“Barack and I have forged a personal friendship. There is - TopicsExpress


“Barack and I have forged a personal friendship. There is openness with which we talk, we can talk comfortably over phone, joke with each other… This chemistry has not only brought me and Barack close, or Washington and Delhi nearer, but also the people of the two countries,” Modi said, with Barack looking on, and smiling. Obama quipped that “Modi gets less sleep than me,” triggering a volley of laughter. Talking openly, resolving differences, joking with each other, and smiling naturally. This is the way to go for natural partners, and this hopefully should be the new normal high in the India-US relationship. No time for Mr Modi to lose sleep; the big deal is done. - See more at: indiawrites.org/diplomacy/modi-obama-bonding-the-new-normal-high-in-india-us-relations/#sthash.1Ek6Reut.dpuf
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 08:38:31 +0000

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