BECAUSE OF HER THE LAST SENTENCE SAID TO ME : YOU HAVE TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL AGAIN : OH MY GOD !!! . My professor said to me : If you cannot read the art , you have to go back to school again . Then more lessons will going to help you to read through images , through music and through pictures and so ... Oh all the time of my life that I passed been at school ! . No , I don’t want to be back again at school . So , then , Alicia Keys , tell me that I have right the way I read your art : What you wanted to say to us through that TABLEAU . …. BOOKS WITH BUZZ ARE ALL IN THE NET NAKED : Oh ladies and gentlemen , Alizia Keys is naked because she wanted to say to you so many things . Something like : Mamma Africa is calling then she answered as to say like she titled last album : I am a storyteller . Then we listen . Ah words , it’s people of the word have to make them out . Oh guys in Mali , The Dogon , they have said a lot . And NASA , with its genies had interpreted a lot . Bud me , I am really small to read all that Alizia Keys wanted to say to us : Can you help me ? . Oh yes , one size , it’s still talking about the history . Do you know Jean ? . Jean-Léonard Touadi is the first black depute of the Italian Republic , he started to work in the parliament on 2000 ! . Cecile is the first black Italian Minister , she come from Congo . Ah , Alizia Keys did not wanted to say only that . Oh yes , now it come in my mind . Do you know Blaise ?. Blaise Diagne is the first black depute of the France republic , he started been in the parliament doing his work on 1940 . Yes , in the name of God it was on nineteen forty … For Jean Leonard Touadi , I am not really sure the year he started been in the Italian parliament . Jean and Cecile Kyengue come from Congo . And the Saturday 27th of September 2014 Tevez had made a goal , it’s talking about foot ball , and this goal , he dedicated to people of Congo . Ah , Blaise Diagne come from Senegal . Ah may be Alizia Keys wanted to talk with us about Leopold Sedar Senghor ?. Ah then , on 1950 , Leopold Sedar Senghor were the first black minister in the French government. Loepold Sedar Senghor , he also come from Senegal . He was even born there , in Senegal , where Kunta Kinte come from . The reason why he became the first Senegalese president . After that , the west of Africa liberated itself from the French government . Ah , she wanted to talk with us about : All of them ?, been in the CARTIER LATIN , in the middle of Paris ! . Oh yes , all of them as Africains have done their study been in the universités of LE CARTIER LATIN avec tous ses bijoux qu’il a fait naitre , et qui sont aujourd’hui partout dans le monde ! . A Paris les Zoulous c’est FUNKY ) . Oh sorry Alizia Keys , bud I did not know the true and real messages you sent to us . Ah yes , it’s talking about this Sunday of 28th of September 2014 , while George Clooney were in Venetia to prepare tomorrow . Ah tomorrow mean that day he will going to celebrate his wedding ceremony : While in Paris , they were doing the big feast for the eighty years of Brigite Bardo , he have marked the history of the cinema , thanks to that beauty she had , on that time . Ah it’s about Mohamed Ali ? . On that day , in Africa , they were celebrating the forty years that Mohamed Ali were in Africa , there in Congo , for the big match , he were out like a winner , he were fighting against George Forman . And Ali had chosen Africa for that big match . Ah it take place in Congo . Now forty years are already gone . Ali , preparing this match , he got a friend that were suffering , a small and so young white boy . Ali , leave the place where he were training and go to find the boy. He is gone away after , after that Ali came to visit him. The last word of the boy , talking with Mohamed Ali was : Thank to you , I am sure to go to paradise. What then you wanted to talk about us ? Silvio Berlusconi is celebrating his seventy and eight years : Silvio is really old now , he have to give his place to the youth. Ah we are talking about this Monday 29th of June of the year 2014 . We are at Geneva , where a big number of Buzz family were born . And these we got that wonderful lady called Fabrizia Gianotti worked like an expert in a place called CERN . Did this name tell you something ? : Ah it’s talking about a very bid and so important thing : It’s there at CERN in Geneva that the WWW were born. The World Worldwide Web . That thank to that we are here to communicate with people of the world . The CERN , on this Monday is celebration it’s sixtieth years old . Then this Monday 29th of September is really a very big day . Oh , I am tired to try to interpret all the message that Alicia wanted to say to us. And because of you , Alicia , my sentence is : That I have to go to school. And I am really tired the way guys send me back to school telling to me : You have to learn more . Bud I am really sure that you wanted all of us , people of the world to open our eyes and look the present. We will be careful of the future. Bud me myself , been the marabou of all artists of the world . Ladies as artists like you , I have to answered to you to all of them as I always said : Naked like the hands are ( it depend on the weather !, been in Norway at Oslo in a month like December , Alicia Keys will not going to do like this ). Oh no , naked on that moment . On the legs too . Naked everywhere . Like the blackboard who is still in black color in Africa . Even at the time of the abusers and conquistadores , Africa , on the colonialist hand. Winners as modern machine they used . African did not realized what happen around the world. Time of : Modernism , we were not sleeping, it was and still be our way of life : Relax . The executer of the sentence is black now, even though we are in Europe, in America . Time change , power from the hand of these who seemed to be the biggest of the world . Look at them with all mistakes they have done ! , Talking about the past , in the past . Bud we , we are here to manage good the present. We , having Africa as our origin. We , as a colons , we are here to do nothing wrong. Ah , look at Alicia Keys ! . We , we did not come with bad intensions . Tattoo in white color covered all my body , your body , our body , the body of Alicia Keys too. Only love as subjects. Look at the body of Alicia , did you see gun ? . Do you see something like Enemies ?. Tell me the first thing that come in your mind then ?. Ladies and gentlemen like Alicia , I will say only to them , as ladies to talk to , me as a gentle man I look like , I will say to them : Eh ladies : You are the vest of my team. See you at Rome. Oh yes , it’s the Black Pope talking. Ah , oh , we Blacks , we are all warriors coming from Mamma Africa . …. Ni**er in Paris …. BOOKS WITH BUZZ ARE ALL IN THE NET . BUZZ SAID : MORE THAN HALF CENTURY HE USED TO BE UNDER LOOKING PEOPLE OF THE WORLD THE WAY THEY DO . WHILE YOU WERE DOING YOUR THINGS . BUZZ , AS AN URBAN ARTIST , IS HERE TO TELL YOU ALL THAT HE HAVE SEEN . OH LADIES AND GENTLEMEN . YOU HAVE TO READ BUZZ THEN HE WILL BE ABLE TO GO ON TELLING YOU ALL . TLIFE IS SHORT , HE SAID THAT HE HAVE TO GO SO FAST…. Visit Amazons PAPA AMADOU NDAO google Buzz is in amazon : that’s mean : The United States Of America , : That’s mean Canada , That’s mean Australia , That’s mean the United Kingdom , : That’s mean Spain , : That’s mean Japan , That ‘s mean Brazil ,…: That’s mean Mexico .. Buzz said that he had prepared million things for you . Why not to join him then ? . Seen he is here for you and you Books are in The NET : Get them and better Read them with your I pad , I pod , Android , Smartphone , Tablet , Blackberry , Mac , PC With All you get , between your legs . Oh sorry , form your hands Buzz wanted to say . It’s because they were reading articles that were talking about British deputies LA FETE C’EST ICI LES SUPPORTAIRES DE LA France IL FAUT VENIRE ACHETER LES PRDUITS DE LA BOUTIQUE « AMADOUER « : La Qualification
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 14:57:10 +0000

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