America Is My Name The greatest danger to American - TopicsExpress


America Is My Name The greatest danger to American freedom is a government that ignores the Constitution Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States Fellow Americans: The American way to help people is to empower them by telling the truth. Americans who can not read will never learn the truth and will always be slaves. Proud to Be an American... The Peoples Voice is a national group that operates with no government, political, corporate or religious affiliations or influence. We are Free Americans. We are not Republicans, Democrats, Independents or any other of these endless parties which claim to represent our best interests. We are mainly American Veterans from WWII to the present. There are many of us. The only special group we belong to is America. The doctrines which give us our rights and our orders are The United States Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and few others. These documents do not belong to our elected government; they belong to the People of the United States. Our of control Government ... Our out of control government is shredding every concept of what America is all about. They are funded primarily by corporations who have their own private interests on the national level and, of course, abroad, which are not the interests of the American People. Enron and WorldCom are primary examples of the damage and these are the ones we know about. What about the others? The law’s the government has passed recently against these corporate crimes is not putting any American back to work or food on their tables. These types of activities put our entire nation in harm’s way and the entire world sees this. Our politicians have violated the original Thirteenth Amendment of the Constitution wherein that no lawyer shall hold any political office within our national government (and they know this). One cannot serve two masters. Are we being Intentionally Misled? They have permitted the pride of the American People to be exported into other nations - taking away our industry and our jobs. This makes it absolutely impossible to pursue the American Dream of Life, Liberty, Freedom and Peace. We cant afford this. Literally 100s of thousands of jobs have been lost with pension funds and health care being sucked down the drain into oblivion. Communication is Key... This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, They Can Exercise Their Constitutional Right of Amending it, or Their Revolutionary Right to dismember or overthrow it.President of the United States - Abraham Lincoln We are trying very hard to bring every American the much needed information about when, where and how our country has been sold out from beneath our feet, in front of our very eyes. How it is being destroyed by a secret government that is operating inside of our elected one before it’s too late. We are dedicated to informing America that even our elected government has sold us out to corporate interests, special interest groups, the United Nations, NATO and other foreign interests. It takes work to be an American... What are the requirements to be an American? You must read, understand and apply in your daily life the contents of our Doctrines, as listed above. You must defend these documents against all enemies - foreign and domestic. You must not be afraid to stand and meet the call for defending your rights, and the rights of others, as protected by these documents. What does all of this mean? It means you need to read these documents. Learn them, know them, live by them, defend them. Thats what it means and its that simple. If you do not know what is in these documents or have never read them you will find links to them right here on this site. Therefore, your first assignment, or duty, is to read get with it. OUR EXPERIENCE WILL BE YOUR SURVIVAL There are responsibilities that come with Freedom. Taking for granted certain liberties and freedoms without understanding what must accompany them and in order to benefit from them is pure ignorance. How can you allow yourself to believe that you have these rights, in any degree, if you do not know what any of them are? You may have been born in America, but, what does that really mean? What is America? Why is America? You just cant live in this country, call yourself an American and expect everything to be alright without taking personal responsibility to insure that this will always be the America you desire. It takes work, constantly. It takes participation, actively. You are the Solution... It means keeping a watchdogs eyes to monitor it on a 24/7 schedule; as individuals and not as some trumped-up government propaganda machine as the Homeland Security Act suggests, or the American Freedom Corps. Stay away from these groups. They are designed to manipulate a free people into believing that they will fix our problems when in fact they are citizens vs. citizen’s spy-networks. Wake up! When Americans are met with the challenge to question the activities of our government elect then they should get in their face