(BUT) The Bible says, “(IF) YE BE WILLING & OBEDIENT” (Is. - TopicsExpress


(BUT) The Bible says, “(IF) YE BE WILLING & OBEDIENT” (Is. 1:19)…. ~ Got a lot of disobedient folks who want the blessings of God, favor of God, the benefits of God, but lacks (total & authentic) faithfulness, reverence, commitment, don’t want to be obedient; when God sends a word to purge & correct: perceptions, behavior, mindsets, and bring to our attention that which is out of order or lacking among us (individually & corporately) ~ INSTEAD OF “changing and performing that which God requires” your manifesting a rebellious spirit, and want to call it obedience, the way, right, light, want to speak in tongues as if you’ve been obeying God! Want to speak life into someone else as if you got a word from the Lord. Want to get mad, react out of flesh and shoot the messenger of God down (rather than repent / change)…want to hide behind “well I’ve been in ministry for such and such years, have this or that experience”… But with a rebellious spirit comes a rebellious house, and with association of the rebellious comes transference: transferring that same spirit, mindset, rhetoric. Got a lot of folks sacrificing money, time, resources, even their lives, but don’t want to be obedient! *Want to be heard, BUT disobedient *Want to give counsel, BUT disobedient *Want to preach, BUT disobedient *Want to lead, BUT disobedient *Want to teach, BUT disobedient *Want folks to attend or/ & join your church, BUT your disobedient *Want to write & publish a spiritual book, BUT disobedient *Want to hold prayer meeting; prayer lines and want folks to call in (and be prophetic), BUT disobedient! *Want carry out the great commission, BUT disobedient *Want to lay hands on folks, ordain, cast out demons, and carry out revivals, YET DISOBEDIENT!... and after all that GOD HAS SAID….return from conferences, convocations, grand meetings and gatherings, AND STILL DISOBEDIENT!!!! Many are functioning in ministry, and folks are just caught up “in the activities” (works), BUT got that same spirit that was in Saul (that ancient rebellious spirit)~ After that God already given you a word, assignment, purpose, responsibility, task… you want to do what you want to do….. in the name of or for God ~ But I heard the prophet Samuel say, “Obedience is better than sacrifice”…“and to give heed than the fat of rams. For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry… (I Sam. I5:22, 23) “God is stirring the atmosphere within the body to set in order that which is lacking….”
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 02:47:57 +0000

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