"Babies and children have an innate natural ability to bring - TopicsExpress


"Babies and children have an innate natural ability to bring themselves back to balance after upsets, frustrations, frights, exhaustion, over-stimulation, or even trauma. Children re-balance through their play, through laughter, through closeness and affection. And another, less understood, way that they achieve this re-balancing is through crying! "As long as someone who loves them can care for them, accept their expression and give them messages of holding and support, children literally can offload stress, frustrations, shock and even trauma from their nervous system through releasing cries. Babies and children instinctively know what they need and they seek it. There is always a need being communicated through the baby or child’s crying and one of the less known or understood, but hugely essential, needs IS their need to release stress through in-arms cries. ..... "Crying is an instinctive physiological releasing mechanism. It kicks in when our bodies reach the point of overload. We’ve all had moments where the stress has become too much and we’ve just broken down and cried. Assuming we haven’t felt rejected or shamed for crying, that crying is generally a huge relief and allows us to think clearly again. "For little kids whose feelings are allowed and supported, big feelings don’t become a big problem, they feel, they express, they’re happy again, calm settled and back to balance and ready to play, eat, sleep, whatever their next most important physiological need may be. "When parents really begin to grasp the concept that their child’s cries actually have an incredibly positive side to them, parents are somewhat freed from the impossible task of attempting to keep their child happy all the time. The parent is freed from guilt and inadequacy when their child is upset. When a parent begins to give their attention to really being with their child in their upset rather than working hard to try and fix it or talk their child out of being upset or rearranging their child’s world to avoid their upset, parents generally notice that this presence and acceptance of their feelings was just exactly what their child needed all along. (click the link for full article)" ~ Genevieve
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 04:53:20 +0000

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