>>>Bishop’s Weed (Ajwain) Benefits:- Bishop’s weed benefits - TopicsExpress


>>>Bishop’s Weed (Ajwain) Benefits:- Bishop’s weed benefits in relieving abdominal discomfort caused by digestive ailments like dyspepsia, flatulence, diarrhea, cholera, etc. In addition, it helps in the natural treatment of sore throat, cough, rheumatic inflammation, anorexia, worm infestation, spleen disorders, and so on. Bishop’s weed or Ajwain is a hot, pungent, and bitter spice with smell similar to that of thyme. The variety of this herb with small seeds is considered best for medicinal purposes. Scientific Name: Trachyspermum ammi Sprague, Carum copticum Hiern, Sison ammi L. Other Names: Ammi, Ajowan, Carom seeds, Ajowan caraway, Adiowan, Indischer Kümmel, Sisone, Aiova, Phak chi, Ajawa, Jawain, Javano, Joan, Yavan, Juani, Vamu, Omum, Ajowain >>>Chinese Hibiscus Benefits:- Chinese Hibiscus benefits in dealing with ailments like arterial hypertension, heart problems, diabetes, burning sensation during urination, menstrual disorders, cough, fever, and so on. It is used in traditional Chinese medicine, in particular. The herb helps control dandruff, seborrhea, and hair fall as well. Hence, it works as an effective tonic for hair and scalp. Moreover, Chinese Hibiscus is also cultivated as an ornamental plant. It is the national flower of Malaysia. Scientific Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Other Names: China Rose, Rosa Mallow, Shoe Flower, Rosa de China, Zhu jin, Japakusuma, Japapushpam, Jasum, Jaba, Gurhar, Sembaruthi, Chemparathy, Bunga Raya >>>Mustard Benefits:- Mustard benefits in boosting the metabolism and stimulating blood circulation. Moreover, it is considered good for heart and decongestion of blocked sinuses. Mustard oil has excellent warming properties and is hence, used in massages to comfort stiff muscles. Mustard seeds are available in different varieties, of which three are most common. They are white, brown and black. Black mustard seeds are the most pungent. The herb is also used for culinary purposes as a condiment. Scientific Name: Brassica nigra Other Names: Black Mustard, Mostaza Negra, Schwarzer Senf, Senape Nera, Kali Sarson, Kali Rai, Sharsha, Krishnasarshapa, Sorisa, Asuri, Avalu, KAdugu >>>Chili Benefits:- Chili benefits the health by burning toxins from the colon. Moreover, regular consumption of chilies reduces the amount of insulin required by the body and hence, helps lower blood sugar levels after eating. Chilies have a hot, pungent flavor as they contain a substance called capsaicin. The herb has sweet and hotter varieties. Thus, chili has a stronger and more pungent flavor than chili pepper, also known as capsicum. Scientific Name: Capsicum frutescens, Capsicum annuum Other Names: Chilli, Chile, Chili pepper, Bell pepper, Sweet pepper, Pod pepper, Red Pepper, Spanish Pepper, Africa pepper, American pepper, Paprika, Kambuzi pepper, Bird’s Eye chili, Lal mirch, Mirchi, Marcha, Milagai >>>Papaya Benefits:- Fruit of the angels, that is, papaya benefits in the natural treatment of dyspepsia, constipation, burns, rashes, ringworm, bleeding piles, osteoarthritis, and it helps prevent atherosclerosis, heart disease, diabetes, and so on. Apart from the fruit, the leaves, seeds, and latex of this herbaceous plant also have therapeutic properties. Papaya fruit is usually yellow, greenish yellow or orange in color. It is sweet, musky, juicy and contains many black seeds that are also edible but bitter in taste. Scientific Name: Carica papaya Other Names: Papaw, Pawpaw, Tree Melon, Mugua, Lechosa, Malako, Papaia, Papaye, Mamón, Papita, Parisha, Penpe, Pappali Dr Faridaa Kkhan fitnfine.net
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 17:29:45 +0000

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