. August 30, 2014 US Urged to Arrest Pres Jonathan for - TopicsExpress


. August 30, 2014 US Urged to Arrest Pres Jonathan for Organized Terrorism and Genocide This interview of Hon. Farouk Adamu Aliyu is a most important document in Nigeria’s developing history. Mr. Aliyu went to the United States to seek the assistance and cooperation of the Obama administration in the arrest of Nigeria’s President, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan. He defended the reasons why he and many Nigerians, myself included believe the accidental President of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan should be swiftly arrested for crimes against humanity, support and leadership of terrorism and gross abuse of office. Mr. Aliyu formally presented the submission to the United States government who have the capacity to arrest Goodluck Jonathan, protected by immunity in Nigeria. He expressed that it will be insincere and reckless of the US and international community to continue to ignore the direct leadership, affiliations and coordination of terror by the Nigerian President on the country’s 167 million people. It is noted that a top US think-tank, STRATFOR, has informed that Goodluck Jonathan is a Patron of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta, MEND terrorist organization responsible for multiple events of terror including oil installation bombings and the 2010 Abuja independence day bombing that left over eight Nigerians dead... Another top US intelligence think-tank, the Council of Foreign Relations in a report[PDF] by Robert I. Rotberg, “THE CENTER FOR PREVENTIVE ACTION: Nigeria Elections and Continuing Challenges,” described Nigeria’s president as notably “compromised,” and his wife, Patience Jonathan as “indicted by the Economic Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC,” a notably “cruel” being for “ordering the fiancée of a prominent Ijaw leader locked-up and turning down all pleas to have her released;” and described her as the “greediest Bayelsa person;” referencing International Herald Tribune of September 11, 2006 and the Vanguard (Lagos), March 31, 2006. Most recently, the Chief of Army Staff of Nigeria for the past four years, General Azubuike Ihejirika was accused of being a top sponsor of Boko Haram terror organization by a chief negotiator hired by Nigeria. These serious allegations further implicate Nigerias President in terror and treason. Hon Aliyu was a northern Nigerian who sought a court injunction against his fellow northerner, late President Umar Yar’Adua in favor of the assumption of the Presidential role for then disenfranchised deputy President Goodluck Jonathan. The lengthy interview below offers Nigerians a uniquely robust document of very important material that presents, teaches and promotes justice, patriotism, and braveness in the pursuit of conscientious truth, equality, progress and development. The interviewer, SaharaReporters -Ms Adeola Fayehun did a superb job of asking the pertinent and honest questions which further enabled this video transcribed below, to be a reliable reference point and quintessential resource guide for Nigerians to urgently consult in these desperate times towards properly planning our next moves. Students should read this to understand what honesty, nationalism, patriotism, moral consciousness, altruistic self-sacrifice, and the pursuit of justice mean. The interview can be watched on this link: [ youtu.be/3mszgLaX4bM?list=UUKnyVIW5QvfnsXddsjFKx4A ] The full transcript follows: INTERVIEW: US Government Should Arrest President Jonathan As A Boko Haram Collaborator Adeola Fayehun, a reporter with Sahara Television, had an exclusive interview with Hon. Farouk Adamu Aliyu, former Member, Nigeria House of Representatives . Sahara Reporters: How do you think the government is handling the terrorist group so far? Hon. Aliyu: Very badly because there are two Boko Harams- the visible Boko Haram led by Shekau, and invisible Boko Haram led by President Jonathan Goodluck. Which means the government can never do anything that will contain the Boko Haram absolutely. Sahara Reporters: Why did you say the government is also Boko Haram? Hon. Aliyu: You remember very well the President said himself there are Boko Haram members in his cabinet and we are yet to see who they are. He has not handed them over to the police and as I speak to you now, there is not one person that is being prosecuted. Not one high-up level person that is probably in jail for Boko Haram. And as I speak to you today, people are being killed in Kano where I live. In Maiduguri, Yola, Yobe, in all these states and other towns in the Northern part of the country. And the government is doing nothing. I was in Maiduguri for six weeks and I’ve seen the conditions of our soldiers there. You know the government is not serious in tackling Boko Haram and the menace will not go. Sahara Reporters: I wanted to talk about the missing girls. It’s being like four months now; do you think that they are doing anything at all?Hon. Aliyu: Well, I think yes they are talking, making noise. But doing things underground? I don’t think so. As I speak to you as well, not one military officer is in Sambisa forest. They have never ever been there. Never! They have never been to the forest where the Boko Haram members are. The government knows. So how do they tackle it? And you see, the unfortunate part of it is that, the Nigerian military will rather go on the streets and kill you and I. Last week in Zaria, they went and kill El-Zakzaky and his three children; or on the road, on the street or in Lagos