::: As the candidate who it was made for, Prabowo Subianto, once - TopicsExpress


::: As the candidate who it was made for, Prabowo Subianto, once said, Do I have the guts, am I ready to be called a fascist dictator? ::: Gerindra Melecehkan Lambang Negara hukum.kompasiana/2014/06/25/gerindra-melecehkan-lambang-negara-660747.html MENDAPAT TANGGAPAN NEGATI dari Dunia Internasional time/2920281/indonesia-ahmad-dhani-prabowo-subianto-nazi-fascist/ ::: Prabowo Subianto berterimakasih pada Ahmad Dhani dan team atas video klip We Will Rock You yang menggunakan lagu tanpa izin dari Queen. Majalah TIME menyebutkan, video klip ini sebagai kampanye politik terburuk yang pernah ada, dalam artikelnya This Indonesian NAZI Video Is One of the Worst Pieces of Political Campaigning Ever. Saya, yang bukan pendukung Prabowo Subianto saja malu membaca judul artikel ini serta berbagai pemberitaan di dunia mengenai kampanye Gerindra ini. Isi video itu sungguh mencengangkan. Garuda Pancasila dibawa-bawa dalam video klip ini. Seolah menunjukkan kolaborasi antara Garuda Pancasila dengan NAZI. Dua hal yang saya garis bawahi di sini: 1. Garuda Pancasila tidak ada hubungannya dengan NAZI 2. Garuda Pancasila tidak untuk diangkat-angkat di depan penis Jika hendak mengangkat-angkat burung di depan penis, pakai saja burung Gerindra. BUKAN Garuda Pancasila. Ini sebuah pelecehan terhadap Lambang Negara Republik Indonesia dan pelanggaran UU. Penggunaan lambang negara diatur dalam UUD 1945 pasal 36A dan UU No 24 Tahun 2009 tentang Bendera, Bahasa, dan Lambang Negara, serta Lagu Kebangsaan. Setiap orang dilarang: 1. mencoret, menulisi, menggambari, atau membuat rusak Lambang Negara dengan maksud menodai, menghina, atau merendahkan kehormatan Lambang Negara; 2. menggunakan Lambang Negara yang rusak dan tidak sesuai dengan bentuk, warna, dan perbandingan ukuran; 3. membuat lambang untuk perseorangan, partai politik, perkumpulan, organisasi dan/atau perusahaan yang sama atau menyerupai Lambang Negara; dan 4. menggunakan Lambang Negara untuk keperluan selain yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang ini. Pelecehan terhadap lambang Negara Republik Indonesia ini bukan semata pelecehan yang dilakukan oleh Ahmad Dhani dan teamnya. Namun juga Prabowo Subianto dan Gerindra. Karena pada fanpage Facebooknya, Prabowo Subianto memajang dan berterimakasih atas video buatan Ahmad Dhani tersebut. .-Esther Wijayanti - A music video made by several singers as a tribute to Indonesian presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto is causing outrage with its strong Nazi overtones. In the video, an adaptation of the Queen classic “We Will Rock You,” musician Ahmad Dhani sports a fascist-style uniform and holds a golden Garuda — a mythical bird that is Indonesia’s emblem but which, against the black of his paramilitary attire, looks uncomfortably like the German imperial eagle that the Nazis incorporated into their iconography. Bali-based filmmaker Daniel Ziv described the video as bringing “Nazi skinhead imagery to Indonesian politics.” That turns out to be an apt description. German news magazine Der Spiegel pointed out that Dhani’s military costume is eerily similar to the uniform worn by SS commander Heinrich Himmler. “Dhani wears the same emblem on the lapel and the same red breast-pocket lining,” it said Tuesday, comparing the photos of the two in a photo gallery. Brian May, Queen’s lead guitarist, has waded into the controversy, saying “of course this is completely unauthorised by us.” Despite widespread criticism, including from fellow Indonesian musicians, Dhani, who is partly Jewish, is unrepentant. “What’s the connection between German soldiers and Indonesia?” was his baffling comment to Indonesian media Wednesday. “What’s the connection between German soldiers and Indonesian musicians? We, the Indonesian people, didn’t kill millions of Jewish people, right?” As the July 9 election is approaching, the campaign has been heating up, with supporters of both presidential candidates using social media to appeal to the young, urban voters. Dhani’s music video for Prabowo was released shortly after pop musicians like Oppie Andaresta and rock band Slank, who support rival candidate Joko Widodo, made their own song and music video, titled “Two-Finger Salute.” On his Facebook page on Friday, Prabowo thanked Dhani and other singers for their “contribution,” saying: “This video is boosting our fighting spirit!” While the appeal of Nazi chic is not uncommon in Indonesia and elsewhere in Asia — a Nazi-themed café reopened in the Indonesian city of Bandung just days ago — it is particularly telling that fascist imagery has been used to drum up support for Prabowo, who was discharged from military in 1998 over the abduction of pro-democracy activists, and who is given to such strongman gestures as appearing at campaign rallies on horseback before an honor guard. Over the weekend, American journalist Allan Nairn posted on his blog a 2001 interview, in which Prabowo said that Indonesia needed “a benign authoritarian regime.” The former general, who made clear his admiration toward Pakistan’s then ruling strongman Pervez Musharraf, told Nairn: “Do I have the guts, am I ready to be called a fascist dictator? Musharraf had the guts.” Hopefully Indonesia won’t get a chance to find out. Reporting by Stephanie Burnett time/2920281/indonesia-ahmad-dhani-prabowo-subianto-nazi-fascist/
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 02:06:40 +0000

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