“And Jonah began to enter the city on the first day’s walk. - TopicsExpress


“And Jonah began to enter the city on the first day’s walk. Then he cried out and said, “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!” Jonah 3:4. The Oasis of Hope Devotional for 2day! It’s dangerous to put off getting saved today; tomorrow may be too late. The number forty is a symbol of probation or trial. There was a 40 day grace period in which d people of Nineveh must repent of their sins. If they do not repent, there will be destruction. Beloved, what would u do if u knew u had 40 days to live? Do u get busy living for God or get busy dying in yo sins? What if God gave u only 40 days to get rid of yo sins? Would u wait until d last day to get rid of it or would u seek to get rid of yo sin just as soon as u became aware of how much God hates it? How would u get rid of it? Just one sin is enough to cast one into d pit of eternal misery. U don’t have forever to serve God. There is a deadline. U don’t have forever to get saved. Each day is a gift, a day when u can look to God more today than yesterday; repent of yo sins more today than yesterday & long for His Word more today than yesterday. Many have d idea that if we miss God’s deadline to repent, He will simply extend it. They do not take d judgment of God seriously. His judgment will happen. Let’s not mistake His patience for apathy about our sin. Sin inhibits access, stalls progress, blocks paths, deflates enthusiasm, truncates hope, prevents breakthrough, provokes ill will, limits capacity, aborts dreams, suppresses potentials, renders efforts fruitless, restrains d hand of God, puts up a wall of resistance, & does many more harm to d sinner. Sin is a sinker! Sin is like a quicksand, it takes u deeper into hell. It becomes a slippery slope & each day u fall farther, making it harder to escape. Today, what’re u going to do about yo sins? Admit yo sins, confess, repent & receive forgiveness. Jesus is coming soon! “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?” Romans 8:1. Prayer: Lord Jesus, let us never forget Yo coming, & d Day of Judgment, Amen. Hav a Productive Monday! U r God’s best! Shalom.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 07:23:00 +0000

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