“Best Friend of mine, May I with You tonight in my heart - TopicsExpress


“Best Friend of mine, May I with You tonight in my heart dine; Best, best Friend of mine, In You, Your love in me is o so sublime.” Dear Father God, by the hand of Your gracious Son, Jesus Christ, may the edifice of my soul become Your permanent abode, and my heart Your living vine, and my mind the working assembly of Your truth and liberty. I humbly ask, LORD Jesus, that the love You effortlessly exude, in endless and generous quantities, find an artist’s liberty to complete the canvas of my heart and that of Your church. May my life and will yield, in full and unrestrained measure, to the perfect brushstrokes and texture of Your love. I ask that the scaffolding of my faith, that which holds this entire structure of clay erect, take the shape and dimensions of Your munificence, being the very substance of all good things hoped for, and prevail always as the expression and accomplishment of Your will. Heavenly Father, my eyes turn upward and heavenward, relentlessly alert and vigilant for Your visit and approach, unblinkingly offering the windows of my soul wide open for You to pray enter. May this imploring invitation, and humble gesture, usher in Your most desired Holy Presence, that You may travel every contour and chamber and courtyard of my spirit, heart, mind, soul and body, from their very beginning to their very end. In this, Your temple, I ask that You leave no ally overlooked, nor horizon absent from scrutiny, that all that I am may rejoice at Your touch and share in the benevolence of Your indwelling. I pray, LORD, as You dwell in the courts of this quarter of Your creation, that by Your grace, You transform this unfinished assembly of clay into a finished vessel worthy of being graced with the privilege and patronage of such an esteemed and royal Resident. In the ongoing demonstration of Your open-handed bounty, may the labours and efforts of the instruments and servants of my tongue and hands, in both the choice and selection of every word framed, formed and uttered, as well as every deed performed, observe Your perfectly crafted constructs love and truth. Under the unction and operation of Your Holy Spirit, may all that I am, and all that Your church is, through the power of Your illumination and annointing, be used for setting the captives free. And adding one service of love unto another, may they not only be a permanent window into the most virtuous treasures of Your heart, mind, spirit and soul, but in their daily expression, through Your conducting hand, and as the living sacrifice that You have called us to be, always be an assembly and demonstration of love, Your love. “Thou hast made us for Thyself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee.” AUGUSTINE JOHN 15:1,4,5 "I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser." "Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing."
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 09:00:07 +0000

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