~Anyone can join~ More than one line please! Romance and whatever - TopicsExpress


~Anyone can join~ More than one line please! Romance and whatever else~ Name: Raziela Age: 18-19 Race: N/A Appearance: 57 inches tall. She has top of the thigh, deep scarlet hair and deep emerald eyes. (Shes the picture XD) Pet: His name is Bloradis. He an elder black dragon whom shes been with since she was a child. About her: Shes quiet and tends to stay by Bloradiss side. Shes friendly when she begins to trust you. Shes very loving and loves animals. She can speak with dragons, although she doesnt know any of her other powers, which are telekinesis and pyrokinesis Bio: Raziela was abandoned as a child, on an island full of dragons. Scared and unknowing, one of the older ones, a dark dragon, approached her and bowed before her, settling on the ground before her, asking her why she was left here. She was surprised she could understand them, answering quickly in fright that she didnt know. The old dragon told her his name and took her in as if she were his daughter, even though she was not a dragon. She grew and lived with the dragons, becoming like them. Peaceful, quiet, and enjoying nature and the stories they told her about the humans who lived in crowded towns. The crowded towns and other humans, whom seemed terrifying to her, made her cringe, she stroking Bloradiss soft scales for comfort, I never want to leave here.......Humans sound scary she said. The dragons knew she wasnt human, but none of them, not even she, knew what she was. But once in a while, she would sit on a cliff overlooking the island and would watch the sunset, looking at her father quietly when he sat beside her. Once in a while she would ask if she could just see these places, only to be told a gentle no, and that she was to special, and that the humans would want to hurt her because of it. She learned how to control fire and other things with her mind with the help of the dragons. Starter: Raziela sat on her favorite cliff quietly, watching the horizon. The island was in the middle of nowhere, and all she knew was that there was huge amounts of water all around her. Resting her chin in her hands, she let her feet dangle over the cliff, feeling the breeze tug at her skirt. I wonder....... she began, before shaking her head. I cant.........its dangerous.....father even said so. She frowned softly, Even still.......id like to meet a human....even just once...... she murmured, looking up at the sky quietly, watching as the clouds began to change through their candy colors. Bloradis came and layed beside her, resting his head on her lap, she petting his head softly. You come here often to think, my daughter. What is the matter? he said through his unmoving mouth, more through thought than anything. Raziela sighed softly, resting her cheek against her shoulder as the sky slowly drifted to night, watching as the stars blinked to life, Its nothing father, I just........ she mumbled unsurely. She didnt want to anger him, so she decided against it, simply smiling at him, Its nothing. Ill come home soon, I promise. I just wanted to watch the constellations for a little while she smiled. Bloradis watched her quietly before nodding and slowly getting up, shaking himself out before stretching his mighty wings and taking flight, heading home. Raziela sighed, looking down at her lap quietly, holding her hands loosely in her lap. I wish......... she said softly, looking up at the stars, slowly lifting her finger, beginning to trace out the constellations, Ursa major.... she whispered, ursa minor, orion, pegasus.......... she said, slowly naming off all the constellations she could see, before sighing again, leaning back on her hands and looking up at the moon, Mother of the night........how I wish I could meet a human......just once......... she murmured, before getting up slowly and brushing herself off. Looking down at herself she sighed, seeing that a weeks worth of dirt had collected upon her ivory skin, I suppose I should take a bath before going back she murmured, before turning and heading to the hotspring. Pulling off her clothes and folding them neatly on a rock, she stepped in, sighing happily as she let the hot water envelope her, she slowly walking to the middle, it going to her waist. Looking up at the moon again she slowly pulled her hair over her shoulders.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 01:35:12 +0000

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