bus drivers and so on in other parts of the country. Take money from public, muscling people but to go to Sambisa and fight, they will not because the leader of Boko Haram, the invisible who is Jonathan Goodluck , invisible Boko Haram leader will not give them funds, necessary ammunitions to go and work or to go and fight. Sahara Reporters: He (President Jonathan) recently asked for another $1 billion to fight Boko Haram. Do you think that he is not using the money for what he claims that he will use the money for? Or do you think that he just did not give them order to go after the girls?Hon. Aliyu: Well, they have already appropriated more than a trillion naira between 2009 to date to fight Boko Haram. But what are they doing? They are just having parties, coming to Washington with 78 people to come and spend peoples’ money. Or what are they doing again? Maybe the first lady going on jamboree; what are they doing again? Celebration of Nigeria’s 100 years. What are they doing again? Making sure President acquires another aircraft. What are they doing again? $20 billion that were said to have been missing, instead of the President to ask for where the money is he sacked Sanusi. What he did? Sacked the Managing Director of NNPC; What he did? You know this is the only country that in four years, you had four MD’s of NNPC but the Minister of Petroleum has never been cautioned. You know this kind of things so this is where the money is going to. Now the President is looking for another one billion to steal the way they have been stealing the country. If the President is serious, he should ask for the whereabouts of the 20 billion and probably take from that 20 billion and use whatever he wants to do for the military but he is not going to do that because he is not serious. He doesn’t want peace in this country that is why I am in Washington to solicit the assistance and cooperation of President Obama to arrest President Jonathan Goodluck, to ensure he doesn’t go back to Nigeria. Because if the American government could be after Mugabe, Bashir of Sudan, with even arrest warrants on him, there are no more people killed in Sudan than in Nigeria. So if the United State Government is serious, if the international community is serious, the person to be arrested is here in Washington. They should arrest him; we shall provide evidence against Jonathan Goodluck with blood in his hands. The country we emulate, United States, you could see how they deploy their resources to bring in two American citizens from Liberia that were affected by Ebola. Two! As I speak to you now, probably 100 Nigerians are killed and nothing is happening. And you mean this man will be walking streets of the greatest democracy in the world? That means American government is not serious if they allow him to go back. Sahara Reporters: I’m glad you talked about the Washington summit going on. Because I was just to ask you about that. First of all, what do you think about the whole idea of inviting African leaders here? And second of all, do you think anything good can come out of this for regular Nigerians on the street?Hon. Aliyu: The American government is doing it for its own interest just like the Chinese also did this kind of conference in their own interest. The African leaders and Chinese leaders,- is to foster economic gains of these countries. But whether African leaders you know will also seek for an opportunity to enhance Africans that is another thing. Some African countries will do but certainly the leadership of Nigeria will not do anything to ensure you and I ordinary Nigerians benefit from this kind of jamboree. Sahara Reporters: You have been saying Nigeria has the biggest economy in Africa and it’s been some months now we are not seeing the effect of that yet so I’m just wondering your view about how they’ve been saying Nigeria is the biggest economy now and also the fact that you are saying that coming here doesn’t relay /translate into anything good for common Nigerians.Hon. Aliyu: You know the economic indices of Nigeria are different from reality. The economic indices, inflation, whatever inflation figure or any economic indices Okonjo Iweala tells you or President Jonathan tells you are total lie because they don’t even know what they are doing. Economic indices should show the number of jobs created in a month; the number of people that can feed, the numbers of children that can go to school. As I speak to you now, doctors in Nigeria are on strike. Sahara Reporters: For more than a month? Hon. Aliyu: For more than a month. Polytechnic lecturers, more than one year they decided on their own to come back to work because nobody cares. So this is a country where nobody cares about anything. How can they come and tell you that we are the biggest economy? I am telling you Niger Republic economy is better than that of Nigeria because at least, average Nigerien people, they can feed, they can send their children to school, and those that can afford can have electricity. But in my country, this is the only country in the whole world that no matter how rich you are, you could be inconvenient. Because if you have the best car in the country, it could break down and nobody could fix it for you. If you have the best house, you could, absolutely; you know so that is what I am telling you. So where are the economic indices? Who will tell you that we are the biggest economy? No! If you say we have the greatest looters of the economy that I agree. The president is proud to say that we are the second country with the largest number of private aircraft. That kind