****BEWARE OF THIS SCAMMER ON FACE BOOK NAMED DAN KAYLAN***** I must share this in hopes it helps many woman and men. I had a scammer or Catfish (same thing) FRIEND me on Face Book a few weeks ago. I knew who and what he was from the beginning but I thought I would give him a taste of his own medicine. I may be wrong in my approach, but at the moment, I felt this was the best way to approach this situation. I messaged this liar DAN KAYLAN the long message below on FB. I know it will not stop him on preying on other women, but at least he knows he has messed with the wrong lady....me. These scammers are everywhere. I have encountered them on internet dating sites and now on Face Book. It is a shame. Here is the message I sent at 1:pm today after he called me from who knows where... HELLO MR. FOILED AND FAILED SCAMMER! .....DAN KAYLAN... You have stolen an innocent mans profile photo and you have been posing as this person on Face book. You say your name is DAN KAYLAN on Face Book. You are just a big lie and a scammer. How dare you even try to get to know me by sending me many FB messages, hoping I fall in love with you so in the near future you can try to manipulate me (scam me) out of thousands of dollars. I know that is the main objective of all scammers, and Im sure that is what your plan was with me...but I never even let you get that far because from the beginning I knew you were one of these scammers. I know many of you scammers are very young, as young as 15 and you sit in so-called boiler rooms in some 3rd world country (mostly Nigeria) and work online 8 hours a day scamming people. That is your job. Everything is scripted. You search for women you think are lonely and desperate. Then, you try to isolate them. You need to have better SCAMMING training because I am neither lonely, desperate or wealthy. You cannot ever take or have anything from or of me...not my Spirit, not one penny nor one peso! You did take my time from me because I permitted that so I could play your game from the start... it was worth it. I was prepared and played your game!!! I was on to you the moment I saw your profile and even more when you FIRST messaged me on Face Book. So, I decided to give you a taste of your own medicine. You saw my faith by my posts and thought you could enter my life by you ACTING as a Christian. How dare you impress upon me that you are a Christian when you are quite the opposite. How dare you quote scripture from the sacred Bible to me when you are a phony, a liar and a scammer (lousy one, I may add). A Christian would not be a SCAMMER and do what you do to women. I ask God to forgive you for all the women you have scammed. I wonder how many lives you have ruined. You will pay the consequences in the afterlife. So nice of you to call me this morning for the first time (you fell into my trap. I was hoping you would call, and I knew you would). Soon as you uttered one word to me on the phone I picked up on your accent...I knew you were Nigerian and a scammer. That is why I wanted you to call me. I asked you to call me so I could confirm what I already knew. GOTCHA!!! You are the stupid one! You are not even a good scammer. I will NOT tell you all the mistakes you made which let me know what you really are which is a Nigerian scammer because then you will change/try to improve your mode of operation. I will not give you any ammunition to prey on other women. I am very experienced...many have tried to scam me over the past 4 years in online dating and I foiled every one of them. Now several have tried on Face Book. Now, I can add you (whatever your real name is) to the list. You have messed with the wrong lady....me. God is always on my side. I have been blessed with the gift of DISCERNMENT OF THE SPIRIT. Immediately I knew what you were and are (A WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING)....not any different than Satan himself (I do not give Satan any credibility for he is nothing to me, as you are nothing to me!!!!!!) I know a scammers main objective is to make a lady fall in love with them and then you try to get thousands of dollars from the lady by manipulation and brain-washing. The other word to describe what you try to do is CATFISH. So go back to where ever you came from and crawl back into your pitiful, poo, insignificant and sad life. Never contact me again in any way shape of form. Have a nice day !
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 22:18:29 +0000

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