Big Boy- URGENT KENNEL NEEDED PLEASE!- IS a dog NO ONE wants..He - TopicsExpress


Big Boy- URGENT KENNEL NEEDED PLEASE!- IS a dog NO ONE wants..He has no luck.!.He is a hunting dog, one of the most inteligent dogs Ive EVER met...We took him from the gypsey camp as they no longer wanted him as he was full of sarna and had hundreds of fleas...his coat was almost gone and he looked terribly sad...We found out he had a chip...I phoned his owner in Alentejo...thunking he´d be happy as his stolen dog has appeared...a real bastard who told me he would immediately come get him...HE NEVER DID.. doesnt answer the phone....then came the we report it? As its abandonment...? We decided against it as we were scared he would then kill him...failing to get him an owner we placed him with a gypsey that I TRUST .One that lives outside the gypsey camp in a little humble home...where he has another 3 dogs...He has been there since summer...he is well looked after as I take food twice a month...Big Boy sometimes would sleep with the gypsey or in the small back yard...but the gypsey boy had to leave for big boy and the other 3 dogs now roam free opposite the tiny house in the campo...they are OK as the neighbour is a Portuguese old lady who loves dogs and who ive helped many times....she makes SURE she feeds them and they always have water...if they need medication I take them to the vet...but the 4 of them have NO SHELTER and winter is here...I took them 1 kennel last week...where the 3 small ones can fit... but big boy has NO breaks my heart...PLEASE has anyone got a BIG kennel that you can donate? I really really would appreciate it...AND IF anyone would like to give him a home...I would be delighted...he is safe, has food and water and medical care...but I feel he REALLY DESERVES MORE....but if not possible, at least I´d like to see him warm and dry for winter.! THANK YOU !!! Isabel Searle xx
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 02:21:35 +0000

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