Arthur Robinson 3 hours ago · - TopicsExpress


Arthur Robinson 3 hours ago · Edited . CHICKENS COMES HOME TO ROOST. For the few of us remaining who have lived on farms or in the farming regions of these United States of North and South Americas Chickens do return home to roost following a day of forging, but this is the time when they are most vulnerable to capture by other predators. In the early 60s following the assignation of a President, Malcolm X stated the violence in America had come home too roost and had taken the life of one of their own. What is happening in Ferguson Missouri and throughout the suburbs and Urban areas of American; has chickens come home to roost? For so long we have been apart of the American Way of Life and Culture that the social resemblance, despite those of contrary opinion, in stark contrast to other African Cultures, that it has become difficult to distinguish the pigs from the humans. As much as the African American vents his rage at the current socio-economic restraints placed upon him, he has never failed to raise to the call of his country, despite the knowledge that his country has never risen to reciprocate his dedication to it. Much of what is happening in Ferguson Missouri are long held pent up emotions of a people that feel that they have been cheated socioeconomically, and brutalized metaphysically as well as physically by a regime of thought as to their humanity. Through out history, when ever the minority has felt that the majority view takes precedents over their view than social revolution has been sought as the remedies towards redress. In the current situation we can look at such social revolutions as those that are taking place in Iraq, Iran, Palestine, Africa, South American and find similarities in what is taking place in Ferguson Missouri and across the Americas. One thing that each of these countries have in common with the social revolution taken place in various parts of the world are their connection of a minority being ruled by dispassionate majority that reaps the lions share of the resources, while they, the majority unequivocally stats: HOG RUT FOR THYSELF. While they summarily states, with equivocation, that this is a county of Democracy and equal opportunity for all. It is the vacillating language of the majority regarding Democracy, Freedoms, Equality that has lead us to the present precipes of either social revolution or total unconditional surrender to a repressive set of conditions or conciliation to a regime, that has proven that the Back door is more favorable than the front door of opportunity and freedoms that the majority enjoys; as a condition of complexion based hierarchy within a debased Democracy of a ruling class. History has proven that the Dog shall eventually turn on its master, once the dog has began to question his masters intent towards its survival. Now is such a time in the Americas and throughout the world; or the Chickens eventually does comes home to roost. One cant condition or use violence in the seizure of ones object and than declare that violence, either domestic or foreign, in the seizure of ones right isnt the road towards socioeconomic or political change. Eventually the Chickens must come home to roost and roost they may. What is currently happening in Ferguson Missouri are chickens who have known for too long that this is the American way of addressing there power and influence in the world, but on the domestic front it is unacceptable as a means to an end. The old adage that what is good for the goose is good for the gander has a prophetic truth in Ferguson Missouri, because this is the manner in which the American Democracy continues to settle its Empire desires through the world. For the Governments of the American Federal and States to say This is not the way or the course to be taken under the current laws of these United States is the greatest form of hypocrisy. If we can tolerate, encourage and arm resistance movements of other countries and expect the chickens not to come home to roost, then we are mad with the illusions of our supremacy. .
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 17:09:12 +0000

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