of nonsense! I mean if your President will pride himself in saying look, my country has private jets, I mean as if that has got anything to do with the economic indices. If you have one person of the population of about 200 million stealing, taking the money, bluntly I mean like pucking their fingers into the eyes of the masses, then you can go to hell, do your worse; yes we have stolen, there is nothing you can do and we can bring the military to crush you. Instead of them to send military to Sambisa, they use them against us. Sahara Reporters: Let’s talk a bit about the upcoming election. You have been saying that the candidate for the President has to be from the north and a lot of people have been wondering why it must be somebody from the north.Hon. Aliyu: There could be a good Christian leader, and there could be a bad Muslim leader. There could be a good Southern leader or there could be a bad Northern leader. I mean, I am sure we can have somebody better than Jonathan Goodluck from Otuoke, his village. All we are saying is got nothing do with where he comes from, but the way Nigeria is framed. I mean Jonathan Goodluck is from the Southern part of the country, a Christian; Obasanjo, Southern part of the country, a Christian; he has been there for eight years. Jonathan has been there for close to eight years and for semblance of unity. Sahara Reporters: Cuts in…What about Yar’adua? Hon. Aliyu: Well, Yar’adua was there for maybe two years. So if you calculate from the time the civilian started in 1999 to date, only Yar’adua who comes from the North, a Muslim. So the people in the North feel like this time is the time of the North. But if Jonathan Goodluck had led us well, nobody would have even thought of North or any other person. But he is not leading us well. It got nothing to do with where he comes from. I Honourable Farouk Adamu Aliyu went to court to get judgement against my Fulani man, late Yar’adua, for him (President Jonathan) to be acting President of Nigeria. I got judgement in favour of Jonathan Goodluck. Before then, I have never met him. Up till this time, I met him only once, about a month and half ago at the conference for political parties that he called. I went with General Buhari, that is where I saw him for the first time in my life and I have never seen Jonathan Goodluck in my life so I did it for my country, I didn’t do it for Jonathan. So it got nothing to do with where he comes from but he is an incompetent leader as a nation. I mean our leader as a Nigerian; incompetent from Otuoke. Otuoke, I’m sure can produce better. Sahara Reporters: So who do you think could be good candidate in this coming election besides the President because it looks from all indications that Mr. President would probably run; I mean contest. So against him who do you think could be a good candidate?Hon. Aliyu: Sadly it’s going to be a candidate from All Progressive Congress (APC). And we also have an hand written constitution in APC that this time around, a candidate from the North will fly the flag of APC. So whoever the candidate emerges from, APC would sadly beat Jonathan. Anybody can beat Jonathan because if its performance that would matter for him to tell us what he did, nobody would vote for Jonathan Goodluck because we have no government in Nigeria. Sahara Reporters: What if the President wins again? Hon. Aliyu: Well, if Nigerians vote for him, so be it. We are practicing democracy; there is nothing we can do. As at today, I didn’t vote for him but he is my President. There is nothing we can do; he is the President. Yes he is the President but I pray Nigerians don’t make that mistake again. Sahara Reporters: What are somethings that you feel like they should concentrate on right now in Nigeria? Just some basic things that you think they should just take care of.Hon. Aliyu: Leadership by example. The President, first of all should declare his asset to lead by example. What I’m saying leading by example, if Nigerians are crying out against the Minister of Petroleum, what is wrong in him investigating her? To prove to the whole world that look, this woman is pretty clean. That is all we are saying. What is wrong in Mr. President telling us exactly what is in the kitty of government today? And what they are doing with the money. You have to start from that. You have to start from the basic thing; you have to start from as little as number of delegation he is carrying out. When President is moving, the kind of convoys he goes about with. Sahara Reporters: Cuts in…like here that he came to? Hon. Aliyu: Exactly! You know you carry 70, 80 people to America? Or when you are moving, even in Nigeria, you carry two hundred cars; the fuelling is done by us. I mean you have to start from basic things that people think it’s nothing. But you have to start from somewhere because when you see a jeep moving, that is a cottage industry in the village. If they use that money, it can produce water, clean water for my people to drink in Otuoke where he comes from. Then fight corruption, abide by the oath of office and oath of allegiance without fear or favour. Is he doing that? No! Sanusi asked for $20 billion, what did he get? He was sacked. And up till now, nobody has shown us that look, Sanusi was telling the truth or he was lying. All they did is to make sure he goes and he left and nothing happens. Committees upon committees and nothing will come out of it. This is the only country also that the solution to a problem is a committee. There is a Chibok girls that are missing; committee to find out how many girls are missing; committee