©“At this point in the season, no one is 100%!” That’s - TopicsExpress


©“At this point in the season, no one is 100%!” That’s one of my favorite sports expressions and one uttered by coaches all over the world at some point in their season. Reporters and fans alike will ask them if this player or that player will show up and play because of this injury or that one which will force them to compete at less than 100%. Some do, some don’t but as a result of their condition, the player will go to their training staff and get treatments for whatever ailment they have in an effort to make up the difference and get them as close to 100% as possible. They might get an injection, a pill or tablet, an ice pack or massage. But invariably whenever the treatment ends…they are still less than 100%...and the decision to show up rests squarely on the shoulders of the player. The player will have to get the courage to play and more importantly…trust that whatever the training staff did for them was enough to get them through. If you follow sports even in a moderate fashion you know that some its greatest achievements have come from individuals who have shown up to play…even though they were less than 100%. They play and as a result of their willingness to do so they find out how truly great they can be. *** Some of us want to be great in this game called life. We want to be great and start that business that we have been dreaming about. We want to be great and go back and finish up on that degree plan that we started years and years ago. We want to be great and fix that broken relationship that somehow, some way got off-track…but instead of getting up and making it happen, we keep waiting. We keep waiting saying we will do it…once we become 100%...But just like in the case of those players I mentioned earlier…I’m here to tell you that some of life’s greatest achievements come when we find the courage to step out and play at less than 100%... But here’s the mistake that so many of us make. We never feel strong enough to make it to the court or to the field…because most of us never get treatment…from the training staff up above. Because friend you might find yourself facing the fear of entering the game at less than 100% but after meeting with that training staff up above, you’ll realize that no matter how large or small…that trainer has whatever you need. Short on startup capital for your business? Pay a visit to the trainer up above…your faith obviously needs an ice pack and a massage. Not feeling strong enough to go back to class and finish that degree? Stop by the training room…you need an injection of can-do and a reminder that you really…can do all things. You over there with that wayward child…please report to the trainer for treatment…which will include a daily dose of the WORD, a strong example being set…and the rod no longer being spared. At this point in this game called life we all have our fair share of bangs, bumps and bruises that have left us playing at less than 100%...but oh my GOD, find the courage to show up for the game but before you do…stop by, kneel and speak to the TRAINER, because HE and HIS staff are more than capable…of making up the difference!
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 10:41:01 +0000

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