::Bad News About Belly Fat:: In spite of all those television - TopicsExpress


::Bad News About Belly Fat:: In spite of all those television ads, when men consider their declining quality of life as they get older, they might do well to blame their beer bellies, and not their testosterone levels. In fact, results of a new study from Denmark show that the bigger the belly, the lower mens quality of life. Researchers from Odense University Hospital asked 598 Danish men ages 60 to 74 about their enjoyment and activities of daily living using a questionnaire that measures general health, including ability to perform physical tasks, pain, vitality, social functioning and emotional and mental health. The investigators also measured the men’s body fat, including their belly fat, and reported that 40 percent of study participants were obese. They also checked each man’s testosterone levels and found them only modestly associated with quality of life. Belly fat, also called visceral or intra-abdominal fat, is located deep in the abdomen surrounding internal organs. This is the type of fat tissue associated with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer and premature death
Posted on: Tue, 06 May 2014 13:38:16 +0000

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