©Back when I was a little fella my father and I used to tag team - TopicsExpress


©Back when I was a little fella my father and I used to tag team the yard work…sort of. He would cut and trim the front yard and make it nice and presentable and in step with all of the others in our neighborhood. The front yard was small with one tree in the middle in what could only be constituted as a fairly simple task. Each time he cut and trimmed it, it would take that dude on average 25 minutes tops and it only took that long when he stopped and drank a glass of iced tea. I on the other hand…was left to deal with…the backyard. The backyard was a challenge and I promise you it was three times the size of the front yard. Now not only was it three times as big but it was also on an incline which meant half of the yard was cut going uphill. In addition, the backyard had three trees, a clothesline, hedges and a fence. All of these things made the job that much more of a challenge. But while I used to cringe every single time I looked and saw the grass grow an inch or two…my father never did. Once before going out to tackle the backyard again, I complained. My father overheard it and responded by asking, “What are you out there running your mouth complaining about?” I remember sheepishly replying, “The backyard is so much bigger and there are so many other things back here that make getting this done harder.” He came closer and said, “Look around; you got a lawn mower, a rake, a trimmer and plastic bags. He paused and said, “It might be a challenge but if you stop all that fussing for just a minute, you will see that I have given you everything you need to get the job done.” *** At different stages of all of our lives we all find ourselves faced with a variety of challenging situations and circumstances. They don’t discriminate and come from any area and oftentimes arrive at points when we least expect them. But while we find ourselves in places of life that can only be characterized as challenging…our FATHER never cringes. HE never cringes and here’s something else friend…if we stop running our mouths, complaining and fussing and take a minute to look around we will see that no matter how large the challenge may be…our FATHER has given us everything we need…to get the job done!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 18:51:58 +0000

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