“Allow GOD to handle it” by PennyNgubs Sometimes we - TopicsExpress


“Allow GOD to handle it” by PennyNgubs Sometimes we wrestle, fight ourselves and others, Yes we fight and fight knowing clearly that these battles are not ours. Today I want to encourage someone, to let go and Let God, Allow him to take care of everything. God is a God who knows all and understands all. I have never seen a vessel that handles it own crack and fixes themselves out, but the potter sees a crack then starts taking clay and smears it all over the crack to close it up, so do we, we can’t fix things in our lives we need to handover every little worry, care and concern, our mind is not meant to understand situations, but it is meant to follow the heart of God and understand the truth, which is God’s word, understanding that God’s word is sharper than a two edged sword, that when it gets to our flesh it has to pierce through so that we are remade and live by the truth and no long by the standards of this world and not by satan’s confusions or deceit I know how it feels to long for something, wanting it badly to even seek instant options to finally receive it. I normally get reminded of the Steak and Fish story, where two friends went to the restaurant to order food and the other one orders a quick meal and the other one order something that takes time to prepare, well-done steak. The other order came quick and the other one took some time. I bet the other friend became irritable and asked “Why are they taking forever, some people don’t know how to offer good service or can’t do their Job right” or the person could have said, “I can wait, I ordered something yummy and I don’t mind waiting, I will wait until it is well-done” Sometimes in our lives we become edgy, we panic and start losing focus, we forget who our maker is, we forget who fights our battles, we want things now and are not willing to wait, then when they are offered to us raw or prematurely we cry when having to nurse then to maturity and cause ourselves depression and stress. Rather than waiting we want it instantly. Today I am here to encourage you as I encourage me “ Let us All Allow God to handle it”, God has your back, lean on him, He is waiting to catch you any moment, I love spiritual motivational speakers, they speak life to my spirit, they always say “ God is in control, and He gave you that task or challenge because He trusts your Faith” , He knows that my faithful servant will push through and not be shaken, She/he will run this race to completion, they will push and be encouraged by my word. Again I say today Just allow your maker to close gaps in your life, not by passing your challenges to the next party but by thanking God calmly and clarifying to him that Daddy I know you got my back and you give my inner being peace in time of ADVERSITY therefore I will not be moved nor shaken, I thank you daddy for strength and willing power and spirit to push. We need to remember one thing, our tears of complains never move God, but tears of trust, faith and handing over everything moves God. With faith we pray Lord, this cup is too much for me, please take the cup away, when we say take it away we donot mean, stop this challenge from challenging me No, but we mean Lord in you I trust I have come to a point of realization that with my own strength I can’t but with you I can baba. Kindly grant me the strength to push and abundant faith to trust and believe in you. Even though God can see the words in your heart but say them out loud, this puts a stamp on satan’s strategies that he cannot take us down, cause our eyes and focus is positioned to the Hills where our help cometh. Today go before the thrown of grace and remind God of what he said in his word. He said Come to me all of you who are weary, when you go to him you are saying to God, “Lord, I understand that you are all powerful and nothing is impossible with you.” God has not brought you thus far to leave you. His in you, and with you. Persevere, have the have that kind of spirit that never gives up until what God promised you comes to pass, Hold On!! Dare to dream, never be hasty for anything but be willing to wait for what God has promised to you, and don’t fight satan alone but with the word and with God right beside you, you know how, remind the devil that, he was defeated, tell him that this is not the time nor the place for fights but for throwing and confessing words of life at him, You fight the devil with words, the sword, the truth form God, yes meditate on God’s truth and I promise you will understand that the battle is not yours for sure. “Today, trust God to handle your all” Scriptures: Matthew 11:28, Philippians 1:6, Jeremiah 18, Genesis 28:15, 2 Chronicles 20:15. GLORY AND HONOR TO THE JEHOVAH SEBAOTH (He Reigns and Rules, His compassionate and He cares).
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 11:25:55 +0000

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