if need be to make sure they are doing the job they were elected/hired to do. When things go astray then ask yourself what you did to prevent it. Now, what are you going to do to correct it? Stop Political Correctness. Tell the truth. Silence is acceptance... Thats right! You had NOTHING to do with it. Dont just sit there and assume that everything is alright. Apathy is the path to slavery, slavery is the body of bondage and bondage is the path to revolution. Many Americans do not realize how chained and manipulated they truly are. They are not aware that what they have was at the expense of someone else’s blood. Remember, a prisoners chains are heavier than a soldiers pack. Revolution is the tool to break those chains... Revolution is not a bad thing, nor does it have to be violent. Civil Disobedience is part of the Revolution process. I will not comply... However, an unfortunate turn of events can make a revolution violent, but, it is also the very device that allowed America to become one of the worlds greatest nations in the archives of history. It was the driving force to construct our very constitution. Revolution built this country! If you believe that revolution is a bad thing for America then you havent studied your history very well. We are dedicated to maintaining Americas greatness for all Americans. If you are not part of the solution you are the problem “Dont join the book burners . . . .” — Dwight D. Eisenhower, President of the United States, 1953–1961 “Restriction of free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions. It is the one un-American act that could most easily defeat us.” — Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas “Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.” — Benjamin Franklin “Intellectual Freedom is the right of every individual to both seek and receive information from all points of view without restriction. It provides for free access to all expressions of ideas through which any and all sides of a question cause or movement may be explored. Intellectual freedom encompasses the freedom to hold, receive and disseminate ideas.” — Intellectual Freedom and Censorship What is the Truth? You will have to do your homework, diligently, and in depth. We are here to rise up to the protect our people and our Nation! This is The Peoples Voice. Always Here and There - Any Time, Any Place. Where does this statement come? I have re-posted this writing of which I have no idea who wrote it, but why re-create the wheel? Said as a true American, many in this country need to read this over and over and over again! In Liberty, Diane Kepus, AgEnder ................................................................................................................................. Freedom is not Free... Running for office is hard work. Grassroots candidates (our only chance left) requires funding and support. Are you ready? Will you run or will you help support a candidate who will be a statesman answering to you? Or will you do the same old same old because mommy and daddy did? Giving money to a local or state candidate means more than giving money to the elite 5% running the R & D who already took your money. You asked for help... What is happening around the country?????? You want to take America back, but that requires action. Lets make 2014 the year of action Task for this week- Call your State Rep, they are home. Tell them to stop funding climate change programs that will not change anything except your wallet. These programs are based on FRAUD. If you dont want to talk to your legislator, then call and leave a message after hours. Mississippi conservative Chris McDaniel won his race but will need to face a run off since he won with less than 50% To help Chris... https://mcdaniel2014/ Vet the Candidates first, ask the hard questions - Like: Do you believe in the 2nd amendment, COMMON CORE? Remember many states have changed the name hoping the people are too stupid to notice. Volunteer for local candidates. Give them money. $10 a month to a local candidate can mean victory for your community, your state. If you dont want Common Core, Agenda 21 then find candidates who dont want it either and help them get elected. Shame on you FL REP Jeff Miller, chair of the Veterans Affairs committee. 40 Vets died on your watch. You knew about the deplorable conditions and did nothing. Florida Panhandle, DO Not return this man to Congress. Shame on you Steve Southerland and Jeff Miller NW FL Reps who think that selling out America will get them back in office. This duo have signed onto allowing illegals in the military. Did they forget the question now asked of the military, Will you fire on American citizens? OMG... Did The House forget they do not need the Senate to approve any spending bill? Apparently or perhaps they forgot to read their duties as described in the constitution. When are they going to defund the budget of liars in the EPA, NOAA and all of the other alphabet agencies? Ask your Representative at a town hall, you will be shocked at their answers. Shame on them, but shame on us for returning