to ascertain the parents, whether the parents are still there. Another committee, also to take care of the parents; another committee to ensure, you know, committees upon committees while you have government agencies dedicated to do all these kind of things. So government has to be, what I’m saying, oath of office, oath of allegiance. If he abides by that, that would be. Sahara Reporters: So he should declare asset and fight corruption? Hon. Aliyu: Absolutely! Look, the major problem is corruption. If they fight corruption, everything will fall in place. If Mr. President is accused, I mean like when he came into power, how many houses did he have? How many does he have now? Those kind of things. How can President effectively challenge anybody in government if as I speak to you now, there is not one former governor that is in jail in Nigeria because of corruption because some of them are accused of corruption, they were in government so they had immunity now they are out of government. Only one that was prosecuted in UK. You remember in Nigeria, they said a 160 case he was discharged and acquitted, and in UK, he’s in prison. So I mean, if there are no living examples for fight against corruption, how can any governor or any government official you know see some prestals that look if you do anything wrong, you cannot go scoot free. But in Nigeria, you do things wrong and you go scoot free. In fact on top of that, you buy an aircraft. That is the social symbol. Sahara Reporters: Former Governor Alamieyeseigha was released. Hon. Aliyu: Cuts in…not only released, he was also pardoned, state pardon that he did nothing. He is one of the elite in Nigeria now. This is the president that also we have who does not see himself as President of Nigeria. If I, a Muslim, Fulani man can go to court in his favour for Nigeria, I see no reason why him, last week when El-Zakzaky three children were killed; massacred on the street of Zaria, nothing happened. If children of Edwin Clark, or Ayo Oritsejafor are killed, do you think we would have peace in Nigeria today? No. but the President is not President of Nigeria, and unfortunately, he is probably President of Ijaw. Sahara Reporters: A lot of people have been saying oil belongs to the North. First of all, what is your view about this and why?Hon. Aliyu: No. What I said, the oil in Bayelsa belongs to jigawa. The oil in Delta belongs to Jigawa where I come from. Why? Because we are called Federal Republic of Nigeria, and under the constitution, all resources belong to the government of Nigeria and should be shared accordingly, constitutionall y, 13% derivation will go to the oil producing states. So as at today, the oil in Bayelsa belongs to Bornu; the oil in Bayelsa belongs to, of course Jigawa and other states so and till the constitution is changed, it is commonwealth. Simple! Sahara Reporters: I’m just wondering, you said you have some proof about why they should arrest President Jonathan. Do you mind telling us just few of the reasons why he should be arrested and locked up?Hon. Aliyu: One, as I said, if President Bashir of Sudan would be sought after for war against humanity, we have evidence of photographs of military personnel slaughtering people alleged to Boko Haram. We have them. I have, I brought them here to US. Sahara Reporters: So you think the President knows about it? Hon. Aliyu: Absolutely! He is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of Nigeria. And in all his setting up of committees, we have not heard him setting up committee to investigate those kind of extra judicial killings. Or the killing in Zaria, or the attempted murder of General Buhari, or the attempted murder of late Emir of Kano, or the attempted murder of the Sheu of Bornu, or the mother of Japhat. So many people were killed and nothing happened and we have documented evidence against the armed forces and some security personnel that he is leading. That’s one. Then two, we also have evidence of Mr. President colluding with alleged Boko Haram sponsors. Anybody who is running from, I mean people that are financing Boko Haram run to him and he works with them. We have this evidence which I hope before he leaves here, Obama will grant my request and order the arrest of Jonathan Goodluck. Sahara Reporters: Who are some of the people that you think are funding Boko Haram? Hon. Aliyu: Jonathan Goodluck is number one and his cohorts. The evidence I will show when I’m called open. Sahara Reporters: But with everything going on in Washington, you are also here but you stand as opposition member though. Who sponsored your trip here?Hon. Aliyu: I sponsored myself. I own a furniture factory, one of the largest furniture factories in the Northern part of the country. I have had it for last 25 years before I joined politics. I am not a poor man. I can afford to travel first class, stay in five star hotel. I could afford to do this thing for a very long time. I sponsor myself here. Sahara Reporters: And you came just to make sure they arrest President Jonathan? Hon. Aliyu: Nods. Sahara Reporters: Why was he not arrested in Nigeria? Why is it that America has to do it? Hon. Aliyu: Because he has immunity and American government went to arrest Noruega from Nikaragua so it is for them now, he is here. So let them just arrest him here and you know in Nigeria, you can’t even arrest a governor in Nigeria, they have immunity but in America, they have no immunity. And I hope, I pray they will arrest him.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 07:10:26 +0000

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