• Awaken / Educate / Transform / Empower • Inculturated - TopicsExpress


• Awaken / Educate / Transform / Empower • Inculturated Gender Violence / Deception / Denial • Archetypes / Mythophoetic Creativity / Reconciliation / Praxis • Investigate: psyche’s archetypal co-creative mythic opposite shadow in men and woman. • Experience: psyche’s numinous potential of reconciliation in-relationship to the whole Self. • Change the “cultural myth” of “inculcated gendered violence” from polarized disinformed ignorance about “psyche’s projected co-creative symbolic opposite shadow” in a man and woman. • “Critical dialogue” with “having a dream” of “becoming whole” relates the ethnocentric anomie of “modern ego” to the “forgotten,” if ever known, “creation mythos” of its individual cultural identity as a “whole man” and a “whole woman” that is paradoxically soulfully related and distinct at once. The only thing “killed” in the process of making that “dream” conscious is the inculcated totalitarian cultural hubris of one-sided superior insolent ignorance. • Psyche’s whole bio and eco systems of “pandemic dis-ease” depend on reflective “critical dialogue” with that “dream” as the “organic soul-food” of a “whole new understanding” that is no longer ignorant of the “past” or the “future” “now” in “praxis.” • The “psyops” of archetypally patterned, historic, inculcated, disinfomring, unquestioned, uninvestigated, silenced “domestic” and “international mass murder” seeking “Full Spectrum Dominance” is not the inane stupidity of “conspiracy theory”; cannot be reduced to a “mental health State and Art” of “colonizing genocide” or “eugenic genomicide”; an ego-centric personalistic psychology of “Blaming the Victim”; a diagnostic category in a “DSM V” or “ICD 10”; a “witch-hunt” for “terrorists”; or “choice.” • Since it is only through individual men and women working together that “new life” and “culture” is created, formative, discriminating, re-embodied dialogue with “psyche’s projected dream” of “forgotten wholeness” is a “therapy of culture” and “imaginal basis” of “our” “constitutional democracy” “in-service” to the “mythic-body politic” of the “worldsoul” surrounding us. • “911,” “Chemtrails/HAARP,” “GMO,” “Human Trafficking” et al reflect an archetypally patterned, inculturated gendered violence of ego possession by a numinous archetype, referred to as hubris. They are in fact daily living nightmares of a polarized disembodied totalitarian consciousness and pandemic autoimmune “dis-ease” in utter rebellion against their inculcated artificial toxic destructive robotic intelligence. George Orwell in 1984 elaborates that fact in politicized paradoxical terms of a State and Art of “doublethink” that would have one believe the “psyops” of political deception and mass murder; nanoparticulate heavy metal autoimmune toxicity from bio and geoengineering by a “criminal military medical-model corporate complex”; and the blood lust of human exploitation and co-optation is the inane stupidity of “conspiracy theory.” In “doublethink” all “truth” is viewed as a “lie” and all “lies” are viewed as the “truth,” e.g., the “official conspiracy myth” of “911” would have one believe there was no controlled demolition of WTC 1, 2, and 7; there was no “continuity of government”; and there is no historically gendered cultural context or symbolic precedent etc., in spite of well-documented independent research of “officially” uninvestigated and destroyed forensic evidence and culturally gendered genocidal “mental health eugenics” of historic “Full Spectrum Dominance” to the contrary. (Cf. William Engdahl) • Analytic work with psyche’s numinous mythic shadow of archetypal emotional complexity and autonomy strips, dissolves and transforms “mechanistic eugenic treatment” of the individual and collective psyche as little more than a “product” of a Western white “tabula rasa” to be manipulated by the likes of B.F. Skinner’s “operant conditioning” or Arthur Jensen’s “race based differences in intelligence” et al., into a little genuine intelligent depth of understanding regarding the disembodied creation mythos of an original whole man and woman with compassion for his and her fellow man and woman and Gaia the Earth Mother of us all. • Analytic dialogue with “psyche’s projected mythic archetypal numinous emotional parenting opposite shadow” in a man and a woman confronts a “prejudicial myopic Western, white, Judeo-Christian mental health paradigm” that is itself polarized in its “hermeneutic treatment” of psyche’s culturally gendered archetypal polytheistic ancestral depth and ethnic diversity that paradoxically calls forth its “symptoms” and “elimination” of “them.” • Domestic / International youtube/watch?v=O67a8_XXqK4
Posted on: Fri, 07 Feb 2014 01:06:25 +0000

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