***BEAUTIFUL COLORS OF SIN*** ****EPISODE 8**** Story by TAI - TopicsExpress


***BEAUTIFUL COLORS OF SIN*** ****EPISODE 8**** Story by TAI FASINA... . . . . . Marvin took us to a club on the Island. The place was a very wonderful, well–lit place with lots of excitement and I shelved my tiredness and danced the night away. The loud music and the jolly crowd and the gay cheers, had a good effect on me. I was glad I came, Jamal would be too, I mused. I really got into the groove, I danced with random guys, with my friends. And I didn’t even know that time was vast spent until Marvin came to me and said he would like us to talk in private. That was when I asked him the time and yelled when he said it was three a.m. “Three what? Oh my God. Oh well, what’s eating you. Talk to mummy,” I said in a lighter mood. “You really are a pretty lady,” he began. “Is that so? “ I replied with a smile. “Tell me something!.” He laughed. “I’m serious. If you haven’t heard it before it means all the guys you’ve ever met did not have the eyes for good things,” he said further and faced me. I shook my head, he is such a tool, I thought. “Well, thanks,” I muttered. These guys need to have a teacher to teach them these things, must this always be the pick up line, I wondered. He said he would love to take me out on a date one of these days, to a place of my choice. I told him that I don’t really do dates, maybe he should ask Cindy, “I’m sure she’ll be delighted,” I concluded. He shook his head and asked if I was always like that or if it was just that I hated his guts and would not want to be caught dead with him. I smiled and said no, and this encouraged him to ask if he could take me on a date the next Saturday. I shook my head. “What do you do?” I asked, in a bid to change the subject and he smiled. “Okay, if that’s the way it is. I’m in the oil industry. I work with Shell,” Marvin replied. “Did you study petrol chemical or something of sort in school?” I continued, leaning on the railing in front of the bar. “I did business administration,” he answered. “Business Administration is not really what I would have thought of. How come you are where you are then?” I asked. “I was just lucky and knew the knowable kind of people and moreover every organization needs a business strategy,” he answered smiling. “I pray for your kind of luck. You must be rich then,” I said. Marvin smiled and said he gave God the glory but remarked that the country was not where you could really call yourself rich, just comfortable. “Okay, I hope I get as comfortable as you. A nice house, cars, maids, rich friends” I replied and eyed him carefully. “I wish,” was all he said. “You really are a nice guy. I’m sorry if I had been a pain in your butt since we met, your very cute butt,” I told him. “It’s no problem. I’m used to girls playing hard to get. It doesn’t bother me much,” he replied and smiled deeply. “Do you think this is what it is? Playing hard to get?” I asked. “No, I don’t think that, so you just hate me.” I burst into laughter and slapped him playfully on the back. “There you are I’ve been looking for you,” Cindy said as she walked towards us and held Marvin’s hand. “Cindy, I’m sorry. Can you just excuse us for a while? I’ll soon join you,” Marvin said. “Okay, I can do that. Release him soon, Alice,” she said and walked away, rolling her wide hips seductively and I yawned. “Is she really your friend?” Marvin asked. “Yes, she is my good friend. I’m sure she’ll make a good partner for you,” I replied. He ignored me and asked something else. Something I didn’t hear because my mind was somewhere else. He nudged me and I apologized. “I asked if you were just going to sit at home and eat till you get fat on your mum’s food,” he said again. “I don’t have any,” I said and looked away. “What do you mean? You don’t live with them?” he asked. I told him about my parent’s death and he apologized for bringing it up. We talked and talked all through the night with Cindy showing up once in a while. We finally went back to the dance floor hand in hand. We met Timmy and Sandra talking to some guys, Timmy saw us first and nudged Sandra. They exchanged knowing glances. “Where did you two hide yourselves?” Sandra asked crossing her arms across her chest. “Whatever it is you have in your head, please let it stay there,” I retorted and removed my hands from Marvin’s hold. He released it reluctantly. Sandra and Timmy smiled. “I can see you two are getting to know each other,” Timmy chipped in. “Sort of. We just talked. No more, no less,” Marvin replied and winked at me. “Agreed,” the two girls said laughingly. “We really have to leave,” Marvin said and held Timmy close. “No, let’s wait a little longer,” Sandra pleaded. “We can’t please. Alice needs to go home and rest,” Marvin said. “We all do. We all had a long day,” Sandra maintained, “But I still need to have fun.” “I’m even bored. Let’s go really,” Cindy said and hissed. Sandra and Timmy frowned. So it was settled. And at quarter to five, we left the club. We went back to Marvin’s house from my car and drove to my house leaving Timmy behind at Marvin’s house. ———————- When we got home, while we all sat in the sitting room, Cindy went straight to the room she was sharing with Bimbo. “Why is that? What’s eating her?” I asked. “Something that has to do with you snatching her date for the night,” Bimbo replied. “You mean you girls are still into that nonsense,” Sandra remarked and shook her head. “What else do you want? Do you want to be a millionaire?” I asked. “It is for the connections, my friends. Port-Harcourt has them and we need them,” Bimbo replied. “Accepted, but why would she think I took her partner,” I asked. “It was quite obvious she was all over Marvin at the club and cheaply too,” Sandra retorted, “It’s not so good after all.” “I take exceptions to you saying that. We all know what she’s like. It was Marvin’s fault,” Bimbo added. “And so what?” I said, getting angry. “It’s bullshit.” We dropped the issue and went to our rooms for a good night rest. I didn’t notice any light or sound from Sean’s bedroom so I just went straight into my room and lay on the bed, Marvin was somewhere close by, in my sub-consciousness. He was a leech and he has attached himself to me To be continued... What do you think will happen next???...
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 09:34:36 +0000

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