and other disbelievers there is a contradiction. He say on his tongue what is not present in his heart and Allah the Almighty described the hypocrites by saying: {And of mankind are some who say: We believe in Allah and the Last Day, when they believe not. (8)} Surat Al-Baqara (2) 8 These are the first characteristics of the hypocrites as mentioned in the Holy Qur’an they declare that they have faith when in their hearts there is disbelief and that is why their faith is merely cosmetic, if they go to do their prayers then is not counted in their favour because they merely pretend doing it, and they certainly do not perform it (as it should be performed) out shear faith and if they carryout the mandatory Zakat (giving a share of one’s wealth to the poor) they are overcome by a feeling of regret because they are spending it and they hate doing so as they claim it lessens their wealth and they do not receive Allah’s reward fordoing so in the hereafter, and if one of them was killed in a Holy battle they become saddened and because they have wasted their lives and did not give it for the sake of Allah. And that is why everything they do is a hardship for them. As to the believer when he performs prayer or gives the mandatory charity (Zakat) or if he is martyred for the sake of Allah he is doing so that he may achieve paradise, and the hypocrites do all this but aim for nothing. It is just like that Allah has decreed for them that they suffer hardship during their lifetime and in the hereafter, they do not have the enjoyment of the believer, in what he does for the sake of Allah, in their lifetime and they do not achieve in the hereafter the rewards from Allah that is rewarded to the believer. __________________ {They think to beguile Allah and those who believe, and they beguile none save themselves; but they perceive not. (9)} 9 Then comes the second character of the hypocrites that is indicative of their lack of consciousness and silly and irrational thinking in that they think that by their hypocrisy they are deceiving Allah the Almighty. So could a person deceive the Lord of the Worlds? Allah the Almighty knows everything, he knows what we hide and what we declare knows the secrets and what is even more hidden than a secret, and is there anything that is more hidden than a secret? We say yes, a secret is what you have entrusted another with therefore two persons know it yourself and whom you entrusted. But what is more hidden than a secret is what you keep for yourself and no other knows about it and it remains in your heart and no other knows about it and Allah the Almighty says: So no creation can deceive his Creator but because of their lack of consciences they think that they are able to deceive Allah the Almighty and by their actions they will never attain peace between themselves and Allah rather there will have disparity and anger. And by their claimed deception they think they are deceiving the believers as well by saying in front of them other than what they are hiding within themselves. But such deception brings them hardship because they live in a state of constant fear, they fear that they may be discovered by the believers or that they may be heard in their own private gatherings when they talk about disbelief and joke about faith so when they talk they must first ensure that none of the believers are listening to them, then make sure that the 10 believers will not enter the place in which they are talking. Fear always fills their hearts as well when they are with the believers as each and every one of them is scared that they might say something inappropriate which might reveal his hypocrisy and disbelief. And that how there is no peace between them and the disbelievers and the reality is that they are deceiving no one but themselves as Allah the Almighty knows their deception and the believers may know their hypocrisy and if they did not know Allah the Almighty informs them of it, read Allah the Almighty’s words: {And if We would, We could show them unto thee (Muhammad) so that thou shouldst know them surely by their marks. And thou shalt know them by the burden of their talk. And Allah knoweth your deeds. (30)} Surat Mohammed (47) Did not the hypocrites come to the Prophet [PBUH] to witness that he is the Messenger of Allah so Allah revealed the truth in front of the Prophet [PBUH] and revealed the following Verses: {When the hypocrites come unto thee (O Muhammad), they say: We bear witness that thou art indeed Allahs messenger. And Allah knoweth that thou art indeed His messenger, and Allah beareth witness that the Hypocrites indeed are speaking falsely. (1)} Surat Al-Munafiqoun (63) 11 The hypocrites came to the Prophet [PBUH] to witness the truth in his message and Allah the Almighty knows that truth of that message because He the Almighty knows that His messenger is truthful about the message but at the same time He bears witness that the hypocrites are liars, but how? How is it that Allah words are consistent with what the hypocrites had said and then they are at the same time liars? Because the hypocrites said with their tongues what was not in their hearts they bore witness, with their tongues only, that Mohammed [PBUH] is the messenger of Allah but their hearts were in denial, lying about him and that is how what the hypocrites said despite it being the truth but they themselves were lying, they say with their tongue what is not on their hearts because honesty is when what is in the heart is consistent with what is on the tongue and those lied because their bearing witness to the Prophet [PBUH] they did not express what was in their hearts, rather their hearts disbelieved what they said. There are many Verses in the Holy Qur’an where Allah the Almighty reveals the reality of the hypocrites and gives advance knowledge to His messenger of what they had in their hearts for him so their deception of the believers despite it being a deception of one human to another human at times their tongues slip and their reality is revealed and if the tongue did not slip then the statement came from Allah the Almighty to openly reveal them and he conclusion comes in that they did not deceive anyone as Allah knows what they hide and what the show openly so Allah assist the believers against them so they get to know their reality and another time the tongues of the hypocrites slip so they reveal themselves. 12 Therefore, the behaviour of the hypocrite does not deceive anyone but himself and he is the looser in the lifetime and the hereafter. When he carries out a matter of faith Allah knows it is hypocracy and when he tries to deceive the believers he is revealed and the result is that they think they have achieved a benefit for themselves but they only achieved a clear loss. ____________________ {In their hearts is a disease, and Allah increaseth their disease. A painful doom is theirs because they lie. (10)} That Allah the Almighty likened what is in the hearts of the hypocrites with a disease and disease gives illness and it is just like that they do not have the well being of the faithful that revives the heart making it young and strong but they are diseased hearts but why are they diseased? Because they were tired by hypocracy and contradiction with all that surrounds it and it felt that it was living a life full of lies so the heart got became disturbed making it sick and it cannot possibly be healed unless with the permission of Allah and its only medicine is true and sincere belief that is what cures it and Allah the Almighty says: {And We reveal of the Quran that which is a healing and a mercy for believers though it increase the evil-doers in naught save ruin. (82)} Surat Al-Israa (17) 13 Therefore, belief and the Qur’an are a healing to the hearts and both are far away from the hearts of the hypocrites, it is like the disease increases in their hearts with the passage of time. And Allah the Almighty with their own hypocracy and disbelief increases their illness and this is the third character of the hypocrites. They have the sick and diseased hearts that the light of faith does not dare enter and that is the reason their hearts are weak and does not possess enough strength to know the truth and their hearts are scared of what surrounds them anxious in all its steps disturbed at the discrepancy between the heart and the tongue, and the sick person is unable to do anything similarly these hearts are unable to say the truth and unable to be honest and cannot se what is around it this vision that is proportionate and consistent with the inherent human nature of faith that Allah placed in the hearts, and that is why when the hypocrites entered within the army of the Muslims the first thing they look for is how to escape from the battlefield, searching for a hiding place in which to hide or a place where they are seen by no one and Allah the Almighty describes them in saying: {Had they but found a refuge, or caverns, or a place to enter, they surely had resorted thither swift as runaways. (57)} Surat Al-Taouba (9) Why? Because they have sick hearts unable to do anything and its sickness allows it to run from everything and hide. The matter does not stop there but in the hereafter there awaits them painful torment in addition to the torment they suffered during their lifetime and for what they lied about Allah and His 14 messenger awaits them painful torture like the torture of the disbelievers and Allah the Almighty says: {Lo! the hypocrites (will be) in the lowest deep of the Fire, and thou wilt find no helper for them; (145)} Surat Al-Nisa (4)
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 19:44:35 +0000

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