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Bing Accedi Web Immagini Video Notizie Mappe Traduttore Altro Inglese Inglese Dear Heavenly Father, I want to thank you that I am fearfully and wonderfully made in your glorious image. The doctors have diagnosed me with Lyme disease. I don’t want to embrace this diagnosis as something that I will live with forever. Lord, it says in your word that Jesus came to defeat sickness. Where man says there is no way, God can make a way for healing. The human body is an amazing work of art and science. Lord, you breathed life into my lungs and I am alive today because of you. Please touch my body again. Breathe fresh life into my lungs and expel all sickness and disease that is attempting to halt whatever mission you have planned for me. Lord, I need a miracle. This illness has affected my central nervous system, my joints and my muscles. As a point of contact, I will touch every area on my body that needs healing. You know the areas inside my body that also need to be healed, Lord. Please touch those for me. In the name of Jesus I command this infection to leave my body. I will not experience any more joint pain or discomfort. I will not experience numbness, weakness or swelling anymore in any area of my body. My heart will beat strong and in with a regular rhythm. There will be no swelling of my brain or any tissue around it. My liver will function normally and clean out toxins from my body without any issues. Give me the joy of the Lord as that will renew me and strengthen me. I will not embrace this sickness. I promise to speak life and not death over my body. When I get discouraged remind me of all the blessings you have provided for me. Help me to cling to the miracles that are happening in my body in places that I cannot see. In your word it says that we need to go by faith, not sight. So, I promise to do just that. In the meantime, I commit to filling my body with nutrient-dense foods that will build my body up, not tear it down. Lord, help me to reduce the un-needed stress in my life by saying no to things that I need to say no to. Help me to get deep sleep at night. Bless my visits with the doctor. I am expecting improvements in my health every time it is monitored. Even if the improvements are small, I will praise you for every good thing. In Jesus’ name, I praise you for all you have done and all you are doing in my body and around the world, Amen.” Author: Julia Shalom Jordan Prayer should never be a substitute for receiving adequate medical attention. Please pray for yourself in addition to getting searching for proper treatment of any medical condition. shalombewithyou does not assume any responsibility for any personal decisions or choices make by its readers. Help Dear Heavenly Father, I want to thank you that I am fearfully and wonderfully made in your glorious image. The doctors have diagnosed me with Lyme disease. I don’t want to embrace this diagnosis as something that I will live with forever. Lord, it says in your word that Jesus came to defeat sickness. Where man says there is no way, God can make a way for healing. The human body is an amazing work of art and science. Lord, you breathed life into my lungs and I am alive today because of you. Please touch my body again. Breathe fresh life into my lungs and expel all sickness and disease that is attempting to halt whatever mission you have planned for me. Lord, I need a miracle. This illness has affected my central nervous system, my joints and my muscles. As a point of contact, I will touch every area on my body that needs healing. You know the areas inside my body that also need to be healed, Lord. Please touch those for me. In the name of Jesus I command this infection to leave my body. I will not experience any more joint pain or discomfort. I will not experience numbness, weakness or swelling anymore in any area of my body. My heart will beat strong and in with a regular rhythm. There will be no swelling of my brain or any tissue around it. My liver will function normally and clean out toxins from my body without any issues. Give me the joy of the Lord as that will renew me and strengthen me. I will not embrace this sickness. I promise to speak life and not death over my body. When I get discouraged remind me of all the blessings you have provided for me. Help me to cling to the miracles that are happening in my body in places that I cannot see. In your word it says that we need to go by faith, not sight. So, I promise to do just that. In the meantime, I commit to filling my body with nutrient-dense foods that will build my body up, not tear it down. Lord, help me to reduce the un-needed stress in my life by saying no to things that I need to say no to. Help me to get deep sleep at night. Bless my visits with the doctor. I am expecting improvements in my health every time it is monitored. Even if the improvements are small, I will praise you for every good thing. In Jesus’ name, I praise you for all you have done and all you are doing in my body and around the world, Amen.” Author: Julia Shalom Jordan Prayer should never be a substitute for receiving adequate medical attention. Please pray for yourself in addition to getting searching for proper treatment of any medical condition. shalombewithyou does not assume any responsibility for any personal decisions or choices make by its readers. Help 2684/5000 PronunciaInterrompi Cancella tutto Traduci Italiano Caro Padre celeste, Voglio ringraziare voi che io sono paurosamente e meravigliosamente fatto a tua immagine gloriosa. I medici mi hanno diagnosticato con la malattia di Lyme. Non voglio abbracciare questa diagnosi come qualcosa che vivrò con per sempre. Signore, si dice nella tua parola che Gesù è venuto per sconfiggere la malattia. Dove uomo dice che non non cè nessun modo, Dio può fare una strada per la guarigione. Il corpo umano è una sorprendente opera darte e scienza. Signore, si respirava la vita nei miei polmoni e sono vivo oggi grazie a te. Toccare nuovamente il mio corpo. Respirare la vita fresca nei miei polmoni ed espellere tutte le malattia e la malattia che sta tentando di fermare qualunque missione hai progettato per me. Signore, ho bisogno di un miracolo. Questa malattia ha colpito il mio sistema nervoso centrale, mie articolazioni e i muscoli. Come punto di contatto, toccherà ogni zona sul mio corpo che ha bisogno di guarigione. Sai le aree allinterno del mio corpo che ha anche bisogno di essere guarito, Signore. Si prega di toccare quelle per me. Nel nome di Gesù io comando questa infezione a lasciare il mio corpo. Sperimento non più comune dolore o disagio. Sperimento non intorpidimento, debolezza o gonfiore piu in qualsiasi zona del mio corpo. Il mio cuore battere forte e con un ritmo regolare. Non ci sarà nessun gonfiore del mio cervello o qualsiasi tessuto intorno ad esso. Il mio fegato farà funzionare normalmente e pulire le tossine dal mio corpo senza problemi. Dammi la gioia del Signore come che mi rinnoveranno e rafforzare in me. Non abbraccerà questa malattia. Prometto di parlare di vita e non morte sopra il mio corpo. Quando ho scoraggiato mi ricordano tutte le benedizioni che ci avete fornito per me. Aiutami ad aggrapparsi ai miracoli che stanno succedendo nel mio corpo in luoghi che non riesco a vedere. Nella tua parola dice che dobbiamo andare dalla fede, non a vista. Così, ti prometto di fare proprio questo. Nel frattempo, affido al mio corpo di riempimento con alimenti nutrienti che accumulano il mio corpo, non abbattere. Signore, mi aiutano a ridurre lo stress non necessario nella mia vita dicendo no a cose che ho bisogno di dire di no. Mi aiutano a ottenere un sonno profondo durante la notte. Benedica mio visite con il medico. Mi aspetto miglioramenti nella mia salute ogni volta viene monitorato. Anche se i miglioramenti sono piccoli, io ti lodi per ogni cosa buona. Nel nome di Gesù, ti lodo per tutto quello che avete fatto e tutto quello che state facendo nel mio corpo e tutto il mondo, Amen. Autore: Julia Shalom Jordan Preghiera non dovrebbe mai essere un sostituto per ricevere adeguate cure mediche. Per favore pregate per voi stessi oltre che sta cercando un adeguato trattamento di qualsiasi condizione medica. shalombewithyou
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 18:36:28 +0000

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