Arlene Seegerts 9 October at 19:28 “WARRIOR UP – OR GET - TopicsExpress


Arlene Seegerts 9 October at 19:28 “WARRIOR UP – OR GET THE HELL OUTA THE WAY!!! “ Xhopakelxhit Gwaaina – Indigenous Peoples, land and ocean has been under assault, ever since contact, for over 2 centuries. Sea otter, Seal fur-trade, Whaling stations, Commercial fishing industry, Forest industry, Fish farms, Mining, Fracking fields, Pipelines, Hydro dams, Shipping tankers - industries that brought species to near extinction, devastation to eco-systems. Government and industry, working hand-in-hand, to contaminate the land, the water, the air, and all species of life, including the human species. Government and industry, who have exploited the Indigenous Peoples of their lands and water. Industry that has flourished and profited, unchecked, left to police themselves. Industry that has built this province, this country, on the backs and the blood of Indigenous People of the Land. This country that sits on the world stage as a model of what a successful industrial nation should be. This country built on oppressing Indigenous People. This country built on exploiting the impoverished. This country built on extracting every natural resource, with no care for land, water, air or every species of life. This system is not designed for us. What is happening within this province, within this country where government and industrial corporations make backroom deals with no transparency, with no inclusion of people or regard for environment… How long have Indigenous People had to witness our traditional territories being devoured by industry? How many times have Indigenous People been removed from their traditional territories - to make way for government, for corporations, for industries - to profit from the land? Assault, after assault, after assault - over and over! Government and industry partner until the land, the air, (and the water) are left contaminated. Exhausted. This system was not designed for us. And then it becomes our own leaders, within native lands, that adopt the traits, the behaviours, the mentality of the oppressor. Native leaders, native communities, that become consumed by greed. What happens when native leaders, native communities, allow industry into their territories, believing that if they are part of the process, consulted, share profits, then it becomes acceptable? Are we to believe that contaminating the land, the air, the water is less devastating to our territories, because native people are part of the system? Native leaders, native communities, say it is their right to do as they please with their traditional territories. That it is the right of native people to create revenue, profit, an economy off the land, because this is what the colonizer has been doing for centuries - harvesting, extracting, exploiting the land for profit. Native communities say that it is NOT the business of neighbouring nations, not the business of environmentalists, not the business of the citizens of this province - to decide what goes on in native territories. This is a bastardized concept of Native Rights! When Native leaders, Native communities feel empowered by becoming part of the very machine that has devastated our lands, devastated our waters, altered our way of life... When Native leaders, Native communities adopt the traits of the oppressor, than we, too, become an endangered species. This is the toxic by-product of this industrial machine; this machine of oppression, of greed, contaminating Our Earth Mother. Being true stewards of the land should never mean harming the land. When will the sacredness of the land be greater importance than profit? .... Native communities accept industry into their territories because they feel there is no economic alternative. They will compromise their belief in the land, because they need to feed themselves, house themselves, clothe themselves. This is the poison of industry, lies of government, weakness of leaders. This is how the oppressor exploits the people... It would be a terrible tragedy, if we as a People stood by and did nothing to stop the devastation on the land and the sea. This land, this ocean, has always provided for our people. Our blood comes from the land and the sea. Our history comes from the land and the sea. Our teachings come from the land and the sea. Our cultures come from the land and the sea. The land, the ocean has always taken care of our People. Now it is our duty, our role, to defend the land. To defend the coast. To honour the ancestors. To honour the children. And to honour the generations to come. Ancestral Pride! All my relations! In solidarity & love - FOREVER Idle NO More!!! https://youtube/watch?v=eUVT70kZJ38
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 09:40:03 +0000

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