|| As Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu || (((( - TopicsExpress


|| As Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu || (((( Announcement from the UMB (United Muslims of Brisbane) and the Team, On Regards the Money that weve raised on [Eid Al Fitr] for Palestine )))) Firstly we Thank Allah azza wajal that he blessed us and utilized us and all who took part in helping those who are in need, May Allah azza wajal accept it from all of Us, Ameen. It indeed is an obligation of ours to help our Muslim brothers and sisters all over the world who are in need, Alhamdulillah by the Permission of Allah azza wajal, with your contributions, we have distributed clothe and food to the families in Palestine. Weve Alhamdulilah reached a lot of Needy Families at their door step with packs/bags of food and clothes... this indeed is a Noble Cause and whoever contributed will get rewarded by Allah azza wajal on judgment day Inshaa Allah. In Islam, feeding people indeed carries great virtues as can be seen from Quran and Sunnah. feeding people is among the best aspects of Islam and Allah azza wajal choose you to be part of this great Blessing ! in the Quran it mentions feeding people as a quality of those who love Allah azza wajal : And they give (their own) food, in deep love of Allah, to the needy, the orphan and prisoner (out of sacrifice, despite their own desire and need for it),(And say:) ‘We are feeding you only to please Allah. We do not seek any recompense from you nor (wish for) any thanks. [Quran 76:8-9] Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) has told us how to become the most beloved people to Allah azza wajal, and that is to help people, bring them benefit and happiness, and relieve them of their problems: The most beloved people to Allah (swt) are those who help and benefit others the most, and the most beloved actions to Allah (swt), is pleasure and happiness that you cause to enter the heart of a Muslim, or to solve one of his problems, or to pay off his debt, or to prevent him from being hungry, and working to help my Muslim brother is more beloved to me than making I’tikaf in this masjid for a month, and whoever controls his anger, Allah will conceal his faults, and whoever controls his ill feelings, Allah (swt) will fill his heart with contentment on the day of Judgment, and whoever strives to help fulfill a need for his Muslim brother, Allah will make his feet steadfast on the day of Judgment, and bad manners ruin good deeds just like vinegar ruins honey. [Al Albani said it is a sound a hadith, Sahih Muslim] Whoever relieves a calamity that has struck a believer in this world, Allah will relieve for him one of the calamities of the day of Judgement, and whoever makes things easy for a person in trouble, Allah will make his matters easy in this life and in the hereafter, and whoever shields the faults of a Muslim, Allah will shield his faults in this world and the hereafter, and Allah will help and support his servant as long as he is helping and supporting his brother [Sahih Muslim] May Allah azza wajal guide us all to implement the concept of brotherhood to help each other out and help those who are in need, and to follow in the footsteps of the companions and the early Muslims who implemented this practically in their lives, Ameen. Jazak Allah Khair.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 09:17:16 +0000

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