them to office. Had enough yet? Party candidates will vote along party lines, to them you are just a number, a vote. They could care less about you. You are only as good as your wallet. Pay attention to the candidates, Check their past actions. Words are not enough. What have they done? When you know what they did you can determine what they will do. Check out the score card from the Liberty First Network in Florida. ATTENTION FLORIDA, USE your voice! You asked for patriots to step up to the plate and run for office. Now We need your help. Your donations are key. Donate and Vote for people who listen!! Their opponents are getting hundreds of thousands of dollars from special interest. Do you think their opponents will represent you or their special interest donors? votekarenschoen votetonycaso wyllieforgovernor wohlsifer4ag ruthdupontesser electdebbie2014 krause4congress/ Know a liberty minded candidate running in Florida? Contact us: info@agenda21today Donate to the candidate, NOT THE PARTY. Who are these people? How do we find out about them? Sherry Smart, Neil Rice and Sally Baptiste will host a new radio show on blogtalkradio/americanstatesman show name Smart Talk every Thursday from 8-10. Thursday evenings Smart Talk will host candidates all across the state of Florida to talk about what they stand for and what they hope to accomplish when elected. This is a rare opportunity for all those who vote in Florida to have their questions answered and to really put the tough topics out there for discussion. Please join us Listen by phone Call in 347 857 4364 or on line. I am proud to be an American... Operation American Spring is a truly grassroots movement by serious Americans committed to Constitutional Principles, responding to a an overreaching, unresponsive and dismissive federal government which is made up of a cabal of elected but oath-breaking officials, who ignore the Constitution. On May 16th, 2014, Citizens across the country converged: OAS2014 Join the AgEnders on agenda21today and signing petition at stopfundingfraud. Visit the Agenda21today store and getting material to learn and to share. Taking America back will happen, one family, one friend, one community one block, one neighborhood at a time, especially when individual Americans come together under the banner of the truth. Remember “Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” - C. S. Lewis Americans Power is the truth. End political Correctness. The truth will set you free. Once you learn it you cant unlearn it. We The People can not win if we are not engaged. We the People can not be engaged if we are not educated in the truth. Continue to learn the truth. Join the biggest group of people in the world. AMERICA IS MY NAME “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to do nothing.” Thomas Jefferson _______________________________________________________________________________ To help you start learning the truth, Americans have joined together to bring you their research. Join us: American Freedom Watch Radio as we expose the lies, tell the truth and offer solutions. Tuesdays show: Arthur D. Ally, President and Founder of the Timothy Plan Funds. He is also sponsoring the “Give Me Liberty Tour” which is one of his passions. His desire is to help save Western Civilization and educate people on how close we are to losing the battle between Tyranny and Liberty. Call in number 347-857-4364 Tuesday 8-10EST, 7-9CST, 6-8CST, 5-7PST: Karen Schoen Co-Host, John Estabrooks co Host on blogtalk radio/americanstatesman then look for American Freedom Watch Radio Also on Redstatetalkradio Wed 12Pm, Sunday 12PM Share Karens latest articles and videos... Two Lies Do Not Equal One Truth...drrichswier/2014/05/30/two-lies-make-one-truth/ How do you ensure it will happen? Read Education Betrayal, Legislative Betrayal on: karenschoen/category/articles/ See Karen at the Save American Foundation monthly seminar...saveamericafoundation/public-forum/public-forum-informaiton/may-saf-public-forum-information/ Defend Rural America defendruralamerica/DRA/Home.html Tom DeWeese: Agenda 21 Webinar Series From The American Policy Center Starts Sunday, June 8 https://americanpolicy.wufoo/forms/stop-agenda-21-webinar/ Victory is our only option. We invite you to join us at You will not be required to enter anything except your name on our Operation Paul Revere Newsletter. You will find action plans in our newsletters that We The People can follow to make our voices known. Americans will no longer be the Silent Majority. Our requirement is that you are a legal American. Feel free to share with other Americans. On this site we will relearn and understand the history missing from our schools. Learn why the pieces dont fit or make sense. Who is running the show and why. Learn why we are in the state we are in. Most important learn what it is to be an American and why we must NEVER give away our Lives, our Liberty and our Sacred Honor. God Bless You and God Bless America.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 16:53:51 +0000

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