An Egyptian naval forces boat opened fire on another boat - TopicsExpress


An Egyptian naval forces boat opened fire on another boat carrying Syrians and Palestinians refugees in the Mediterranean Sea were they were trying to reach the Italian coasts. In order to force them to stop, they killi a woman and a young man Palestinian refugees, while the rest were detained amid fears of being return to Syria. One of the migrants who was on board of the boat said in a previous interview with Al Jazeera that the Egyptian army fired on the belly of the boat, killing two people and injuring others, he said, adding that negotiations with the military to release and re-Passports them did not produce any results. The details of the novel that the two hundred Palestinian refugees and a Syrian - half of them children - forced by the circumstances of war in Syria on the choice of escape towards the sea, where they boarded a boat from the Egyptian beaches in the direction of Italian coast across the Mediterranean Sea, but before they leave the territorial waters they were chased by the Coast Guard in Egypt. To force the boat to stop the Egyptian navy forces fired on them, killing two people, and subsequently were taken from the overcrowded boat to the center in Alexandria, where they are being hold. According to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, some 3300 Syrian had arrived in Sicily, including 67 in just the past week, the vast majority coming from Egypt. It is noteworthy that these events came after a military court in Egypt sentenced to one year to five Palestinians from the Gaza Strip , and fined each of them $ 500 pounds ($ 72), to convict violating Egyptian territorial waters in the Mediterranean Sea while exercising fishing in the border area between Egypt and Gaza , according to human rights sources. The court also ruled Ismailia military on Wednesday sentenced five Egyptian fishermen for a month and fined each of them 500 pounds, convicted of violating a curfew and they fished in the Suez Canal without a permit. Since the isolation of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi on July 3 of this year, the Egyptian authorities have tightened security measures on its border with the Gaza Strip, with the escalation of attacks by armed groups on members of the police and the army and government bodies in the Sinai adjacent to Gaza. Justiceforall/ Hazmejusticia/ Dans ta justice, libere-moi. -Un barco de las fuerzas navales egipcias abrió fuego contra otra embarcación con refugiados sirios y palestinos en el Mar Mediterráneo mientras estaban tratando de llegar a las costas italianas . Con el fin de obligarlos a detenerse, abrierón fuego hacia el barco matando a una mujer y un hombre joven , otro refugiados palestino. El resto fueron detenidos en medio de temores de ser devueltos a Siria. También hubo varios heridos. Uno de los inmigrantes que se encontraba a bordo de la embarcación , dijo que las negociaciones con los militares para la liberación no produjeron ningún resultado . Los dos centenares de refugiados palestinos y sirios - la mitad de ellos niños - han sido obligados por las circunstancias de la guerra en Siria a la elección de la fuga hacia el mar, en donde abordaron un barco de las playas egipcias en la dirección de costa italiana, pero antes de salir de las aguas territoriales fuerón perseguidos por la Guardia Costera en Egipto. Según el Alto Comisionado de la ONU para los Refugiados , unos 3.300 sirios habían llegado a Sicilia, incluidas 67 en tan sólo la semana pasada , la gran mayoría procedente de Egipto . Desde la caída de Mohamed Morsi el 3 de julio de este año , las autoridades egipcias han reforzado las medidas de seguridad en su frontera con la Franja de Gaza , con la escalada de los ataques de grupos armados contra miembros de la policía y el ejército y los organismos gubernamentales de el Sinaí junto a Gaza. Justiceforall / Hazmejusticia / Dans ta justicia , libere -moi
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 02:45:03 +0000

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