#Blunt14 I should have been expelled from school long ago. In - TopicsExpress


#Blunt14 I should have been expelled from school long ago. In my secondary school I had a group of notorious friends. I was notorious too. Some days we would leave home, but wont near the gate of the school. We turned the game house to our own classroom. Though many a time policemen raided game houses to fish out students, we normally escaped. Even whenever we were in the class, we formed the habit of playing gamble with figures on the naira notes. I was good at that and it was a way to make quick money. Sometimes I lose some money, but must cases I went home a smiling boy. We were later caught and the teachers threatened to take it up. Our luck was that we had sons of our head tutor in the gang. So when we were asked to call names out, I quickly added their names too. The two guys saved of from being expelled. The case died a natural death. We continued our mischief. We turned to football and we gambled almost throughout our stay in the school. But this didnt tell on our results, at least most of us. Weve mastered the act of passing exams; we feed ourselves in the examination hall. We strategised our sitting positions and weve recognised the strength of different individuals. I was particularly efficient in economics, english and literature. We had a guru in maths. I hated maths, so I made him my best friend in the examination hall. We had other friends too who were exceptional in some areas. With the joint efforts no way we could fail and there was no need for sleepless nights. Everyone understood his role without any explanation. For the tutorial centre we convinced our parents to pay for, we were only there to see girls. The moment we realised that the girls were not beautiful again or reduced and we sighted another happening lesson, that particular lesson would be doomed. One after the other, we would be leaving the lesson until no single of us remained there. But there was this incident that changed me in particular. How we didnt get caught and expelled only God could tell. I saw that as the last opportunity to drop my waywardness. We went to play football as usual. So after the game we went inside the bush to clean up and used the privilege to pick some corns. I think that was not the first time we actually picked corns. We didnt know teachers were paying attention to the movement of the leafs. Suddenly, they rounded us and arranged us to the staff room. Though they didnt see the corns with us, we were dealt with seriously. They searched all our bags, but forget to check the particular bag we put the corns. That act of forgetfulness saved of from being expelled. Though you cannot really blame us; we the students did the plantings and they were the only ones reaping the reward. We only thought of taken our share smartly; we didnt mean to steal what we planted. Seasons greetings from me to you all.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 13:45:26 +0000

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