#Amalgamations Q&A - event organised by SOS #Cottesloe Inc #wapol - TopicsExpress


#Amalgamations Q&A - event organised by SOS #Cottesloe Inc #wapol #PerthNews youtube/watch?v=xjizn1QPuls The Development & Construction Complex (yes that includes Barnett and crony media) are pushing for amalgamations. Clearly they believe bigger councils will benefit them. But how will they benefit the public? Opposition isnt just coming from communities and academics, it is coming from Liberal members as well. Here are some points to consider; 1. The State Government is saying that it will reduce costs and improve services. Yet, they will not provide any evidence or rational for this argument. In fact, all evidence shows the opposite is true. 2. Even many who like the idea for amalgamations are disgusted with the dodgy, undemocratic and possibly even illegal way in which the State Government has implemented their proposal process. Including trying to take away the legal right of communities to vote on whether they want amalgamations or not. 3. Bigger councils means diluted representation from Councillors. Instead of a Councillor having 2,000 or 5,000 rate payers to represent, they will have more like 18,000 or more. Ratepayers lose their voice and have less say on shaping their own communities. Communities have less say on developments that affect them. Developers (who dont even live in those areas), will have more power. 4. Councils become more corporatised and politisied. CEOs and Mayors and Councillors will be paid more and be more aliened to political parties. 5. Communities lose their character and uniqueness. Economies of scale (if they are achievable by local government?), means all signs, all footpaths, all cafe strips, all everything, have the same rules and regulations applied. Everywhere begins to look the same. 6. Parks and infrastructure in the suburbs become neglected and rates money flows into main business centers (Geelong and Toronto classic examples). 7. The cost of transitioning will be huge, both in staff time and dollars. All maps, signage, boundaries, rubbish runs, every system will need to be changed, handover negotiations between councils and red tape galore. Big consulting firms (who are probably lobbying Barnett too) are beavering away in anticipation of the extra consulting fees that they will be earning. Just see who is on the various lobby property lobby groups - The Property Council, Committee for Perth etc. all developers or various business advisory groups who will profit from a system they can better control. Rate payers and tax payers will foot the bill. As the old saying goes someone will benefit, but it wont be you. See this Committee for Perth submission to the LG advisory board; committeeforperth.au/pdf/Submissions/LGDistrictInquiriesMarch14.pdf
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 09:49:46 +0000

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