...Although Im saddened & somewhat outraged for Michael Brown and - TopicsExpress


...Although Im saddened & somewhat outraged for Michael Brown and His family. The truth is it comes to no surprise. Law enforcement has always seen us ( black men) as lesser life forms. However what I may say next may offend, or displease some of you. But frankly IDGAF!!! Maybe the police force would respect us if we respected ourselves. Every time a young black man is beaten or shot to death by the police the outcry though temporary is immense. We scream WorldStar, Stop Snitching or *Free My Nigga. This Is A Problem. We cant expect another race to value our lives when we as a people dont feel the same. Consider this: If Michael Brown was killed by another black man would the outcry be the same. No it wouldnt.. We rally, protest & riot because its an on going problem. Because our youth are getting killed by the police. But we dont rally, protest, or even riot when its black on black crime everyday in our neighborhoods. Im quite sure if Lil Ray-Ray & em. Knew we were gonna be outside their homes,workplace,in they hoods occupying their corners, blocks etc.. Rioting, Protesting, Picketing, Marching til something happen. Then youll see a change. Im getting tired of Every time you turn on the news a black man has killed a black man. Maybe if we hold ourselves accountable this epidemic wouldnt be happening. Im not taking anything away from Michael Brown & what his family is enduring. Im just simply asking a question.. When will we wake up & be accountable for ourselves. It just seems like the visions of Dr. King, Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, Stokley Carmichael, Medgar Evers & so many others is getting cast aside.. When will we wake up?
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 22:38:37 +0000

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