“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ― - TopicsExpress


“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ― Mahatma Gandhi Be patent and sympathetic. Judge yourself and you’re past emotions before you judge another’s. Do things methodically. The struggles we have In life are there to help us learn; not so we can get stuck in a state of despair. Bad things want you in a state of despair to create more negative emotions for others to spread. If you could kill cancer with a thought of happiness, would you? If you could abolish negative emotions with a choice to do so, would you? “Its all about you’re choice and you’re will.” If you want to; you can. Yes, its easier to give into negative emotions than to change your perspective completely. This is true for the same reason people smoke. You’re used to doing so. Its habit. You feel good cause its something that you feel like you can control. Bad feelings create more bad just like good creates more good. Make a stand to put down negative emotions and spread positive emotion. Listen to you’re heart. What makes you happy will make others happy around you. If not, then they need more examples or you need to find other people to be happy with. Don’t help anyone until your sure it wont have a negative impact on you. If their negative emotions are bringing you down, don’t condone it by letting them hurt you more. Not everyone is ready to learn at the same time. Do what it takes so you keep you’re good emotions; its what we work for in life……not money!!! Money is secondary compared to happiness. Money will never bring you inner peace and true happiness, only love, will and perception can. Don’t be cancer to yourself and others around you. Kill your cancers, kill others cancers, Make the world cancer free. Don’t do things you disagree with because others are doing it too. Be your own person and other will follow you to be their own person. If you make yourself hard to be hurt you make yourself harder to be loved. No real man ever said suck it up and deal with it. A real man says embrace all emotions good and bad, Take your passion and turn it into something no one else can, Take your lessons and learn from them. You paid for them with heartache; don’t let your heart down by pretending they don’t exits. Pull the knife out of you’re broken heart, study it and hang it on the wall as a reminder of you’re battles, understand how it got there, appreciate the lesson and move on so it can heal. Deal with everything as it comes. Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can change today. Be humble be proud. The only thing stopping us from becoming what we want is our “will.” NEVER feel like you don’t have a choice. Choice is you’re only true freedom. Don’t impose your will on others. live by example if you want to make a change. Good things take time. The longer it takes to build, the more appreciation you will have. Once we appreciate all things for what they are; good and bad. Is the day we evolve into the greatest creatures imaginable. Their are laws in nature that we perceive to be true. We perceive things to be true so they are. Change your perception and you change your truth. The truth is, you create your own reality. We need Love and hate to understand. Once we understand this is when we truly pick a side. A little secret…… Don’t pick hate it will always loose the greatest battles of all time Respect everything….. Have Good morning. Have a Great day. Have a Wonderful night. Not because it is, but because you can. Live a happy life with no regrets. Die a happy life with no regrets. Learn from the past. live in the present. look forward to the future.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 18:18:23 +0000

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