"... As all of the above events were taking place last week, the - TopicsExpress


"... As all of the above events were taking place last week, the story of Marissa Alexander re-emerged. In April 2010, Alexander, then 29, fired a warning shot to stop her abusive husband. She was a battered wife and he was coming towards again, fully intending to do her harm. She was frail at the time, having just given birth days earlier. Alexander did not fire the shot directly at her husband. The bullet ended up in the ceiling and no one was hurt. Her abusive husband even claimed he meant to ‘lay hands on her’ and that she did the right thing in trying to stop him. Yet, Marissa Alexander was arrested and is now serving a 20-year prison sentence. Alexander’s story resurfaced because it was a Stand Your Ground case, as was the Zimmerman case. Many protests by the public and by activists took place in Florida during Alexander’s trial, and after, but were to no avail. Now, thanks to the Zimmerman case, there is renewed attention and hope for Alexander. A group of attorneys have come together to appeal for a another trial, along with a new petition, which is gaining momentum. It’s important Marissa Alexander is released immediately for more than one reason. One would be the obvious – she is innocent and deserves to be free. She was unjustly incarcerated for defending her own life. The other reason we need to see her released immediately, is because Americans are beaten up with the corrupt and unjust legal system in Florida. We need to find some respite – some sense that America is still democracy, made up of basically good people who will stand up for their rights, and the rights of others. Here is a letter Marissa Alexander wrote last October. It helps us realize that she is a real person, not a news story. She is the mother of three and the victim of recurring emotional and physical domestic abuse, and she deserves our help: Hello Everyone, I want to thank each and every one of you for writing me, praying for me or even thinking of me in your heart and are continuing to do so. For the most part, I’m hanging in there, as well as one could in this environment. Prison is definitely NOT what’s happening. It’s dreadful here, but hey, it’s supposed to be, it is after all captivity. My good days out weigh my bad days only because God is my source of strength. Please know that you all inspire me thru your communication and please know that the prayers that you offer up on my behalf are being answered. I’m so very blessed to have some of the most extraordinary people and organizations who are committed to supporting and encouraging me in every way. I will continue to believe in our justice system. I choose to do so because I have complete trust in God, and we are still a nation that has this fundamental belief embedded in our core, displayed in our courtrooms and written on our money, and more hopefully in our hearts. Truly I couldn’t begin to express to you how much I appreciate your wonderful letters of encouragement. Please know that I do not take your time and kindness for granted. Your heart-felt concern I am most grateful for. With all sincerity & respect, Marissa Alexander...." More at the link.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 03:52:38 +0000

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