“And to whom did He swear that they would not enter His rest, - TopicsExpress


“And to whom did He swear that they would not enter His rest, but to those who did not obey? So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief.” (Hebrews 3:18-19) To be at rest inwardly is to have peace where it counts. It’s when our heart is without conflict, tranquil and able to enjoy life and fellowship with God. Inward peace can be elusive, if not impossible for those who do not know where to find it or how to have it. Our scripture speaks to this issue of rest. There is just one singular answer to the issue of true inward peace, or rest, and that is FAITH. This means that unrest comes from the lack of faith. Of course it all starts with saving faith, which gives us peace with God. Then, we walk by faith. This means we simply order our way, our steps, by the Word of God. We trust Him, His plan and His way so we can surrender to Him, no matter how it looks. Faith tells us that all things work together for good (Romans 8:28). It says that everything happens for a reason and that we can rest knowing God is in control. This is so important to understand. Instead of fighting what’s going on, accept what’s going on and look to God for strength and continual guidance. Don’t lean on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths (Proverbs 3:5-6). The lesson here that rest comes from faith. Are you resting in God, His plan, His will, His promises and His character? Are you resting in His love, grace and mercy? Faith is the answer to your anxious, restless heart. Surrender whatever it is that is weighing you down, transfer ownership rights of your struggles and let them be God’s problem. He loves for you to cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7). Many Blessings!!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 23:21:49 +0000

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