~ Apostles Corner ~ Excerpt from my new book: - TopicsExpress


~ Apostles Corner ~ Excerpt from my new book: Dispensations Discipleship means discipline. The disciple is one that is interested in or devoted to a particular doctrine or cause. This places the disciple in the position of an apprentice, learning being the objective. (Unger). We are living in an age when the old disciplines are breaking down; the structure in the home has been undermined by social imbalances. The laws of our democracy made by the people and for the people lack the most important law of all; that is, the Law of the Lord. The Scripture tells us ..the law of the Lord is perfect…, and the testimonies are sure. Psalm 19:7. This being the case, makes it imperative that we return to the site where it first began; the Garden of Eden. If we are to get the last word on the fundamental issues of discipline, the purpose, method and result, we must return to the oldest book in the world on behavior, the Bible. If we examine the opening chapters of Genesis, NAB KJV, we discover three things: 1. In the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth… Genesis 1:1. 2. The material order, the inanimate world of light, firmament, dry ground, vegetation; and the functions of the sun, moon and stars. 3. The sentient order, sea animals, winged order, beast and cattle, and last in the order, man. It is in the sentient order that God said, Let us make man in our own image in the image of God created He them; male and female created He them. There is a word missing from the twenty-seventh verse likeness. Man is commonly thought of as corporeal, material from the dust, physical, with five senses: the sense of smell, sight, hearing, feeling and taste. Through these senses, we communicate with the world around us. Man became a living soul or was endowed with self-consciousness; with a will and with the intellect to discern and choose. The breath of God or the Spirit of God gave man his seat of God-consciousness. Man is endowed with great potentials. He can use the five senses to hear, see, feel smell, and taste in limited quantity to the realm of this material world, or he can, through allowing the spirit to be the dominate factor, ascend to the spiritual level of hearing Gods voice, for the Scripture tells us, the sheep hear his voice. (John 10:3). See: Thine eyes shall see the King in his beauty. (Isaiah 33:17). Taste: O taste and see that the Lord is good. Smell: the fig tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grape give good Smell (SS 2:13). Feel: Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy love is better than wine. Adams jurisdiction was the secluded Garden of Eden, planted by God. Adam had dominion over the earth and was head of Gods creation. Everything was supplied by God. What an environment to live in! Mans assignment was to dress and keep the garden. (Genesis 2:15). No hindrances, the garden was so beautiful and tranquil. Nature did not resist Adams care. The animals lived in perfect harmony, the wolf dwelt with the lamb and the leopard could lie down with the kid; the very nature of the animals was peaceful. Adam was in a state of innocence, still, he had a responsibility because he was a being possessed with a free will, not a robot. ++ApostleDMV
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 22:38:07 +0000

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